Forum Replies Created
November 15, 2018 at 7:56 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236969
Participantwell, I wrote a post yesterday morning and submitted it, for some reason it didn’t go through?!?!.
I can’t remember exactly what I put, but this is how I’m feeling today…
Yes Anita, I wish there was a switch. I would turn it off, then break it! But there is not. Unfortunately I get the pleasure of learning how to be okay with all of this.
Well I cried day before yesterday and yesterday. Actually twice yesterday. I don’t know if it’s because i’m re-living all the decisions i made a year ago or just because i do miss her that much. I know after she left me, i went down hill so hard and spiraled out of control in a very bad way. I think what may have been one of my last opportunities to have another shot or fix anything that was done, i did just the opposite of what i should have. I kept talking to her best friend, kept bugging my ex, then i got back on dating sites almost instantly. It was like i didn’t know how to be alone anymore and i needed a fix. Some attention of some kind. What’s funny is that it did work for a minute. When ever i would start messaging other woman, sometimes 3 or 4 at the same time, it would take my mind off of my ex. But as soon as I stopped and had no attention. I would think about her and miss her, ect, ect, ect… Again. I feel like a child. It’s stupid crazy. Like I forgot how to be alone, how to live on my own without the need for that.
When my ex-wife left me. It bothered me, but not like this. I was fine. I never withdrew from doing things with my friends, I never got dark and went to a dark place. And I didn’t crave attention from others. I was alone with no dating, no looking, nothing for 2 years. And it didn’t bother me. The only reason i did start looking was because I started to get lonely. I started wanting someone to be with me, to hold and kiss me like we’ve been apart for years. Someone to love me. I didn’t “need” it. I just wanted it.
Now… look at me. A freakin mess. Every day i think about that woman on the way to work, and almost every night before I fall asleep. This is really bad. The last time i was intimate with my girlfriend, i thought about my ex. Almost like flashbacks of when her and I would make love or have sex.
I feel horrible. I really think having my girlfriend work opposite shifts is starting to take it’s toll on me. It’s starting to get me resentful. I don’t know what to do about that either. It’s not like she can just quit. She is looking for other work, every day. In fact she just had an interview at the post office, but the schedule was even worse. I am very afraid that if something doesn’t change there before the end of the year that i will get to a point where i can’t do it anymore. Raising someone elses kids 5 days a week is tough.
The really shitty part is that if this was my ex. I would do it without question. I would of even drove an hour each way each day if needed for as long as needed and loved doing it. What does that say about my feelings for my girlfriend? I know I love her, but is it not an unconditional love? Or a love like i would have for a really good friend? I feel like in my own selfish desperation to have that attention i needed, i jumped into a situation compromising other peoples livelihood and well being. Now there are hers and my kids in the balance and her as well.
I feel like i’m just digging a hole for myself deeper and deeper.
I am so grateful for my girlfriend, but i do think i should of never started dating again. I should of been like Valora, just been alone to fix myself and never contacted my ex again either. Or at least waited until i was better and in a better place.
off subject, but talking about songs. There is one song that came out this year “Never be the same”. Man it spoke to my heart. It is exactly how I feel about my ex. Just like anita said in the beginning. It was like a drug addiction, still is. Just the fact that one text or phone call would make me feel better instantly. Just like getting a fix after going through withdrawals.
All i do know is this. I’m going to focus on doing my best, not making any situation about me, learning to not be so insecure and worry about what other people need and think. And try to make it about the kids. The are innocent in all of this and didn’t ask for it. It is very hard though when i feel my heart so heavy every day.
I’m so tired of feeling like this. Tired of being depressed. All i want is to be happy again. Be that guy I once was that could stay up till 11:00 and get up at 5am refreshed and pumped. Looking forward to weekends and time at home. Excited about every day and having that “feeling” in my heart again. I feel just the opposite now. I feel like I can’t get enough sleep and i’m still always tired, I don’t take care of myself like i should, I feel like at work I can’t wait to be done and just do the minimum to get by so i can go home, then when i’m home i do the same just so i can work and I feel like there is no reward for any of it. Once the weekend gets here, i’m even more depressed because i never do anything anymore. I just sit at home. In fact, last year, i ran out of vacation time, because i was doing so much. This year i have over a week left i have to use up before december 31. that means i barely took a week off over the whole year. and most of that was around 4th of July. I’ve really begun to hate the person i have become and don’t know how to change it. I listen to what everyone tells me, but actually having it stick and being able to do it is different. Like i know exactly what i need and should do, but when it comes to it. I don’t have the drive and motivation to do it. Again this is where i really feel pathetic. The fact that if my ex where to want something with me again. It’s like I would wake up out of a sleep. I would perk up, kick ass at work, go home, clean the shit out of my house, be healthy, start working out, have energy, have better self hygiene, do things with my kids again. the whole works. It’s freaking nuts. why can’t i just feel that and be that way on my own?
November 12, 2018 at 8:29 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236513John
ParticipantAnita, yes there are a million songs about this feeling. I know, i have a lot of them in my playlist i made up when everything went down hill. “AMAZED” is a good one that describes exactly how I felt.
I am learning a lot. So much that it kills me. I feel like i’m learning that i am all the reasons she left, because of my jealousy, need to be center of attention, need to be noticed, and not being there for her when she needed( is still made it about me). An example about that is the night she found out her sone was going into the marines. It was a work night and I was talking to her on the phone. I kept telling her if she needed me, i would head down there. She finally said yes. So i packed up clothes for the night, and took off. I got to her house about 11:00 PM. (mind you, i had to work at 7AM an hour and 1/2 away, so this part was me being there for her). Well after I got there i listened to her, but instead of just listening to her vent and cry, I tried to fix it. I was trying to tell her what to do and how it’s going to be. All she needed was me to hold her and listen to her, and I didn’t. To top it off, i started to make it about me. I told her about the song “all of me” I heard on the radio, and made her listen to it because it described how i felt about her. GOD! what a douche i was. I totally took advantage of the situation and turned it on me. I can only imagine how many other times that i did this unknowingly?? One of the things she did tell me after we were done, is that it was always about me. I was blown away! I thought, that’s bullcrap! I was always there for you, doing for you and your boys. I didn’t know what she meant or how she came up with that until now. Really hurts to learn that about yourself. Hurts to see everything so clearly and know there is nothing that can be done now. all things that if i would of known, or she could of told me straight out, face to face, blunt, hurtful if need be. Maybe I could of changed my ways sooner before it was too late. It really does hurt learning all that about yourself.
“This woman was not like your mother, she was like a good, loving, embracing mother. There is a difference.
If you managed to reunite with her, the woman we are talking about, you would still be jealous of her son, or of someone else she may attend to. The competition would have continued. It would feel good until this or that happens, and you will be waiting for this or that to be over so that you will have her again, all to yourself.”
Honestly. I don’t know how i would be. Part of me likes to think that I have learned enough to catch myself from being that way and just be supportive and patient. Yet, part of me would be longing to see her whenever I could like i am now. So who knows.
“What goes up, must come down. So, John, if this is what you felt, it might have just been an extended, really strong honeymoon phase.”
yes, i do agree with this. It was like a longer honeymoon phase. I really feel like this would’nt of went away though. We would of had our moments, but the feelings that we had… Would of overcame those moments. Unfortunately, i was too much of a coward to bring up those moments. When she did put me on the back burner or flake out on me after a promise. I should of expressed how i really felt and told her that that is not okay to keep doing that or whatever, instead of avoiding conflict like I did. To make an omelette you need to break eggs right? Well I never did. There was only once or twice I told her how I really felt, in the beginning. Whats funny is when i did, things were better after. Then i got so attached and afraid, that i quit. I was like a little kid in a lot of ways. Jealous, afraid, timid, passive aggressive. WOW! A thought just now hit me. I was thinking about my girlfriends daughter, she is 9 and a princess. Whenever she doesn’t get her way or things work out how she wants, she gets a crappy attitude and is like “fine, i won’t do this anyways!!” or just pouts the whole time. That is exactly how i started to behave. In the beginning, I was all good with things. Like, “Cool, i have other stuff i can do anyways. talk to you soon”. Over time, it became a thing where I would just pout and be alone, intentionally not doing anything, trying to prove a point or make her feel guilty. Just like a child would. OMG! I’m really feeling like an idiot now. More so than before.
She once told me, that she hopes when her boys grow up, they are like me. That I am the man she wants her sons to become. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever told me in my life. At that point in time, i was a good man. I put her needs ahead of mine. I really don’t know where, when or why it all went wrong. I don’t understand what turned me from an understanding, patient, confident man to a child. Man this really sucks learning all of this. It’s good for me, but really hurts.
“when we were near each other, we were drawn together like magnets, just always wanting to be hugging or just connected in some way, even just holding hands, for 2 straight years. And he felt like “home” to me. I felt extremely comfortable, relaxed, safe, warm, protected, calm. Other boyfriends have made me feel some of those things but never to the extreme extent all together to where it literally just felt like I was home and all was right with the world.”
YES YES YES YES!!! It was freaking crazy. Seriously, it was like there was no place in the world i would rather be when i was with her. Having that kind of feeling is amazing. I never ever experienced something like that before.
“Now if that feeling SCARES someone, then that fear (of either the feeling or the loss of it) might have to do with an attachment issue with a parent.”
I don’t know if it scared her. Like It was becoming too much of a reality and she knew she couldn’t give me the commitment i was needing. I do know it scared the crap out of me thinking about losing it. Ironically, that’s what caused me to lose it. The more scared i got, the more I held back and bit my tongue and the more needy and pushy i got(like a child not getting there way). UGH!!! HINDSIGHT!!!! I hate this so much. It feels like the worst lesson on myself ever.
It feels like, “Here is love in all its glory”, now “here is what it’s like to lose that because you weren’t ready” Too bad for you!
“None of us know what will happen in the future, but if we really want to experience that feeling again, we have to believe it will come after we’ve done some self-improvement and are ready to hold it gently this time.”
The future isn’t written. I know that, but at the same time i don’t. Like i keep telling myself, “if i do this or that” then she will come around again. I need to just let go and let it be, and if we do cross paths again, then maybe it will happen, or maybe I will bond and grow with my girlfriend i have now and it will be amazing or even more amazing. I can’t look into the future, maybe that’s why i look at the past so much.
All this talk about holding on gently and songs and things. There were two songs i heard right after we broke up that really hit hard. one is ” Hold on Loosely” by 38 special. I heard that and it was like a bell went off in my head. Like DUH! I couldn’t do that. I squeezed so tight, she couldn’t breathe!! The other is “boys of summer” by Don Henly. Every time i hear that song. I think of her.
God i really do love that woman. I do hope that someday i can just be happy that i had that feeling before, and not have remorse and pain from pushing it a way and killing the love she had for me….
November 9, 2018 at 1:10 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236227John
ParticipantI did see her son as a competition. i do know that. I felt threatened by him. I resented him for taking her away from me. Especially when he got so upset that I was going to go on the wedding trip and that because of that (or at least that was the reason she said) that i got 86ed from the trip. I felt that anytime she spoke his name that any plans we had were done. That hurt every time, when i should of been happy for her to spend time with him, and spent time on my own doing something else with my friends, kids, or a hobby.
In fact, you know how I told you about me guilt tripping her. Well there was an occasion, when we had plans to hang out all weekend. She was supposed to come up on friday night. Then she found out he was coming down for the weekend. She told me that she would come up late friday night, then it was saturday morning, then saturday night, then it was just going to be sunday for the day. Well It never happened. And it turned out that they did nothing but fight and argue all weekend. It was a miserable weekend for her because of that and for me because i felt like i was just dangling in the wind. Then to top it all off, when she apologized for not seeing me, i told her that “it’s okay, i kind of knew once you told me he was coming that we wouldn’t be seeing each other anyways”. God, what a D&%K!!! It’s crazy how stupid i was about stuff like that. That must of made her feel like absolute crap, especially since she already felt bad and had a horrible weekend. I just didn’t know how to deal. Hindsight. I should of told her as soon as I found out he was coming down, “lets plan on another weekend so you can spend time with him” or ” maybe i can come down one day for lunch or something and we can all hang out together”
I think that reasons like these is what makes it so hard for me. Finally seeing everything i did, how selfish and self centered I was on making it all about the all the time, even though i kept thinking i was there for her.
Hindsight is a bitch. That is for sure. Here I was thinking i was helping her, and i was really just making her constantly feel like she was letting me down.
I know i can’t change any of that. I can’t go back in time. I can’t snap my fingers and get a second chance to show her that I HAVE learned about myself and want to be better.
It just really freaking sucks that I didn’t learn this about myself before it got to the point of no return. And then even after, when we started talking again, i still was a poopy guy with guilting in my words. Instead of just really being a friend, listening to her and being happy for her, I kept pushing until I pushed so hard that she blocked me for good.
Who knows? maybe that was my second chance when she originally started talking and flirting with me, maybe not??. And me instead of being light and fun, got serious and dark, dwelling on the past. I will never know.
I really do wish i could just forget and be happy for what i have now.
It just hurts. I think it hurts more knowing about the man i became and how i was so selfish and self centered, when i should of been supportive and giving, knowing that I caused all of this, then it does that she is not with me anymore.
November 9, 2018 at 7:46 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236167John
ParticipantAnita, reading that, i may have exaggerated. It wasn’t until the end that i was really waiting like that. Before the last month or two, she did text and call me all the time. She would call me every day on her way to work, on lunch, on her way home and before bed. And we texted all day long everyday. She was always sending me selfies and things like that. It wasn’t until her boy was in the picture that things really started to change.
She always felt guilty and that she was a failure for getting a divorce when she did. Her oldest boy told her that she ruined his high school years because of it. I think because of that it caused her to be controlled in a way by him. He could of asked her to do anything and she would of without hesitation or thought of consequence. Which is what a parent should do for their child, but when your child is 19 and own his own making his own decisions, he should be responsible for those decisions. She would always cover his ass. Whether it was housing costs, or whatever.
She and him were fighting a lot when things started to get rough for us. She kept telling me she was done being a doormat for him and that this was it! But then the next time she saw him, yet again she would bend over backwards and he would treat her like crap.
I think that was another one of the bigger things that caused problems for us. It was very hard for me to sit idly by and watch this, watch her get hurt and used like that. When she would talk to me about it, i would make suggestions(just trying to help), and I think she saw it as me trying to control her or the situation.
I know there are a million different things that caused our end. But one thing I do know for sure is that when we first stated dating, he lived at home for the first month and a half. And that made it kind of difficult for us. It was always about him. Then he moved about 3 hours away to go to school. That’s when our relationship really took off and became amazing. It was in the end of our relationship, he had some court shit to deal with, which again he left it all on her and she took care of everything, scheduling, money, lawyer, all of that. Then after that was done is when he told her he was going into the marines and didn’t want me to go with them on their family trip to her brothers wedding. Again, she bent to his wants, instead of standing up herself. For me seeing that and feeling like i was never going to be seen as a #1 in her life, caused me to get insecure and even resentful of him. I always supported her decisions though. I just didn’t have a good poker face about it, so she could see in my eyes and hear in my voice that i was hurt.
Sorry, off track here. My point is that our relationship was wonderful the whole time, it was only when his name came up that drama and stress came about. I know i handled my end poorly. I should have just been there for her to lean on and kept my mouth shut and just asked her what she needed from me, instead of trying to fix the situation and trying to force time with her when she needed that time to deal with other shit.
It was seriously the best year of my life being with her. Hands down. I really was happy, almost every day. My friends would even ask me “who are you? who is this guy? ” because of how happy and carefree i was.
Then when all the drama started with her son, and i got pushed aside. I didn’t know how to handle it and crumbled when i should of been stronger than ever before. I will have a hard time ever forgiving myself for that. There were so many times when she was hurting, and we missed a weekend together because of him. All i did was be depressed and make things worse by making her feel like she was hurting me too, instead of supporting her and telling her, “take as much time as you need, i’m not going anywhere” and enjoying my life with my friends or hobbies when she was dealing with all of this. I made so many critical mistakes durning that short period. I can see them all now clear as day. it absolutely kills me, because i know if i would of handled myself better and not been so selfish and needy, that when all that was over, things would have gotten back to the way they were. In fact, if we could of lasted another month, he would of been deployed and that drama would have been done.
It’s mistakes and things like that that make it very hard for me. Very hard to ever be able to forgive myself. I know i need to use that experience for my future, but it’s hard not to think about how much of this is my fault and if i would of handled myself differently and quit over thinking everything how much better the results would have been.
I do know my love for her is everlasting and eternal. I know right now, i don’t think i could turn her away if she were to want to try again, which is unfair and wrong since i am in a relationship with another woman I do love. It’s very hard to explain this. I don’t understand it so how could anyone else.
So yes last night was a little rough, especially since i missed a photo on my phone and with the most recent update it showed me memories. It was one of her at a car show we went to in the summer. She looked really freaking good in it two.
I cannot wait for the day that pictures like that don’t bother me. That i can see a photo like that and think” that was a fun time, but i’m happy now without her”
I hope that happens to me someday.
thanks again for listening. got to get to work…
November 8, 2018 at 1:59 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236067John
Participantyes, it is a very good feeling. It makes me feel like i’m not that screwed up after all.
It hurts tremendously having this feeling. But it is so nice to hear another voice with the same thing.
November 8, 2018 at 11:40 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236039John
Participant“My ex and I also had a ridiculous amount of weird things in common and neither of us had felt a connection like that before.”
She even said from day one how she was more comfortable around me than anyone in her entire life. She felt like she had no insecurities or worries. She even told me that being with me felt like home. It was crazy how much we connected on so many levels it was indescribable.
I really do think that it was a combination of all the other drama in her life that made her shut down, and that made me become so insecure and needy. It was really a perfect storm and neither of us knew how to deal with it. Unfortunately the things i did and said are things that someone can possibly never get over or past.
When i should of just stepped back, i pushed so hard and assumed so much, then lied and betray her trust that it just was too much for her. Or at least that’s the impression i got through the messaging we did after we broke up.
November 8, 2018 at 9:25 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #236011John
ParticipantAnita, i’m really trying to understand all of this. If my longing is for that, then how come i’m not feeling the same with my girlfriend now? She gives me everything that i’ve been “longing” for.
It’s so hard to explain all of this and how i feel. Everyday i go back and forth with feelings and emotions. It seriously is so difficult some days just to get through the day.
Today for example. My heart hurts so much. I can’t explain it or why.
I have everything I wanted at home now, yet i feel like i’m missing something. I’ve felt that way since she left me a year ago.
I hate that i can’t fix it. Maybe that’s one of my issues. I’ve always been able to fix anything that’s came in my life, with this. I can’t. I so bad want to just see her, grab her, and tell her face to face everything and tell her that we can make it work.
I know that’s not an option and that she has moved on with someone else. Probably before she left me. Maybe she is in love with this guy like I was her? I don’t know. I never will.
I can rationalize everything in my head, but then it still doesn’t sit right. I did have a connection with her that was unreal. And it’s like I have this feeling deep in my gut that she still feels that way with me, but she can’t act on it. It scares her too much or something. I don’t know why or how I feel this way, but i do.
I’m just going to get thr0ugh today and hopefully tomorrow will be better. Right now though it hurts like it just happened. I feel so alone and miserable. I hate this feeling. I hate that this woman did something to me that has changed me in what feels like forever.
just needed to vent. thansk
November 8, 2018 at 6:35 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235963John
Participant“The “true love” consummate relationship has intimacy, commitment, AND passion. Finding all 3 in a relationship is rare and I do believe, in certain connections, it really does last without fading…. and then other times, you lose one and that’s when the relationship starts going downhill. But, oh, when you have all 3 combined with a feeling of a soul connection, it’s a totally different experience and I don’t think anyone who hasn’t actually felt it can really understand because it’s just one of those things that does sound like a fairy tale or an exaggeration unless you actually feel it.”
Valora, thank you for that. I thought i was going crazy. It’s funny because when i was with my ex-wife. She wanted that feeling with me. We loved each other and cared for each other and were best friends. However, i didn’t have “that” feeling. I would even tell her “it’s not like it is in the movies!” She hated that saying btw. But at that time, in my eyes it wasn’t. The thought of meeting someone and feeling that feeling almost immediately and having a connection so strong that it’s ridiculous. I didn’t believe in that crap at all… Not one bit!
Then it happened to me. I couldn’t believe it. I was dumbfounded. I have done things that i normally wouldn’t do for my ex that i never dreamed i would want to do. Yet, i did do them and loved it! Like just sitting at a picnic table by the river for an hour or more, just holding hands and talking. before her, there was no freaking way. I would of asked ” what are we going to do, just sit there?”
I heard stories of people meeting and within just a couple months, living together, then within a year getting married and it lasting forever and them still being as much in love as they were when they first met. I thought it was bullshit. How the hell could you just meet someone and know?
Well after my ex, I found out. I do know if circumstances were different. I know deep in my heart that we would still be together.
If we did live in the same town, and she didn’t have all that drama all hit at the same time, or even if she did. I would of been closer so that i didn’t feel like i was getting pushed away so much, causing me to become so insecure with her. Who knows we may have even been living together within 4-5 months of knowing each other. That’s when we were talking about it and trying to figure out a plan.
sorry, I’m getting off track here.
My point was, I was a skeptic. I didn’t believe in that until it happened to me. It’s such a strong feeling that it’s something that you cannot explain. And yes, if she were to text me, call me, or see me. I would feel the same way Valora did when she hugged her ex. EVERY TIME!
I’ve thought i was in love before her. I know now that I wasn’t. Or if I was it wasn’t a true, unconditional love.
Sorry, didn’t mean to blow up here. It’s been really hard. Tonight was the night one year ago that I screwed up and was going to copy and send a text my ex sent me to her friend to see what she thought(looking for help), and I accidentally sent it back to my ex, which I think was the real thing that finally made up her decision. She was a real private person and no matter how silly or simple a text was, Those were sacred to her. Like I betrayed her trust as bad as if I cheated on her. I knew at that moment that she was probably going to break it off for good.
And tomorrow night is the anniversary of her leaving me.
So this has been a real emotional week for me. Hard to think it has been a year. There are days or mornings that it feels like it was last night.
You are the only people I have to talk about this to. I can’t discuss how i’m feeling with my girlfriend anymore, because it’s making her feel like #2.
Thank you
November 7, 2018 at 12:37 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235889John
Participantmaybe part of my issue is that i never had that pedestal with my parents, or at least i don’t think so. as you know what i’ve described my childhood as. And when she came along, it changed everything. Not knowing how to love or be loved my whole life, then that happened… something to learn and deal with I guess?
November 7, 2018 at 11:01 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235855John
ParticipantThanks Loleta. I will try to focus that way.
Anita, I understand what you are saying, but I have to respectfully disagree some. I believe that when a person finds what they feel is true love, that that “feeling” will always be there. There may be some rough spots and times when there is some hurt, but that feeling will always exist and you will feel that throughout the relationship. I know when I hurt, all it took was a simple text from her to make the pain go away.
I have known people that have had and still have that. that feeling when you just look at someone and smile, just because. My aunt and uncle for example. It was amazing the love they had for each other throughout their entire relationship. When my aunt died, my uncle was destroyed. It took him years to get over losing her and I don’t think that he fully has.
Maybe we are only met to really have that with one person, maybe not. right now for me, I’m not sure. I do know that everyday that goes by, i do feel closer to my girlfriend. I know that she will never be my ex and i may never feel that way with her like i did my ex. But i’m working on focusing on her and us and trying to forget. It has been getting easier with every passing day. I still have tough ones. Almost like remembering someone that has passed on.
At this point in time, all I know that i can do is love my girlfriend and show her that i do. maybe in more time, when i can fully let go and take my ex off of that pedestal that Valora has talked about, i will get that feeling with my girlfriend.
thanks so much for everyone’s input. I appreciate it so much. 🙂
November 7, 2018 at 8:00 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235809John
Participantanitia, i see where you are going with this. However
“Here is the problem: when you were with her, you felt it but not continuously. It is impossible to feel it continuously. We only get a feel of it, here and there, a sniff, a taste of it and it is gone. But the longing, that is continuous.”
That’s the thing. For a good part of our relationship, it was continuous. Even when we weren’t together, I still had that feeling because of how we did communicate and keep in touch. because of the little things that we each did. It really wasn’t until her older son really started causing drama that things got shitty and i felt like i was being put on the back burner.
That’s why I think it has been so hard for me.
I don’t think everyone has experienced this. Yes maybe as a child, but not something you would remember. I know in my lifetime, with her was the first time in my life i ever had that feeling. That feeling of complete and utter bliss and happiness. Smiling everyday, just happy to be alive. wanting nothing but to just love her and show her that.
I know i don’t feel that now. I do love my girlfriend, but not the same. She loves me that way. I wish I did her. It was the best feeling in the world.
Believe me, I am trying to move on and “wake up”. Every day I tell myself that. That I need to enjoy and appreciate what I have.
I can’t help these feelings when they come up though (I cried last night again). Like today being the day my ex and I first physically met. It was an amazing night.
I know I will probably never have that again. It’s just feelings that arise and they are hard to deal with and understand.
Thank you all for listening and helping. It has been getting a little better each day.
November 6, 2018 at 6:40 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235665John
ParticipantLast night was good. My girlfriend got the night off so we were able to hang out.
I did wake up this am with my ex on my mind though…
I am feeling a little better. But still tough on me. This morning sucked because i had memories of waking up at her house before work bright and early, making love, then she would make me coffee before I headed down the road.
Memories like that really kind of suck right now:(
November 5, 2018 at 8:35 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235523John
ParticipantWell, i had a pretty good weekend. My girlfriend and I went out together friday night, then pretty much did nothing the rest of the weekend but laid in bed together and fed the kids.
It was nice to have a weekend like that for a change. It feel like there has always been something every weekend since she moved in.
I really didn’t think about my ex until last night when my girlfriend went to work. And of coarse today. Today is the first day of contact between my ex and I two years ago. Our anniversary of physically meeting is in two days and anniversary of her leaving my is in 4 days. So this may be a tough week.
I’ve been really mulling over a lot in my head. there are some things that Anita told me early on about not knowing how she really felt. I was thinking about how much my girlfriend now loves me and how I’m not on the same page as her. I know i’m not. I do love her, but I could walk away. It would hurt but i could.
That was something that my ex used to tell me once in a while. That if it was too much, and i couldn’t do it (because of all her drama) that she would understand if i left. It would hurt, but she would be fine.
Makes me kind of see things a little clearer. Like she did love me and was in love with me, however. Very likely nothing like how I was in love with her.
I was so blinded by how much I loved her that any little thing she did for me, i saw as something amazing.
I still do feel deep in my heart if i have been able to just breathe with her and take it easy, instead of forcing everything and demanding so much attention that things very well might have worked out. It was like i went from a care free guy that she had fun with and could just be with and then i became this insecure guy that made her feel guilty, made our time together stressful because i was worrying about when she was going home, needed approval for everything I did, and smothering and controlling her.
Its really something else to really start to see all of this. I mean really start to see it. I’ve said it before until i was blue in the face, but i’ve never really seen it until now. It was like i was trying so hard, that I felt if i didn’t show her every minute of every day she would leave. A good example is in September I ordered a coffee mug for her that when it got hot the words appeared on it. saying something about how wonderful she is, amazing girlfriend, blah, blah, blah. I happened to received it the weekend she was at the wedding and gave it to her when I picked her up. then the next day i was blowing her up asking if she used it yet and could read it. It was like i turned into this obsessive guy you would see in the movies. I was a freak. I seriously lost my shit. No wonder she left me. Who can go through a relationship where the other person is constantly looking for approval and attention over every little thing.
It’s just amazing to me how bad i did become. She always told me i only hear what i wanted to. How true is that!! I re read some of our text messages from after were broke up. She was explaining to me why it ended. It was like i was reading them for the first time. I really read them, not just seeing bits and pieces of them. I got so bullheaded and egotistical. Like ” theres nothing wrong with me, what the hell” That’s how I felt.
I don’t think i’ll ever get over the regret of not seeing how i changed and who i became. It’s a real shame. We did have something beautiful. What’s funny is that our entire relationship, i always felt like the universe was against us. It always felt like there was something there making it harder then it should of been to see each other. Either the weather, or family issues, or work. Always something in the way.
God i really did love her with my soul though. So hard to get past that.
As for now. Well, i am focusing on my girlfriend. I really do want this to work out. It is hard not to compare and think of what could of been. It’s so opposite from my ex. With my ex. we both had freedom, we both were doing good financially, we both loved a lot of the same things and had the same hobbies, we both did things together all the time.
With my girlfriend, now we are both tight on money, we don’t have any freedom(or so it feels), we hardly ever get to do anything together (we still haven’t been able to have an overnight trip together without kids or anything), and we don’t do a lot together because of her work schedule.
When we do have time together though, it is nice.
why is the brain and heart so freaking screwed up.
well, that’s it for now, thanks for listening. I’m really just trying to think about today and not tomorrow or yesterday. It is hard though. I still have those moments when i think, maybe in another year or two…. somehow we will meet again and reignite that spark we had… I hate it when i think like that.
November 2, 2018 at 6:29 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235101John
Participant“It really isn’t her that you want. It’s someone who makes you feel the way that she made you feel, only without all of the stuff that made you feel bad.”
Well that’s a yes and no. Our first month was a little rough and it wasn’t until the last couple months that it got hurtful. I’m telling you, all those in between were freaking amazing. I do want that feeling again. I want it so bad. I was thinking about it last night. My girlfriend was working and texted goodnight and I love you. When i was with my ex, anytime she texted at all my heart jumped, and when she told me she loved be. I always got a big smile on my face. Really hard to explain.
Now, well….
My girlfriend makes me feel good and loved. But i don’t get anything close to that feeling I had before. That feeling of complete and total euphoric bliss.
On my way to work this morning, i was remembering one of our road trips. Not on purpose, it just kind of snuck in there. They were so much fun and I always felt so at peace, natural, and happy.
Now, I think that having the kids now all the time, work schedules, and money is creating that block for me. That block that won’t let me enjoy this. Cause of all the stress on a daily basis. When we do get time, we are both so stressed and exhausted and both of us feel so negative about everything it’s preventing that feeling from being allowed to happen.
“I don’t feel helpless and I do feel hopeful about finding that kind of a connection again, even if it’s with someone completely different. We just never know what will happen, who we’ll meet, when, etc.”
Right now for me, i do feel helpless and the thought of having that connection again is a fantasy. I hope that i can and i will someday. Maybe it will be with my girlfriend or maybe this relationship isn’t meant to last and it will be with someone else. Right now is too early to tell, but it’s not fair of me not to give it a chance just because times are tough.
I do wonder if i will ever have one full day when i don’t miss my ex though, or have thoughts or memories of her pop in my head. It gets really bad sometimes. Even sometimes when my girlfriend and I are having sex, i would think of my ex(again. NOT ON PURPOSE). I just think about how great it was and how well we fit together while in bed(not literally). Really hard to explain and I really hate it that that does happen.
Damn, love is a curse sometimes. It really feels that way.
November 1, 2018 at 2:28 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #235035John
ParticipantI think the longer i go without contact will help too. I only went about 3 months or so before, then we started talking again and like i said, it felt like she was kind of flirting or missing me for a while. I really think that that made me go backwards, cause before that i was all about my girlfriend i have now. it has been only two months now since my last contact with her. It is very hard though. So much of me just wants to see her face to face and tell her all of this in person. To make her really see that i have seen my errors and mistakes. I know in my head that that wouldn’t do anything or solve anything. But in my heart i feel like if she could see how sincere I really feel about all of this that who knows.
It’s just weird how the mind and heart works. I don’t know anything about her life now, except that she has finally done things and steps in her own life to make her happier. Things that we talked about several times and I tried to help her with. Things that i felt like i was waiting for so we could be happier and focus on each other more. I I know she has a boyfriend for almost a year now that she is in love with and makes her happy. for all I know she could feel about him like i did her or he could just be comfort. I’ll never know. It’s just messed up sometimes where my brain goes.
I do agree with you about If its meant to be it will be and it has to happen in it’s own way. could be next month, 5 years from now, or never. And if we do ever meet again we will have to fall in love all over again. I can’t make anything happen or force it to. For now i do have to focus on my girlfriend I have that loves me for everything i am, flaws and all. It is difficult though. having loved someone with all of your heart and soul. Someone you would of died for without hesitation. Being able to let that go is the hardest thing i will have ever done in my life.