
Cali Chica

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  • in reply to: Self Trust and More #302631
    Cali Chica

    Wow just wow! Morocco is one of my FAVORITE PLACES IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! I will elaborate more on that one day.

    I knew it! I knew you had a unique background. And I don’t want this to sound strange but omg the beauty! Moroccan and Romanian wow exquisite. Oh Anita I feel even more true “affection”  towards you – I also feel a closeness to you further than before knowing that you have cultural understanding from an “ethnic” or immigrant perspective as well.

    Wow – I feel amazed and I feel a nice sweetness.

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302625
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    for crying out loud, you don’t need that headache

    Is right. That’s it. I don’t. The only reason I will go is out of obligation and friendship. I’m not sure if you read my post before this as it pasted at the same time as your reply. It starts with “I’ll read your reply”

    I don’t need any headache Anita. No one else’s at least – I have my own daily (lol again)

    Please remind me again when necessary –that I don’t need external headaches will you? Thanks in advance!!

    And yes another reminder of how people can be kind and good friends, but still selfish in the sense of getting their needs met in any way without regards to shame and guilt.

    So much shame and guilt I have to relinquish!

    I’ll continue with whatever flows.

    So I think it’s ridiculous that people just do whatever they want. God. But we talked about it before Anita the concept of them “getting away with it.” It’s useless way to see it.

    More importantly is the concept of shifting focus. Not acting like idiot teenagers for God’s sake!!!

    But the shame Anita oh the shame! My mother planted the shame and guilt tree deep didn’t she? Everything guilt and shame. Don’t answer a text – guilt. Don’t attend an event – guilt.

    Yes I am working on it. I think a key is the exprirement. Just like the one with mean lady doc.

    Do it and see what happens. Ta da!

    Nothing! You didn’t feel so bad after all did you. Perhaps with this practice and NOT explaining myself , just doing (such as simply not answering S phone calls and being distant on text and not involved or enthusiastic) is key.

    Just do it

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302615
    Cali Chica

    I’ll read your reply, in the mean time I thought about how my anger at S and wedding is probably anger at the stupid culture of these weddings – and how it doesn’t actually value anything. If she or other brides valued friends ore than the production – they wouldn’t pick such expensive hotels.

    So the whole wedding aspect of my culture I think I am disgusted at – and S and her wedding planning shows me that more and more.

    Also reminds me of how I time and again put the needs of others before myself. My husband same if not more. We would NEVER ever send an email like that. My in laws would feel so shameful as well. They would say “if we have the money to throw such a big wedding – we surely have the money to make it easier on many of our guests.” Thinking of others before themselves.

    S email just reminds me of how most people don’t think about others. She didn’t have shame and guilt sending that ridiculous email. Why? So many people do that for Indian weddings. Who cares! But I would care. It just shows how people continue to do what suits them and makes their lives easier and have no concern how that looks or affects others.

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302607
    Cali Chica

    Yes, what do you think about my explanation of S To you in regards to her wedding (and cultural context) and the edit I made explaining the $350 hotel?

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302599
    Cali Chica

    So Anita,

    Background of Indian weddings. Everyone has these huge elaborate weddings with over 400 people over 100k expense. When I say everyone I mean in the community I’m in which is middle to upper middle class.

    It sounds horrible and pretentious but not always so. It’s just that the parents save up so they can throw their kids these grand events and the invite all their friends. In our culture the weddings are more for the “family.” For parents to invite the whole community etc.

    I know I’m also so jaded bc I can’t freaking go to any more weddings mentally after mine. When I say I can’t I mean don’t want to(Indian ones). We have 5 weddings this summer. Anita one summer we had 8. This summer only 2 Indian out of the 5. The others will be more chill and laid back – and I wont be actively Involved per se because they are my husband’s friends.

    So the reason for this nonsense. Well Anita it’s your best friends wedding (well very close friend; my first best friend is My husband and sister and dog lol). So you support in every way.

    Oh and to clarify when you go to the wedding you usually stay at the hotel for one night since it ends late. The comments about the $350 hotel are in regards to the cost of the hotel at her venue. The anger comes from- you have enough money to invite 600 people to your wedding. But not enough to find a more appropriate hotel accommodation for guests that’s not $350. In fact in this scenario my father in law would say. Why don’t we invite 100 less people and pay for the hotel rooms of our close guests so that they are not burdened by this cost to attend OUR wedding. That’s courtesy.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302589
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    How dare you (parrot) take away my most precious moments. I was on the cliffs of one of the most spectacular beach scenes of my life. Getting proposed to. PROPOSED!!!

    And I was not present. Where was my mind?! With you of course. You stole it and never gave it back. You don’t own me. You are a small stupid troll that takes and takes- and you never gave me back.

    I always have said you wanted me to have wings, but clipped them so I could not fly.

    I am so damn sick and tired of explaining this analogy to idiots. To idiots and friends who are like oh my. Shut the f up. I don’t want to hear your commentary. You’re all stupid. Stupid and inexperienced in my trauma. Does that make me better than you? No. But does it make me more experienced, Insightful, stronger, and smarter. Yes. Absolutely yes.
    That’s why I only want to talk to a few people now who are equally strong and smart. Not dumb idiots who sit around pondering the weather.
    So no S, I don’t care where you have your welcome party. When you ask me for reccs I don’t care to give you any. Do I know some. Yes. But your wedding is the last thing that i want to be Concerned about. I hate myself for even caring about it. I want to only care about me. I don’t want to be your right hand girl – friend and confidante. No. I don’t. Did I want you to be that for me. Yes. And were you? Yes.
    But I am not obligated to do the same!!!! Make me want to scream. You never asked me to do anything – you never would. But it’s me!!! I put this pressure on me to give you attention and be Involved in this happy time in your life. But every time it comes up I cringe. You don’t do anything to involve me directly or annoy me extremely – but it’s still so damn annoying!!!
    I don’t think you (S) have a clue about anything. You talk a big game. Oh you would never want to get married at a hotel, you much prefer a more unique venue. Oh and you want this and that.
    And look what you chose for your May 2020 wedding. A place that’s none of that. So no you’re not different or special or unique.

    Your stupid email almost a year in advance about how the hotel rooms are expensive and you want a rough headcount?! Umm who knows where they’re going to be staying for a wedding almost 12 months away. And if you’re so big on making your wedding chill and Fun – then why don’t you pick a chill fun hotel that’s not $350 a night. Ya unsubscribe to that email.
    How cheap you are when it comes to your own life. And you expect US your guests to pay allthat for YOU just to attend YOUR wedding?! Get the hell out of here.
    As each aspect of your wedding is told to me – the more I feel annoyed by you – when you called the other day I was filled with dread. Do you think I have time for you and your unawareness. How you’re on a budget but parents want to Invite 600 people to the wedding, fine I know our culture – but you expect guests to stay at a hotel that’s over $330 per night.

    Yes I can afford it but I don’t want to. I DONT WANT TOOOOOOOO AAAAHHHHH
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302577
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I read your response after I already posted above. It made me smile from deep down inside, makes me want to go to a wine store and buy the most citrus full wine and add a perfect sliver of orange. Take a big gulp and breathe and type feverishly! Oh how I love this. Oh and I’ve done this many times to you – not sure which and when. But a handful of times at least! When I can do this again (at home or at a wine bar etc) I will surely use the opportunity to express more loosely 🙂 I’ll continue after your response to the above

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302575
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    You (mother) never valued my emotions. You made me into this strong almighty being but you’re stupid and disgusting. A stupid prostitute that had an affair your disgusting outfits and make up – clown like!

    How did you teach me anything! It’s like a dumb uneducated whore taking her daughter to Harvard Interviews and acting like she has a clue what she’s doing and what life is about. How disgusting.

    I literally terrorize my mind daily 100000 times per day – yet you sleep soundly. You with your stupid body that you think is gods gift to men – just a mush of fat. The stretch marks you so “charmingly” remind my sister and I were the result of her sacrifice of motherhood. Shut the hell up you idiot. Your stretch marks aren’t unique. And the fact that you never lost the baby weight is because you’re an unmotivated shell of a person that can do absolutely nothing. You have e done nothing in your life, zero progress. Co tributed nothing to the world. Congratulations for terrorizing me – do you want a diploma?!

    And how the hell do you dare not just put me down but an entire family (my husband’s) that is outside your own. Some nerve you have. Some nerve. You think you’re so innocent and unlucky and subdued. You’re a lion. Who the hell calls up strangers and barks orders at them like Donald Trump. Who do you think you are?!

    I remember shortly after I got married you mentioned you wanted to go on a vacation. Of course you did – that’s all you know how to do. I was kind of to discuss with you. Like a puppet fool. And your response is, I would ask you to come but I know you’ll be to busy with HIM.


    You f–ing idiot. That him is my husband. That person remember – that person you wanted me.to find my whole entire life. Would terrorize me about in my 20s and harass and threaten me about. Oh ya him. Oh yes the guy I met that you adored and went around town boasting about. Ya that’s him you idiot

    Yes that same HIM that you beat down just like you beat me down.

    So now you want to be envious of Ni?! Well look at you 4 foot nothing blob with no education, taking the livelihood from 2 young physicians that have their entire lives ahead of them. Making them both feel old and worn and hopeless. Are you happy now idiot parrot. Parrot pecking at me over and over stupid parrot voice – mother voice. Peck peck peck.


    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302563
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I have been told many times in my life that I would be a great lawyer. For many reasons Including that I am: well spoken (I know not always on here as typing what comes to mind), great at seeing both sides of the story, and able to expertly communicate a situation, difficulty, relationship etc. In addition just recently my landlord stated I was an “impressive expert negotiator” since we were handling and issue together.

    I see today – none of these qualities are beneficial to my healing. They keep me in a dissociative state where I explain and speak and educate – but don’t get true emotion out. Almost like a politician. But unlike the typical politician – I don’t actually feel any of this in my heart. I don’t actually have true ignorance for others and only value for myself and my needs.

    Seeing your repsonse to mysecond post I see that I have true ignorance to the reality of my situation. So used to paintings pictures and speaking – I have along the way not ever expressed true raw anger, curse words, whatever it may be to my own life. Ever!!!

    Never feeling composed but perhaps always seeming this way. Getting worked up over things like sending a Hasty email – but never saying FU you and your s*** behavior. Feeling entirely uncomfortable with this and it feeling unknown and foreign. Being perfect happy SCC for so long not knowing how to unravel and be angry.

    Able to spew and roar onto my husband – spit fire. Yet not true anger.


    I will try again.

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302549
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Don’t try to appear intelligent, educated, understanding, taking all factors into consideration. You don’t have to look at what you wrote and edit it. You can start anew

    Amazing. Yes I do try to do this. It’s a mask and shield. I will try again with your guidance thanks. To be continued…

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302535
    Cali Chica

    It is hard to say I hate you for what you did to my brain, because it feels odd to hate someone for something that wasn’t done intentionally. It feels analogous to saying “God I hate my mom for dying and leaving me an orphan.”

    But this is untrue. My mother didn’t die, and she wasn’t put into a circumstance against her own will In which her daughter’s life had to be miserable. It is entirely self induced. All of my teuama is directly from her. Not indirect. And that is why I cannot stand indirect people or action. Just fess up. Own it. Cowards.

    So I should say loud and clear – I hate you for ruining my brain. But it doesn’t feel natural.

    Maybe because I sometimes trick myself and don’t think my brain is “ruined” since I am so functional. Self trickery. Easy to overlook the damage when I’m not sitting here writing to you or talking about it directly.

    I should say I hate you for ruining my brain. Because it should be hate , or if not hate – anger. One has every reason to despise someone who emotionally abused them their whole life. I mean I definitely am disgusted when I hear such stories. Yet there is dissociation with this sort of sentiment towards my own life.

    Perhaps I am too busy still acting like everything is fine? The trickery. Perhaps I haven’t felt the horrible depths just yet. Just the surface. Surface level of dysfunction being seen. Not the true depth of horridness. Perhaps unable to fathom it all.

    I know I’m not holding back because I have hope or sympathy for her. But I also know I can’t gauge the full depth. Well that’s what this work is for.

    I look outside right now at a beautiful scene. A peaceful scene for once. And I know that my mother cursed my brain so much that no matter where I go or what I do – I am cursed with frenzy. She cursed me with the inability to be still and she robbed my joy.

    We know this. So what’s next. Well she not only did this but made me feel bad for it, or responsible. I believed it.

    I look at the events of this past weekend now and I see a child running around the house in panic and frenzy. Where should I go, what should I say?! And a mother who doesn’t console her at all. No she adds to the frenzy- she says oh God why did you have a horrible person over your house – are you stupid!!! Oh God why did you send such a humiliating email, God are you so stupid and foolish. Oh what did we teach you?!

    Yes what did you teach me. You taught me that frenzy is the way. That this life is suffering and that frenzy is our lot in life. You didn’t teach me about self guidance. You didn’t teach me self trust. You don’t trust your own self – how could you? But as I look back I also see that if you taught me all this – you wouldn’t have been a legal to control me. It’s beyond your inability- it goes into control manipulation and evil.

    Now as you know – I have trouble often understanding large intricate concepts without analogy or “small world examples.”

    I see my husband’s friends wife: Ni we will call her. Ni too is controlling. She has Insecurities and deep rooted anger from previous incidents in her life. Instead of processing them, she found a perfect innocent victim to control. To make into her puppet and mop. Dance puppet dance. He does. Move away from your family it will be a better life (so I can control you fully) he says okay. Be better look better – he says yes you’re right.

    Seeing it from the outside it seems surprising. Especially since Ni is nothing special or “powerful” in presence. But that’s just it. So many evil beings do this day in and day out. To their children, spouses, others. I don’t want to be abusive anymore. Not to my husband – not to anyone. I never want to be anything close To Ni.

    You, mother, brainwashed me about people like Ni. Those are the people who made you the most mad. Oh how you hated the power and control they had. Especially if it was invisible from the outside –

    Oh look how that ugly woman can control her husband! What a shame for him.

    Oh how that horrible man treats his sweet innocent wife.

    So many opinions constantly about other “evil” people. Day in and day out. To the point that this is all I see mostly.

    Yet I never saw the one right in front of my nose. Never. Even now as I type I know I’m just scratching the surface. Just a little dust off the surface.

    It feels utterly impossible for my life to not be controlled by others. By the thought of others, my thoughts about them, my opinions about them, anything. It rules my brain and it rules my life – like a disease – like a cancer.

    You gave your daughter a disease – but told her daily how lucky and privileged she is. She didn’t deal it, because she is in fact “diseased” so she suffered more. Gosh why cant I appreciate it. And so you would kick her more and more. What’s wrong with you ungrateful child.

    So she ran and ran and ran. Ran to find appreciation and freedom from distress.  Ran and ran and ran her way through life – still running.


    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302533
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I read each part of your post and understood it and processed it completely. That felt nice – like I was able to write to you earlier today In a way where I was not frenzied, and able to receive your input with full attention.

    Now to the most important aspect:

    It is time to do just that, to express your anger at her,

    your anger at them (all the people who allegedly hurt her.. and those who really did hurt her long, long ago),

    anger and frustration about how hard you tried and failed to get what you needed from her and

    whatever is there, repressed and distressing to you. Those emotions will not go away unless and until expressed a whole lot

    I’ll try to go one by one so it feels less jumbled or insurmountable. By the way- before I begin, I thoroughly enjoyed your use of lol! Made me smile!

    Oh and another thing. Thank you for explaining the focus on friends as you did. As you know I am a visual and analogy type person. The way you described it, the comparison of teenagers to grown adult / resonates quite well. As does the monetary example, in fact I have said many times how it feels it’s “my job to be a good friend.” Or “I should be paid for this.” Jokingly (and now not so much)  clearly I have been hinting at this for a long time – not having come to terms with it for a variety of different reasons.

    okay so back to the anger – the real stuff.

    I’ll type whatever comes to mind, without edit, but use the quote above as a guideline.

    Mothers choose to be mothers (except in certain circumstances they don’t or are forced) but in all cases that are relavent to our conversation this applies. So you choose to be a mother, whether you are mentally mature enough or not. Fine. Culturally married off young before you know yourself, to a stranger man, now shipped off into a stranger country.

    But see – you’re not a stranger to your own daughter. She is not a stranger to you. In fact – out of all the above, she’s all you actually have. That’s yours. Your own.

    And you treated this person worse than a stranger. Taking all of your insecurities and inadequateness onto this daughter. Your own child. Using the child as a puppet and mop. mopping up your own sorrow.

    But see you didn’t see wrong. As apparently you feel entitled to the fact that this is how children are supposed to be treated. How often you made me feel I should feel lucky to be born to her, yet what a silly thing to say to someone who has no choice. Pushing it onto culture – that in our culture children care about their parents. That in fact their sole purpose is to make their parents happy. And look how easy I have it.

    You know funny thing is. I don’t have any examples of you doing anything for your parents do I? Being the doting daughter. Oh okay it was a different time, and you were sent off to America so young. But what about when you moved here and your mother with severe depression was back home. You tried many times to have her move here to help her. She didn’t want to come. Fine.

    But did you dedicate the rest of your life to then be sad for her? To suffer on her behalf?! To give up all your happiness because your poor mother suffers daily – so how could you ever have joy. No. I never heard this out of your mouth. And if it was the case I would have heard it. Because you never shut up.

    So no. You had no guilt in regards to your mother. And she truly suffered , her mental health leading to her own demise – objectively.

    I never once heard any guilt or shame on your part – ever. Even after she passed away so trsgicly.

    Yet you stupid selfish uneducated idiot expect me to have that for you?! Not that it’s a game or competition. That If you didn’t do it why should I? No- because suffering on “behalf” of someone isn’t really a thing. It’s a bunch of BS that leads to dysfunctional generations to come.

    How interesting for you to want something from me that you never experienced onyour own. That guilt shame and empathy for a mother. How interesting.


    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302505
    Cali Chica

    You can undo it. This understandable, valid, long term anger can be released, its repressed force expressed and that release will allow affection and love to be your natural state.

    I know my last post was lengthy. Yet after journaling all of that – this above quote is it. Back to it. Some regression over last few days on the windy road that is the path.

    Relinquishing the S from SSCC one at a time. First the super social – next the super (so much goes into the title of super and thats fodder for another post). Once the S’s are released it’s back to CC. Natural state. The renewed natural state of who I am now

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302485
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Empathy toward yourself will calm the frenzy, anger toward yourself will feed the frenzy.

    This is so Incredibly foreign it’s like reading advanced calculus. You know it’s correct as it’s a fact, but it’s entirely not innate.  When I said thank you for not judging my email it was along that line – helping me not judge myself first of all. I notice how harsh I am with myself. I notice how I focus more energy on what I do wrong and now I approach things wrong – and less on empathy.

    I know this social “busyness” has been very detrimental for a long time. Not just for myself but also my husband. He doesn’t have the same background or upbringing as I, but he too is noticing the increasingly less and less “benefit” toaling yourself available to many friends.

    If you take away all the aspects of my background and mother — at simple baseline when we met we had this in common. We were both Incredibly social brings with large groups of friends each. We had gone through college and medical school valuing friendships and having a great time in this manner. Especially meeting and living in NYC in the late 20s it was a very special time when we met.

    Fast forward to now. I know what I know. He too has had Many examples of his own.  Like the friend that came over on the 4th – the one with the horrific wife. This man is a what my husband would call one of his best friends. And over the years he has become increasingly flakey, unreliable etc. I noticed this about 2 years ago first when I had a get together – then again at a mutual friends wedding. Point of the story is – we talk a lot recently, my husband and I about this.

    About the fact that people do what they want when they want how they want. They unlike us, don’t make themselves available when inconvenient to their own selves or life.

    We talk about now (led by me but he sees it too more and more especially after this past weekend) that instead of hating these people – we have to stop being foolish and must re prioritize our own lives. We can’t have fear. We too can do what we want and what we should.

    It’s time now to cut out all that nonsense. Now does that mean we live in a bubble and have no friends. Of course not. But it will take a shift in perspective. The idea that socializing is not beneficial for what we need – for our healing and personal restoration as a couple.

    I in my life have seen time and again the concept of being shown a certain “lesson ” over and over until I finally accept it. Many people can say the same.  With this friendship aspect I have been writing this to you for years now.

    This is the Pinnacle. The idea of each friends face on a dart – pop pop pop. Feeling anger and annoyance at even kind friends.

    The feeling of anger and annoyance at myself. Im going to tap into that more right now whatever comes to mind…

    I know that this is not a one and done easy lesson. Oh CC don’t you see how giving away your energy to friends is showing you time and again – your Demise. As in you feel so strung out and then what you have left you give away. Now you have even less left for yourself and husband. Or perhaps you feel down inside feel anger. How dare these people act how they want!! When they’re busy or occupied they never would take the time to accommodate myself or husband. But look at us – always making time for people in our most mutually busy lives. All for what!

    Well all for the fact that we value socialness. But aren’t we just idiots – or are we disappointed. Disappointed that the real world exists of many people who are self oriented. Or people who change as they get older becoming more selfish especially if they marry someone who is a certain way or controlling.

    Or perhaps these are all small details and the universe wants me to learn. I picture it taking a wooden rolling pin and beating me down with the lesson. Not violent just a smack. Smack see look at S and how she was able to enjoy her own engagement – look at the feelings it brought up in you about yours.

    Smack look at your fourth of July and how you “allowed” others to take all your precious energy. Attending to idiots who came and went as they pleased.  Look at 400 other examples. So many of which are outlined in this previous thread. Smack smack smack. Did you learn it yet?

    No – perhaps because you are too hopeful for humanity? Expecting people to not be so selfish and truly “show up.” Even people like D Or her ex when you know they aren’t that reliable – still seeing the good over the bad and expecting more. But then being smacked by the true reality of them.

    Maybe that is too hopeful. Or maybe it’s that it’s just outward. Sure we are social beings. But who else extends themselves this much? No one I know. Clearly others preserve their own first.

    So looping back around. The universe has shown me Time and again that I, CC (take my husband out of the convo now) do NOT want to give my energy away. I do it as a knee jerk reaction and habit – and then become resentful to that person and myself. It’s a pattern.

    Give it away when I am depleted and then resent the friend or person/ and my own self most importantly for allowing this. What a silly cycle.

    Over and over and over.

    Of course all of my problems do not lie in over extending myself.  Because then that would be only blaming one aspect. I have frenzy at baseline – even if I was to be in a box for 3 months. But I think this is a huge component of it.

    Back to July 2 when I was able to successfully complete my experiment of silence with the mean lady. I’ve been away from that for a few days and it sounds – well childish!

    I am thinking about it and read the post again. It reads as a child making a big deal of pouting and giving someone the silent treatment. I say this not to put myself down as a child..

    But I see this pattern same as I did with my mother. My mother would have so many stories. Oh finally I told that woman off! Oh finally I was able to not talk back – oh this and that. She would have so many scenarios where she was agitated by others and it affected her so much.

    I know my story isn’t the same and I don’t want to put down any progress of my own. But seeing it from far right now I see this young girl CC who is so sensitive. She’s small with wide eyes and so aware of her surroundings. She’s taking it all in at lightning speed – no filter. Taking all the stimuli trying to process it fast no shield.

    I guess after writing above – I took a small break – I see one thing. CC is SO affected by her surroundings.  She finds herself giving plenty of energy away to friends. She finds herself not having the patience to act with love and kindness to her husband. A person that Maintains this towards her although becoming increasingly resentful and impatient.

    She is working on it. But constantly gets pulled every which way. To the left to the right. Feeling pulled, but more importantly allowing herself to be pulled. She is starting to see how much of a role she has in this personally. She can’t learn lessons daily if she lets herself be pulled.

    She isn’t the average Joe with average needs. She needs to see herself as different. Okay she saw it. But she needs to give herself permission.

    You said something that really struck me the other day. Along the lines of: a person overlooking all of my actions, collecting every email etc and keeping tabs and judging so to speak.

    The concept of an over arching being that is saying oh look at CC doing this, saying that, no doing this.

    Perhaps it’s the mother voice – the mother looking over and judging. Saying oh how sad rhats not the CC I know. Holding onto a tight version of her  – maybe the S the super cali chica SCC

    So if CC relinquishes the role of Super Social. Then what’s more – is there still super? As in if one aspect is conquered (the silly social busy-ness as you call it, the giving energy away) then I am still left with the baseline frenzy

    Then I have no distractions away from being aware of triggers and baseline.

    So daily frenzy, the bird. Not the squirrel today the bird. Bird bobble head back and forth back and forth. Constant battle with himself.

    This bird hates himself for the frenzy and the fact that he spills it over to his bird friend – husband. Knows it. But feels unable to stop it. But the bird can’t sit still.  He must fend for himself and find food constantly. Day and night.

    But what is the bird was given an endless supply of food and nice shelter. Would he still bobble back and forth in frenzy. Well yes. He wouldn’t know how to accept this new “safe space.” He wouldn’t be used to it; and perhaps it would feel odd and uncomfortable. Too easy – something has to be missing!

    I think this is why I avoid sitting with My frenzy and task at hand. The task of focusing on my teammate. I have visuals of being on a mountain or island for a month all alone. Yet in real life I don’t create this scenario – when to a point I can.

    I feel easily distracted and burdened by this. And just like the bird. I can go to a safe space – retreat in it. The space where I only worry about myself and husband. But it doesn’t feel like a retreat at all. It feels wrong maybe or foreign.

    Well I would give the bird the advice of –sit in it longer.  The safe space. It is good for you in the long term. Don’t worry you won’t lose all your skills. You don’t have to be challenged daily, you’re allowed some rest. I give you permission.

    in reply to: Self Trust and More #302281
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you for taking the time to go back and re-evaluate and analyze my situation.

    1) I did think about sending a follow up assertive email. First to clear up the perhaps unclear first email. Second – to be direct and make sure this person knows she’s a disappointmentEtc.

    In the past I would have very much wanted to do this. But I have learned a lot – a lot about disappointing people – that they are in fact… disappointing.

    If you express yourself candidly to a disappointing person – you will “never” get the sort of response you want. If you want no response and are just getting it out –well why?

    Will explaining yourself to this person lead to any value. Maybe If you want to repair this relationship or give it another chance. But that’s not the case with myself (now) and such people. Whether it is my mother or someone as unimportant as D.

    First I should ask myself – do I even want this person in my life? If the answer is no – then do no more. In these scenarios it is a blessing the person is distanced from you (naturally in the case OF D). Actively of course in the case of my mother (of course by no means any comparison to any other person or situation by far).

    What you wrote about catching the frenzy or triggers in the early stages 1 or 2 is what a lot of my self directed anger was towards. I see that now as you outlined (so well) the scenario above. I feel annoyed that I can’t “stop” the frenzy until it reaches rock bottom sometimes. Not being able to catch it at stage 1 or 2 – or at point of trigger 1 or 2. That is an important goal forMe.  For not just myself but to lead to less potential future frenzy onto my husband.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Cali Chica.
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