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Cali ChicaParticipant
Dear Anita,
Thank you for sharing. I did not have difficulty writing about TTC because it is a “big” event with many obvious and notable stressors many of which are universal. I think when it comes to smaller things, such as daily events/moods/etc – the types of things we talk about daily, it will be much more illuminating as well as difficult. I will give it a try.
Thank you for being open about your advice for me:
Regarding the TTC topic- I think that having a part time job that is the least distressing will be necessary for you as you try to conceive and during the pregnancy, and if it takes you not working at all- don’t.
I agree entirely. I wanted to say how endearing and heart warming it is to see you be open and honest about me with advice/your opinion. It is only in a true open friendship/mentorship/relationship/etc that two individuals can do that. I love it.
So I agree entirely. In fact my thoughts go like this. What else matters in life? If work stress is adding to my stress and potentially adding to TTC stress – how ironic! Imagine going to all these doctors and taking all these meds (potentially) but not changing the one thing that could help – lowering stress! So much of it I can’t undo – the healing journey I am on. But actively making changes to not rush and feel tension will help me profoundly – in that journey and future. Yes you are right as well about down the line about a fetus feeling the emotions. All in all, to me, there is nothing more important than doing all I can to ensure that I can approach this next phase of my life with composure and more relaxation.
On to the next…
You wrote:
I figured that this fear I was experiencing was no greater, and actually less raw and less intense than the fear I felt as a child
this made me say WOW! It just goes to show how terrible the fear that you (and I) felt as a child. The fear instilled in us from our childhoods, from our distressing mothers. It is incredible to read and see that this fear in fact can be close to if not same or worse as the fear of a potentially negative health concern.
I learned that to be strong is different from pretending to be strong. I can cry and be strong at the same time
Wow, excellent point. I thought about how (for me recently) I in many ways look forward to crying, but notice when it comes to real big life events/issues – it is extremely difficult to cry. I too thought being strong is not to cry. And also know that deep down there is a feeling of being ashamed for crying. Of course, given my story. Of course given that these mothers gave their daughters no room to express themselves authentically.
make sure that you are consolable. It is important for him to know that he makes a positive difference in your sadness, despair, fear and so on. This will motivate him to be there for you in the future.
I will make sure of this. I have not been doing this. In fact, my husband never asks for “credit.” But I see the results of how defeated he is in always working hard to make a positive difference for me, but never seeing a difference. I see how you wrote (and your example yesterday evening in your own life) that your husband’s role did make a difference. It was seen by you and him. It is this sort of back and forth and positive reinforcement and openness that makes a relationship go and grow, isn’t it? It brings me back to the interpersonal communication, and how I have a lot to learn and work on. It makes me see that effective communication is not overly educated and complicated. It is just simple and raw.
It is authentic and loving. Which is the innate – both Anita and Cali Chica.
Cali ChicaParticipantHello,
I would love to hear what you learned from your recent events, and happy for you to share.
I just looked at this Daily Mood log. My favorite part of this is the list of 10 cognitive distortions, a great opportunity to journal about each one, and find examples of each – and point out to myself how I was “doing” this without realizing, and how it is in fact a cognitive distortion.
Please explain to me the proper way to approach this as far as the percentages of emotion before and after.
I will do it based on one thought process/situation right now.
Situation or event: Husband and I starting the journey of Trying to Conceive (TTC)
Anxious: 90% (feeling worried, pre-emptively anxious about infertility, obsessive about medical knowledge regarding it)
Hopeless: 30% (feeling slightly defeated given the statistics and knowing the issues my friends have had)
Other: Excited: 20% (happy to be in a mind set that my husband and I are open to this, and this next chapter – yet the above does bring the percentage of excitement lower – negative emotions overshadowing)
Negative thoughts:
I will have trouble conceiving because of the lifelong stress I have had. Clearly this must have done damage to my body. I have ongoing stress and that is not great for TTC.
I resent the amount of stress I have had on my mind and body.
I am going to be 34, I don’t hate myself for that as I have chosen to have children later due to my career, yet it is actively walking into “potential issues”
I don’t want one more thing to worry about and be stressed about!
Because of my knowledge, I tend to get obsessive and not “go with the flow” it will be hard for me to enjoy the process because of that
Positive thoughts:
I have the medical knowledge, resources, and understanding to approach this in a methodical way
I am happy that my husband and I are at a healthy/mature state to proceed in this fashion, I think it will make us even closer, and further our “inner circle” mentality that we have been working on
I think I will be a good mother, maybe even great! I know it will be a learning process, but I know that my personal journey and what I have been through will be in many ways beneficial. I also know it is a lot of “learn as you go”
My husband is an amazing supportive person, and will be an amazing future father.
I am at the point of putting career second to possible child-bearing, I am glad to be in a field in which I can find flexibility in the future in some ways
Cognitive Distortions***
All or nothing thinking:
I assume TTC will either be EASY or HARD. There is an inbetween which may likely be the case. Easy in some ways, but some hurdles and another journey. It doesn’t have to be mindless or terribly torturous. Also you can’t take peoples stories of how easy or difficult it was – to apply to yourself.
I take the fact that I have had a lot of physical and mental stress to assume it will be disruptive to my body. I assume this. And as much as this may be the case, our bodies and minds are resilient – so I can not just assume.
Mental Filter:
As above, the excitement is diminished by dwelling on the negative of anxiety and intellect, and taking away from good feelings.
Jumping to conclusions:
Jumping to the fact that I will have a hard time, without having really even tried! Jumping to negative!
Somewhat blaming myself for having Potential issues because my body and mind have been burdened by extreme stress
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
It makes sense that you are unsettled. Perhaps receiving the result made you realize the reality of the situation – as in “wait this is actually happening, it is real.”
I will have to do more reading regarding statistics about negative markers. When you have the surgery, the mass will be sent and that will be a much more specific way to test what is in the tumor.
It seems you have the right set up as far as an exam in the near future, and subsequent surgery after.
On another note…
I had this visual last night, about observing a scene before walking in. Such as observing a party, meeting, function from the outside, before entering. Taking a look at the room through the glass windows, assessing what is going on over there, who is there, how are they interacting.
I had this visual because I thought about how I jump in to scenarios without ever assessing first. Similar to the concept of “jumping into the lap” of that cousin. Not taking my time to assess, and see if it is a scenario a) suitable for myself b) worthy of my effort c) healthy for my interaction d) trustworthy
I thought about this new concept, of how if I allowed myself time and composure entering both physical and metaphorical scenarios, I would be able to be the cool calm collected CC I want to be.
This goes back to not rushing of course. Rushing head first into any scenario whether it be a physical event, or a conversation, or an emotional task – you don’t have your thoughts collected prior. You are a jumbled mess!
So then you wonder why you are distressed, and you resent yourself for always being rushed and never taking your time.
I will think about this more…Look forward to talking to you when you wake up 🙂
Cali ChicaParticipantDearest Anita,
I am glad to hear this. Good news. I’m going to answer your questions based on what medical knowledge I have, giving you a disclaimer that gynecology as well as gynecologic tumors are not my personal specialty. I do have a pretty broad sense and understanding of the topic as you can tell. I will do some reading tomorrow about this matter to add to my answer. So the question of how common it is for the tumor to be cancerous despite these tumor markers being negative. It is my understanding that this is a low likelihood, however I will read up on it further. If the tumor is not removed whether it is cancerous or not it can grow. When it grows it can cause a myriad of different issues such as a mass effect on organs that are near it leading to issues with reproductive health, pain, issues with your gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal swelling, etc. In short, it can cause local and full body disruption in different ways. Women in their 50s go through many hormonal changes, as a result, it is not uncommon for women to have different growths. I cannot put this in the exact perfect medical terms, besides the fact that it happens sometimes. As women our reproductive systems and our hormones can be so wacky and up and down that it can often lead to growth of cysts and tumors. For example many women have large growths in their uterus, sometimes these fibroids in her uterus can be as large as a fetus! I was in a surgery once in which we removed a fibroid from a woman’s uterus that was 8 pounds! I know that is not the exact same scenario as you, but often tissue can grow abnormally in this fashion, and it is good to catch it early to make sure that the growth does not cause more issues to your overall body. Every single thing that is removed from the body is sent to a laboratory. The cells of the mass will be personally examined by a physician that is certified in this called a pathologist. The results of the cells that are studied under the microscope will be given to your surgeon so that he or she can rule out any malignancy further. If there are any cancer cells in that mass, they will show up on the microscope. It doesn’t get any more direct than that. This way you will have peace of mind knowing exactly what was in that mass. What are your next steps? Do you have an estimated timeline of your surgery?
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
I am glad you were able to find some comfort with your own morning routine today. I am glad.
Interesting that you pointed that out. I actually had meant to ask you to expand on distress tolerance when you typed it, but forgot to.
“distress tolerance”- key to mental health, necessary. To keep changing that baseline…and taking that pause require the necessity of tolerating distress. It is the not tolerating distress, that is, feeling overwhelmed, that leads to the rushing and reacting.
Thank you for explaining this way. And that with practice, a new baseline can be formed.
I notice it already – the beginnings of what a new baseline can – keyword CAN- look like. Can if I persist at it. Can if I keep up the practice.
Last week you mentioned how I must change the social butterfly role, and if no one notices, I am not doing it well enough. Or to say, there must be a deliberate and NOTICE-able change. I absolutely agree. It is about not being subtle, and changing enough to in fact elicit a…CHANGE!
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
I forgot to add my response to your line:
taking mental space between the fear and anger is what it takes to no longer lash at your husband, “not to jump to anger and rage” from fear, is key. It is within that mental space, that pause between fear and reaction that you can be an effective and assertive communicator in your personal life
It is this pause, this new space, this perhaps uncomfortable untraveled space that will be life changing for me. Yes I know this, I feel it, and it is a conviction. A deep conviction for me.
It is this ever so small but powerful space, the pause that can move mountains.
It is that blink of an eye, that shift, that physical pausing, the mental pausing, whatever it may be that can allow my innate self to shine. The pause that allows Cali Chica to act and think in the way she wants, and not based on patterns.
Whatever it takes.
The pause is key.
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
Hush the rush is perfect.
It is easy to say out loud, it is easy as a reminder.
I have changed my morning routine since we started talking about all this, and I had that low point.
One may think I now wake up earlier and exercise in the morning and eat healthy and all this
But NO
I do less. I allow myself to lay in bed and collect my thoughts. I don’t respond to any texts or emails. I don’t judge myself for not waking up earlier to go to the gym. I take a longer shower, where I collect more thoughts. I take an extra few minutes to take the dog out, and I try – key word try – to put away more things.
I’ve been actively creating more space in my life, doing whatever it takes. That’s all I can do.
Going back to fear. There is fear associated with not following the intrinsic “baseline” patterns that I am used to.
The concept of only doing what works for me – how profound, but how dripped with guilt.
This is what I am working on, with effective communication – here and in “real” life.
I hope you are well this morning.
Cali ChicaParticipantHush the rush!!!
the best one yet. I’ll let that sink in and circle back to you in the morning. I enjoyed your last post immensely and will allow myself to process it before I reply
I will message you in the morning, and look forward to talking to you then. I hope you rest today or take your walk. It is about to rain here – so this evening, a great excuse for rest!
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
Good to know. Keep me posted.
I thought a lot about how fear has so much to do with effective communication. With first yourself, and second with others. The exercise I did with you last week, the answering of the questions from your therapist – made me realize I am an ineffective communicator, and not assertive.
2 very important realizations. Very important for myself to gauge the enormity of what I have been NOT processing for years.
Not to say that I did a bad job, but I did trick myself.
Able to write and talk for hours on end if I had to. Able to describe many things in detail. Able to open up, and not shut down.
YET, not effectively communicating! How about that.
Not able to truly understand what I was going through, process it, and let it sink in. Without jumping over discomfort/uneasiness to action – to rage.
I remember a year or so ago we talked about how there is an obsession and a compulsion, a reaction to a distressing feeling or thought, and an act. An acting out.
Whether it be physical or emotional.
Eating to numb the pain. Talking over and over. Any thing and everything. It doesn’t matter what it is – but more that it is jumping over straight into a reaction.
And like you said, taking the “re” out of the action is important
Cali ChicaParticipantYes my dear Anita. Remind yourself that we talk so much about fear that is inappropriate, or fear that is displaced.
Yet, we must allow ourselves appropriate fear:
It is okay to feel anxious when getting a medical work up
It is okay to feel scared/impatient when waiting results
It is okay to feel uneasy about what is unknown (right now)
You have tremendous support in me – I hope you always know.
Talk later.
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
So first things first, ovarian cancer will be diagnosed by the mass itself, taking it out and sending it to a lab. As well as labwork (which I assume you are heading to soon). Certain markers in the blood are elevated if there is a cancer. This is not always the case, but there are standard labs that are done to check these “tumor markers.”
As far as symptoms. Often when ovarian cancer has spread, it can cause symptoms such abdominal swelling, bloating, change in bowel habits, fatigue. I can’t say whether this means it has in fact “spread” or it is the mass itself causing this. The rest of your work up will be able to examine this.
Or, it can be a non-cancerous growth – which can happen in certain scenarios.
I am sure your doctor will be ordering tests and a work up now to see what this tumor is, and you will know sooner than later. I can imagine that perhaps you feel impatient or confused, I do not know your medical history and don’t want to assume anything. We can talk about this as much or little as you want. I would like to know the results of the work up when it comes – if you are comfortable with that. Whatever you want.
I think you are getting the blood draws as we speak, good luck. Talk soon.
Cali ChicaParticipantDearest Anita,
Best of luck with your lab work today. I am glad you made it to your appointment. The woman’s body has an interesting way of surprising us at times. Well there are many reasons why women in their forties to 50s Get growths on their ovaries. I am glad you are getting a work up, and all hopes and positivity is being sent to rule out anything not great. You have great support in me if and when you ever need it! The surgery through the bellybutton is called Laparoscopic surgery, and it minimize these large open incisions. You will wind up with around three small incisions one in the belly button and two around the belly, a camera is used to visualize the entire pelvic area to look at the ovary and remove what is needed. It is in a minimally invasive fashion. I was involved in a lot of gynecologic surgery in my last job daily. And have some friends who are gyn surgeons. And the recovery after the surgery is meant to be (and usually is) much much better than when you had to have open incision and large subsequent scar years ago.
I look forward to speaking to you later – Enjoy your “cuppa coffee” first.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Cali Chica.
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
i am typing notes here. I will elaborate in the morning.
Fear of explaining myself
fear of being invalidated and assumed to just have normal level of stress
fear of not having mental space.
Fear of obstacles.
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
i look forward to reading more of your notes.
I wonder how CC will learn to live with fear
But I know first she will limit the overstimulation of her neurons. When she is constantly overstimulated with this and that and this person and that – it is hard for her to sense what fear is.
This morning she realized what fear is. It doesn’t mean the fear went away. No nothing changed. The annoyance and frustration remained.
But it did allow her not to jump to anger and rage (to herself or prospectively someone else)
i noticed a visual. If I felt this and was heading home. I would have stopped and written to you. Taken a breather, maybe a walk. To not enter my home with this energy.
Thats not always possible. Yet I can try. I can practice. Have to start somewhere.
How will Cali Chica tackle living with fear?
By finding mental space first.
Cali ChicaParticipantDear Anita,
I read your first post, an excellent compilation of our important talks – I will print this out and add it to my folder, with the notes you re typed from your therapist from 2011.
I notice that I have fear for many reasons, but one main reason – I expect things to go wrong.
When it comes to the Gyn, yes expecting I will be rushed and not make it to the meeting. Expecting the high stress levels of both my husband and I will lead to infertility. Fearful of this, although we aren’t pushing to have kids asap, knowing that I fear it will be in my future. And anger at this high stress level, because of my trauma predominantly – feeling angry that I can not be relaxed.
it is all related. it is all fear and negativity – it is all assuming that the worst outcome will be tied to me.