Forum Replies Created
August 26, 2019 at 7:29 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #309347
Participantanita, yes and no. I need to spend some time looking over everything before I can give you an honest answer. Unfortunately the only time i can look at this forum is at work, so my time is limited.
for everyone… Friday was a crazy night. I went my friends house to repair his garage door opener and furnace(i’m an electrician). She already knew i was going there after work and that nobody was going to be there but me. But she got insecure again, started blowing me up on my phone, very annoying. She asked me if i was coming home or staying out there. This was while i was in the middle of troubleshooting the control wiring(which was kicking my ass). So i told her “honestly i don’t know what i want to do yet” Meaning i wasn’t sure if i was going to come right home after or hang out for a minute after my friend got home. She got very insecure. I finally got finished and told her I was coming home. When I was around the corner she texted and asked if I left yet. I was being funny and said no, thinking I would surprise her in 10 seconds by walking through the door. Well she wasn’t home. She ended up going down to the bar. So I went down there to talk to her. She said she was very depressed and more… I tried to get her to come home, we ended up staying there for a while. She got absolute shit faced drunk. We finally got out of there, the rest of the night was horrible. We got in a couple big fights, yelling and screaming. I told her that i’m done (again). So then she started hyperventilating. I had to help her breathe right.
This whole weekend she cried. We talked a little here and there. I told her that I just can’t do this anymore. That I’m miserable every day and so is she. That I need to be able to find myself again, that I’m not the man I used to be. And that I can’t love anyone until I learn to love myself again.
So, of coarse she made it about her. Why can’t you love me, what did I do, and so on. I told her it’s not her so much as everything and our situation. That I’m just worn out. That there is always something here in our situation that is bad. Always something that is causing stress, whether it has to do with the kids, or money, or friends, or whatever. I told her that our relationship is the opposite of what it should be. That the amount of bad times and good times is backwards for us. An example is a couple weeks ago, we had a good night. All of us was laughing we all had fun. She said we should mark this day on the calendar. That to me was an instant red flag. If we only have good days that seldom that she thinks we should mark it on the calendar, then there is something wrong.
I need to go back to work.
I’ll leave you all with this. As of right now I think she has finally realized that i am not in love with her. That I do love her but no “in love” anymore. And that every time we fight like this, we make up and she thinks every thing is fine when it’s not. I think it finally sunk in to her. She just doesn’t understand how I can stop feeling for her like this. i told her i’ve been feeling this for a while and every time i try to make it better, but you can’t force love. That it either happens or it doesn’t.
I didn’t tell her this. For me, this has been one hell of a learning experience. That the dynamics of this is just like me and my ex except that my ex wasn’t living with me and when she was done so it was easier for her just to call it quits, she didn’t give me the chance or chances that I have given my girlfriend now. I wish she would of, however knowing what I know now, i don’t think it would have mattered. Just like things with my girlfriend and my feelings haven’t changed. They wouldn’t have changed with my ex. I do know if we(me and my girlfriend) were not living together, then this would have been a lot easier to end and I would have ended it a long time ago.
It’s still very ironic and eye opening to me that this relationship turned out in a lot of ways like my old one, but i’m in the other seat this time. just the fact that my girlfriend keeps telling me that she knows I love her and that things will get better. kind of like how i’ve been saying that i have this feeling the my ex still has feelings for me. I really hope this experience helps me get over my ex some more. that I don’t ignore everything and can apply my feelings that i’ve had in this relationship towards my last one and any future ones I have. It makes me think about how much I have tried and tried to make this work and if my ex did the same thing, but just never communicated with me about how she was really feeling or if she did and I was just too blind to see it. All very crazy to me.
I really have to go to work. talk to ya later. thx for listening.
August 19, 2019 at 2:11 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #308603John
ParticipantNotice how A Feeling is so important to you, how you long for that feeling every day, consumed by it. Feelings are most important for everyone, it is how we experience life. But in your situation everyone feels badly. Everyone suffers. Don’t you see that you need to make it better for everyone by digging yourself out of this hole, by stopping the bleeding?
Yes, i do see that. I feel like however how hard i try, i feel guilty and see the hurt i cause and give in to try to make it better. I know it’s not right.
I see this image in my mind: the world is falling apart, bombs exploding, building crumbling, children screaming in pain and yet, here walks this grandfather with a flower in his hands, peeling of petal after petal: “She loves me-She loves me not-She loves me-She loves me not”.
Look around you- children are being hurt and harmed, money is being depleted and homelessness is a possibility, let go of that flower you are holding in your hands, looking at.. she-loves-me-she-loves-me-not. There are more important things at stake, other things to focus on, real life practical problems to attend to Now.
I don’t think it’s as much as she loves me, loves me not but just the pain and never getting the real closure i needed. Never understanding why i wasn’t good enough for her to try, why she was just done in what felt like over a weekend(even though i have realized that it was something that was probably coming that she didn’t allow me to see or me see myself (an example is towards the end i told her I felt like i was losing her and she told me she wasn’t going anywhere), she just kept it to herself instead of talking to me about it and that too makes me have questions. Yes i do wonder at times if there is anything left there even tho she seems happier than ever with her life and boyfriend now.
I can’t help that thinking. I really do try to focus on my situation and position that me, my girlfriend, and our kids are in and how to fix it. I can’t get those other thoughts out of my head. I battle so hard with myself almost everyday. I actually was screaming at myself today in my truck on the way to a job. It’s like a contaminant in my brain that i can’t get rid of no matter how much I try to forget about that and worry about other issues i have that are critical in my life right now.
Mark, when i do need someone to talk or vent to my sister does listen. I don’t like talking to my friends anymore about it because as you can imagine everyone is burnt out on my depression and problems.
I do see what you are saying though. either take a shit or get off the pot. The problem is every time i try to, I give in to the pain i see on my girlfriend’s face. I know the hurt she feels and me causing that cripples my decision making ability even though i know it’s just prolonging and causing more hurt and pain for everyone. I do know I need to do something before it’s too late.
August 15, 2019 at 6:36 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #308083John
Participanti meant to put quotes around Valor’s statement about “anyway, its been almost 2 years….”
August 15, 2019 at 6:35 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #308081John
ParticipantValora, yes i have considered it (counseling). The problem again is $$$$. I can barely afford to keep food on the table anymore. a good example is that last time i went grocery shopping I had to buy 2 cases of cups of noodles. Its freaking ridiculous. With the money I make and having two incomes. I should be thriving. But her not being able to contribute… and she hasn’t ever gotten ahead or really been able to help. In fact she had to use her visa card to pay her phone last month. That’s another issue tho. back to your idea. I think counseling would be good. especially if we each had one on one time. Then the counselor could help her see that we aren’t good together.
For her to move. She would have to find at least a two bedroom apartment. Those average around $900. so first, last = $1800. Deposit, usually $200-$600. For me it’s even more cause i would need a house or if I got an apartment would have to rent one big ass shop/storage to store all of my stuff.
I do think you are right about finding the right person to get that feeling back. Now, i just feel resentment, regret, guilt, pity, guilt, remorse, guilt. did i say guilt? I wish i would have never moved her in. I really think that was the worse thing I ever did.(well i say that about a lot of things..)
Anyway, it’s been almost 2 years and I still think about my ex every day. I do not allow it to consume me, but it very easily could if I let it. I also miss him dearly, and my mind also wants to think he is THE ONE, likely because I haven’t found anyone else yet that I have a similar connection with that comes even close to what I felt with him. So I get what you’re feeling. I just remind myself often that there are lots of guys that I haven’t met yet and my mind doesn’t know my connection with those guys. You might want to try reminding yourself that there are millions of women that you haven’t met yet, too. Your mind doesn’t REALLY know, even though it thinks it does. And it’s okay to love your ex and to think she’s special to you, but just remain open to other possibilities. That’s the key.
Thanks for this. It helps. I do love my ex. a lot. I know she is happy. I know if she wanted me back she would have taken measures to get me back. It’s very hard to explain this feeling i still have. This weird connection I still feel with her. Maybe i’m high, but maybe not. The last time i was feeling this. I mean really feeling it, I was wondering to myself if she’s out there thinking of me. (This was when we weren’t talking before the last time we started talking again.) It wasn’t long after that that she reached out and contacted me, we started talking and very shortly after that is when she told me “she thinks of me often”. I really do believe she does miss me in a way and misses what her and I had also. Like she told me once “I was in a beautiful relationship with a man”. she was referring to me. It was beautiful. I do know now that it was not all my fault why she left. I do catch myself thinking that “why didn’t i do this or say that, maybe that would have changed things” But really, she is the one that couldn’t really tell me how she is feeling. She is the one that may or may not have cheated on me or started talking to someone before we broke up. She is the one that didn’t like to communicate and kept me available at her convenience. When is she would have made me feel like I was a priority once in a while. Maybe I wouldn’t have gotten so needy and clingy. trying to control our time together so I could know i was going to see her. Maybe that was a recipe for disaster in itself. and now… It’s the same, but i’m in different shoes. The difference is i have told my girlfriend how i feel, what i think. I even told her one night that sometimes, she needs to keep her opinion and thoughts to herself, because she assumes things that aren’t true and makes up scenarios in her head. Like yesterday. I had to run to the store to get laundry and dish soap. When I got in my truck i was texting her oldest daughter(she just had a baby and is having a difficult time, so i was telling her things will be okay) and then i looked up and my girlfriend was standing right there. She thought i was texting someone else. So i had to show her my phone to prove it. I know I created that thinking in her and I am deeply sorry for that, but damn.
I do think the sooner i can get my girlfriend and her kids out of my life, the better and the easier i will be able to heal. I think having her there for me is a burden and it just magnifies the good that i did have with my ex instead of letting that fade into the past.
dang, i just spent 20 minutes on here! I have to go for now. Keep in touch, thank you again. anita, i’ll address what you wrote next time I’m on here.
August 13, 2019 at 6:39 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #307759John
Participantanita i just read your post. very insightful. it does make a lot of sense. there are a few things that are different.
I’m not afraid to be alone. I was alone for two years after I separated from my wife and was perfectly happy. I would prefer it instead of living with my girlfriend. I can’t move out tho, i don’t have any money, credit cards are maxed, nothing i can “borrow”. in fact i did a budget for myself for the next year trying to figure out how to get some money and I found out i’ll be lucky to have $400 a month for food and gas, let alone any emergencies or spending or savings. I went into this deep of debt helping my girlfriend, thinking thing would get better for her and she would be able to help back, but they just got worse.
I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel right now financially. And how ever I am doing she is worse off with money.
I feel like I am in a lose lose situation.
I do care for her and her kids. I don’t want to hurt them anymore, but I don’t want them on the street either.
Believe me, I wish I had the money to move out, or to help her move out. If i could afford it i would even pay her rent somewhere else.
For me to move it would cost me at least $4000. for her it would probably cost a minimum of $2500 depending on if we could even find an apartment cheap enough. That’s just something neither of us have and would take at least a year to save up.
back to what you posted. I do see that excitement you were talking about. That longing i have. Maybe it’s not for my ex, but just that feeling. but if that is the case, why do i think just about her, her face, her smile, her touch. I didn’t need to go on trips and have fun with her. With her i would have been more than willing to be more broke than i am now just to take care of her so we could live together.
There are so many dynamics of this relationship i am in now that relate to me and my ex. 1. my girlfriend has told me all she wants to do is love me. 2. she told me she doesn’t care if we are broke, as long as we are together. 3. she would do anything for me, if i asked her to move out of state she would without hesitation. 4. she looks at me how I used to look at my ex. There are lots and lots more. It is still weird to me how it feels like i’m in the same relationship only i’m in my ex’s shoes now.
What i don’t understand is if i am afraid to be alone or need that comfort of someone, then why can’t i embrace my girlfriend now and let her love me like she wants to?
All i know for sure is that whatever it is, i miss it. Terribly. I’m tired. So tired of thinking about her every single morning when i wake up and being the last thing i think of before i go to sleep. It’s so bad that when there is a moment i’m not thinking about her, i get excited and then i do start thinking about her unwillingly. I don’t know how to not. It absolutely consumes me. I’ll be honest, it has been very hard to not contact her. I have been fighting it with every part of me. The last time we texted was new years eve. This has been the longest stretch. before this 3 months was the longest.
I need to go, writing about this has brought tears to my eyes again.
I really do appreciate all of you and your patience and still responding to me . this is the only vent i really have. I hope i can build the courage to do what i need to do and stand by it. Thanks again.
August 12, 2019 at 8:08 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #307643John
ParticipantNot good. Thanks for asking.
Well, i’m trying not to complain and whine anymore. I’ll just say this.
She can’t leave cause she has no money and her family won’t step up. I can’t leave cause I have no money to move and if i did i wouldn’t be able to find a place big enough for me ( i have a lot of stuff. full house, garage, shop and two sheds, let alone a RV, Full size truck, work truck and two more cars-I have a vw addiction. LOL).
I tried convincing her the other day that i can’t do this and she is still in denial.
I have not moved into the RV yet. I know I need to to make a point.
We have not had sex, she even asked me why. I told her that I don’t want to lead her on. She got upset and said, ” maybe I’ll find it somewhere else” I told her “go ahead” . yet she still doesn’t get it. Then she brings up the kids and how much this will hurt them. I tried telling her that stringing this along will only make things worse.
She is in total denial and when we do talk about “being done” it’s all about how she isn’t lovable and poor her type of talk.
It really tugs at my heartstrings and makes me want to try again one more time…
I’m not trying to be a jerk, not trying to lead her on. I feel so awful about all of this. I feel stuck. If i could afford it, I would leave. If i didn’t have my girls, I would move out and live in my RV at my friends house. But that is no way to live with my girls.
I honestly think the only way for her to finally understand that i am done is to tell her straight out that I’m still in love with my ex. Even though I know she is happy with another man whom she may have met before she left me. It doesn’t change how I feel and if anything, this situation i’m in now pushes my feelings harder towards her(my ex). That I feel miserable and this situation makes me miss what I had with her even more.
But, when we do talk and i say anything about needing to be alone or needing to focus on myself. She just says, “I will wait, because someday you will realize what you have right here and then we will be happy”
It’s really freakin amazing how the universe works. All this time that we talk and are together, it only makes me realize how much like her I was with my ex. How pushy and needy I was and how that did push her away just like she (my current) is doing with me. I’ve tried telling her that when she talks about a future together, i kind of freak out. That that isn’t what I think about.
The money problem doesn’t help one bit either. She is seriously super broke. If it weren’t for me she would be homeless, and it’s causing me to go super broke as well. An example is that she had to use her visa card to pay her cell phone bill this month.
I only have about $20 to my name until Friday, then after that i will only have about $200 to last me two weeks for gas and helping with food. And my girls birthdays are coming up along with hers.
I’m not looking for pity or to feel sorry for. I want to make that clear.
I’m just miserable and feel alone and selfish. And again, feeling these things really paints a clear picture to what happened with me and my ex, which makes this situation even harder. The difference is her(my ex) living in another town, it was easier for her just to end things instead of trying to work on them. Even if she would have tried, i wouldn’t have changed because I never saw how I was and how it affected her until now.
finally, yes i still miss my ex more than i can express. I still think about her every day, sometimes for more than half the day. I cried again this weekend when i was at home depot. It brought back a memory of when we were in our last month together, just after we got back together after our “break” . I was down there and helped her replace her water heater. I remembered everything from that weekend like it was yesterday.
I’ve found myself looking at other women. not to meet or anything. Just body types and how they dress or look. Things that remind me of my ex.
Through all of this it has become painfully clear to me that I am severely screwed up and need help. That i am in a position i can’t seem to get out of physically and mentally.
I know what i need to do. I do need to move my shit into the RV and tell her that I am done, that i am not in place to be in a relationship with her or anyone for that matter. That i need to just be able to focus on my and my girls. That she can stay there until she can find a place to go and I will help out however I can with her kids, but we are roommates and that is it.
Whenever i try to do this, i feel guilty and horrible and cave in tho. I don’t know how to not give in when i see that hurt in her. it makes me think ” i can do this” but i can’t. I know dragging things out makes it worse, but i keep thinking it will get better even tho I know it wont.
sometimes i really do think the only way to get it into her head is to tell her straight out that I’m still in love with my ex and that I don’t know if i ever will be able to love anyone else, that maybe i am destined to have loved once and be alone and that i don’t ever see me being able to give her(my current) what she needs from me.
i’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to go on and on. i’ve been avoiding this forum like asked by anita until i can get this taken care of.
July 11, 2019 at 2:23 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #302953John
Participanti’m not having sex with her. i’ve tried to get her to leave and she won’t. I though if i told her that, then that would make her want to leave. I never said i was perfect. I’m screwed up in the head and heart.
July 11, 2019 at 8:54 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #302915John
ParticipantIt’s possible your ex may just be happier with herself now so that might also be why she seems more open with the guy she’s dating, too.
I never thought about that. When we were together she was dealing with a lot of drama from day one in her life between her ex-husband, work, finances, and children. Now, she had a different job that she loves, sold her home and is living at her boyfriends, both her kids are grown and gone, and since her kids are gone she is not dealing with her ex-husband anymore. Also she lost all that weight that was giving her health issues. So she can be happy with her life and focus on her lover now. Before there was always something standing in the way. I think that’s one of my bigger regrets, is not giving her the space she really needed when she did, instead i kept pushing and got super insecure and needy. I know i can’t change the past, just frustrating knowing that if i could have really seen the big picture and stepped back for a bit that it may have been me and her now enjoying our lives together. It’s hard to see her so happy with another man, while i’m suffering every day thinking about her.
July 11, 2019 at 6:30 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #302889John
ParticipantI agree in lots of ways. however, I think my ex was in to me, but wasn’t ready to share things like that, but then again, i could be way wrong. Thinking back of a post she did put up only 2 months after our break up about breakfast and sex. Maybe you are right, or maybe she changed at the end? I will never know. I’m not the type that can just forget about it either which sucks. But I have to keep trying. She was the first thing i thought of this morning when I opened my eyes and have been since i woke up. I am at work now and going to try to let that consume my brain instead of her. It really did/does hurt to have seen that post tho. To feel like I was cheated or fooled into thinking that someone did love me the same way i did her.
I just feel so bad for my girlfriend now. She was getting assistance by the state for food stamps, now they took all but $75 away for that and for daycare, she would have to pay at least $400. So really she barely has enough money to live, let alone pay any living costs besides her car and cell phone. Everything seems to be crashing down around me. I have completely strapped myself money wise as well with her and her kids there. She won’t be done, I try and try to tell her i’m through. I even brought up my ex and my feelings hoping that would help her want to be gone, but she just said that she thinks that one day I will snap out of it and see how much i do love her. I told her last night that this relationship has been very tough because i feel like my ex and she feels like me. that I know how she feels. Just wanting me to look at her or touch her that certain way. Just to make her feel loved again.
I even told her how much I really felt for my ex. How i would have done anything for her. How proud I was to have her in my life. and that i don’t understand why i’m like this now and why i can’t just walk away from my ex and move on and be done. That maybe i need to be alone and make myself happy again…
She told me she doesn’t understand how i can feel that way. I told her “look at you!” ” how many times have I hurt you, or have you found out that I was talking to her and I tried to break up and you’re still here?” I said, ” if you and i had a great relationship, like the first 3 months but for the whole year and then i was just done, up and left. How would you handle it” She tried to bullshit me, about her ex and how that was, but i told her that she told me that she didn’t think she loved him like she did me.
She is still there…. It’s like she is me with my ex! I would have taken all of this in hopes that she would come around. I would have stayed forever for just 10 minutes a week of bliss with her. The sad part is I probably still would.
Now, she has a minor surgery tomorrow morning. This shit never ends.
That’s why i was thinking about moving to my friends. Or at least faking it? Telling her that I can’t afford to live here anymore and that i am doing that to get her to leave as well. If she has to move, maybe her family will step up?
Shit, i gotta get back to work! talk soon. Thanks for your help and listening
July 10, 2019 at 1:58 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #302797John
Participantthanks. Well my bad judgement got the better of me. I looked up my ex and her boyfriend on FB. Just curiosity to see what is happening. I know that’s the last thing i should have done, but I couldn’t stop myself. Maybe its a good and bad thing i did.
He did a post about being a hard working man and that sometimes the only quality time they had when he would be sleeping and resting.
she commented “I got this” with a heart emoji. He replied “thank you honey”, she replied “I love you”, He replied “I love you too”.
DAMN! That was hard to read. Really kind of put me in my place. To see her post that publicly. She never said that to me over social media. Even when i said it to her.
Kind of like a huge sticker shock. Really makes me wonder what kinds of posts she does on her page (it’s private) about her and him. She hardly ever posted things about us.
I feel so stupid. So blind. So used. The worst part is that in some messed up part of my brain, i think she is just saying that to make him feel good. Like she did for me at times. How retarded is that.
Although seeing that hurts tremendously, i really hope it helps me put an end to this endless hope or feeling that she still has some feeling for me. That someday, somehow she will come back.
In the end I really need to figure out to put an end to the situation I’m currently in and get better on my own. Then maybe i can meet the someone that fits me and really gives me what i need. It’s so easy to say this and so hard to actually do it though. Especially when through everything, my heart feels like it still belongs to her. I feel like such a pathetic man.
I guess tomorrow is another day and i will do my best to push on.
July 10, 2019 at 7:48 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #302735John
Participantbeen a while. still thinking about her every day. I’ve read different articles where it has taken some people years (like 4 or more) to finally be able to move on. I even read one where this gal had a similar situation as me. Still had hope, no matter what was happening. Her ex was even getting married and totally happy, but she was in denial. she even admitted it. That there was something that made her believe that he would come back. It’s crazy, but that’s how I feel. Like i still have this gut feeling that one day, there will be a phone call or text and we will meet again. Maybe just for coffee or something and then PRESTO! that spark is back! I know it’s a fantasy and unrealistic. but that feeling just won’t go away. I wish so much that it would. But at the same time i don’t. There are days that i think about it. Not intentionally, but I do and it actually puts a smile on my face. Like there is hope and someday it will happen. Like the movie the notebook.
I’m still battling my home life also btw. I think the only way to be done with that is to move out myself. I have talked to a friend of mine (known him since the 7th grade). He has property and said i can live in my RV out there. So i’m really thinking of doing that. I need to do something that makes her leave. It sucks cause once i do, i don’t know when i can afford a place again.
June 21, 2019 at 9:28 am in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #300191John
ParticipantWell, yet another day of struggling. I hate that I get this way. I hate that I miss her so much. I really do miss her. This pain sucks. Through all of everything that happened, days like today. I feel like if she were to call or text me and ask to start over, it would be like the world would be at my feet. damn this hurts today. trying to focus on other things to get my mind off of it. It’s really hard on days like this. Friday, work is slow, nice weather. Brings be back to when i would be counting the minutes till we got to see each other or go do something together.
ParticipantWell I didn’t do it saturday. You won’t believe this, but she had a shingles break out. First time either of us has seen something like that. She had to go to urgent care to find out what it was, so that kind of took over the day/night. Then I kept pushing it off. Waiting for the right time. Well there is not a right time to do this. Also, her friends birthday is coming up and we are supposed to go over there saturday night. Her mom even offered to take her kids for the night. I feel horrible about all of this. So yesterday I made plans to go over to my buddies tonight and to drop off a car at his house, then trouble shoot his garage door opener for him. I told my girlfriend that I was going to do that. She got upset. “what time?” she asked. I told her probably around 5 or 6. Then she got all pissy. she said something like, you just going to have dinner out there then go to the bar or something! And was bothered that I didn’t ask her to go with me. I explained to her that she has been really tired lately physically and drained and I thought she would have rather stayed home and rested, specially since she was supposed to work 12 hours on Saturday. She was still mad. She said “you just don’t want me there” “admit it”. So that’s when it happened. I told her “you’re right” “I don’t want this” and I told her that I wanted to break up. I told her that I wasn’t happy and haven’t been happy. That I need to be by myself to learn how to make myself happy. That if I’m not happy with myself, how am i supposed to be happy with her. That I felt like we fought all the time and the kids fought all the time. She keeps trying to tell me that that is normal. I told her that i don’t feel things that I should. for example her and I had some time alone the other night. I should be ecstatic to have that. Instead, i just feel normal.
She got upset and pissed and went full circle with emotions and accusations. She even thought that i was talking to or seeing someone else. I told her i’m not and I haven’t talked to ANYONE about us except for her. Anyone meaning any of my friends or family. I guess i’ve been talking to you guys, but i don’t think that counts?? Anyways, I told her I have been fighting this for some time now and I have kept going back and forth. That this isn’t fair to her, me, or the kids to keep doing this “break up/make up” thing.
She said she has no money, no where to go, and doesn’t make enough to be able to live on her own. I told her she can stay here and I will stay in the RV when my kids aren’t here. and that I would pay all household expenses. she said she can’t live here because she still loves me, is in love with me and can’t be seeing me, staying at my house. But right now she doesn’t have a choice.
We talked more before bed, then went to sleep.. I woke up this morning to her crying/getting ready for work. I said goodbye and have a good day. she texted me after i walked out the front door “that easy huh” . Then texted that she is confused and doesn’t know if we are together or not.
I really don’t want to cave in again. I feel horrible. I do love her, just not “in love” with her like I should be. I’m afraid I won’t be able to be strong and not give in again. This sucks. I really wish that we were living at her house and I could have just moved out. Her living with me and having no where to go and no money to do anything with makes this unbearable.
Participantwell, haven’t done it yet 🙁
Of coarse more drama with her and her family or life. I’ve been waiting for the right moment and there isn’t one like you’ve said. Always something. Always some reason that everything is shitty.
I think last night was really the final straw for me. I came home from work, picked up all the kids like I always do. Then I did some chores outside. Then chilled for about an hour or so watching tv and all the kids did too. When she got home she was irritated that the dishes weren’t done (we made it a chore for my 12 yr old daughter) and it felt like she was pissed and bitchy. So I helped her and then my buddy showed up to move some car stuff over to his house. “how long is it going to take” she asks. I didn’t know? an hour? 3 hours? depends on how everything goes. So she seemed irritated about that.
Well we got done. I stayed at his house for one beer, then told her i was on my way home and was nice enough to stop and get her smokes since she is broke again.
When I got home she asked me “who was all there?” in a shitty voice. I told her that it was just my friend, his wife and kids. Then I told her that my friend and his wife invited us to dinner. For us though it was tool late and we don’t have the money. She asked ” how can they afford to go out”, “they just bought a house and are getting a tractor and…”
Seriously! What is it her business? I told her when your household makes over $150000 a year, things like that are possible and that for us, we don’t make that so….
She was bent last night. She gets so focused on everyone else’s crap instead of worrying about her own life. And I feel like i have to explain myself for anything I do or don’t do anymore.
the thing that really sucks is before her. When my friend would ask me out, i would go. if i had my kids or not. it wasn’t an issue. With her, there is always something.
So last night sitting there bickering with her. I realized I’m done. I’m really done. She works on saturday, so I think that is a optimal time to make it happen. I’m going to move all my shit into the RV that I need for clothes and stuff. I’m going to move my bathroom shit in there too. Then when she gets home i’m going to tell her that we need to talk and that we just don’t work. That we have too many differences and that I’m unhappy, my kids are unhappy, she is unhappy even if she won’t admit it. That we are all suffering.
She keeps referring to other couples that have blended families that they are “so in love” and would do anything for each other.
I need to tell her that we tried and tried and tried, but we can’t “Make it work” that if it was meant to be then things would fall into place and not be like this. that I can’t give her what she needs and she can’t give me what I need.
I will tell her that I am going to reside in the RV for sleep, I will stay in the living room to watch TV and she can have our room and bathroom. That I will take care of my own laundry and my kids shit, and she can hers(that’s one of her bitches.. “I’m always doing laundry and folding clothes”-I tell her everyday to make the kids fold and put away their own laundry and she won’t). The last thing is that I will cover all household bills(well i do already) and she will just share her food(she gets 500 dollars in food stamps) with us. Or if anything we can do separate food and have her give me $200 of her $500 or something. That might even work better cause that’s another issue with the kids is food. and when to eat and if they can have snacks and what to buy.
So many problems with us. I don’t know how she doesn’t see this. It feels like we are both on eggshells everyday.
I was really thinking a lot about everything. I think if neither of us had children, then we would be great together. But the fact that we both raise our kids so differently with certain things. It’s hard for both of us to conform to the other.
a couple good examples is her kids for instance. They constantly yell and argue with anything, then it’s throwing tantrums and fits. Her son is especially bad. He yelled at my 8 yr old the other day in the car because he couldn’t get his seatbelt buckled and she told him and tried to show him what the problem is. My point is that with my girls, if they started to have any kind of attitude, I would have them go to their room until they were over it, then they could talk to me. No yelling or arguing with me and throwing things and slamming doors like her kids.
Also with her and her kids. She has always been the type that they eat dinner by 5:30-6:00 and the kids are in bed by 7 or 8.
only fair that I show the bad of my kids too. so…
With me and my girls. I let them get away with a little more than i should. Sometimes stay up late, sometimes not do chores, whatever. But in my defense. When I do ask them to do something, they do it. They don’t give me problems. My girls actually respect me. Before my girlfriend moved in, they cleaned their rooms every night, helped out, ect.. I think that she bitches so much it causes them to rebel and not want to help.
With me and my girls, i’ve always been the type “we will eat whenever I cook” sometimes its 6:30, sometimes its 8:30. I never had a “set in stone” bed time. I did try to get them to bed by 9:00. Sometimes we would have late nights, especially at the beginning of summer when it’s light outside until 9:30-10:00. But again, my girls always listened and did what i said.
I like to spoil my girls too. Not “princesses” but if the need stuff, i get it. If they need money to go to the movies with a friend, i give it. I was raised up as the “poor kid” who couldn’t ever do anything. IT SUCKED! I really think between that and not having a strong male figure in my childhood is what caused me to be insecure about myself and not be a strong, confident alpha male type of guy. Instead i’m the “nice guy” that always lays down for everyone. I DON”T want my girls to be like that, i want them to be strong and assertive and confident. NOT bitches, just confident in themselves.
WOW, i really kind of exploded here.
I have to go. I really am going to try to do this this weekend. Please give me strength to do what I need to for me , my girls, and my girlfriend and her kids. This relationship is not healthy for any of us. Thanks
June 3, 2019 at 5:52 pm in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #297271John
Participant- Hello Valora. I just want to say I really appreciate your responses on here. They really do help.
So. The last couple weeks have t been too bad until yesterday and today. Some friends of mine have a relative that go to the same school as my ex’s son. They went to his graduation party last weekend and were talking about it.
That really brought back a lot of emotion in me. Hearing about their relative made me think about her son. And what was supposed to be after he graduated this year.
Many of you all know. When we were together we were on what we called the “2 year plan”. This plan was that after her son graduated high school. She was going to move up to my town and we were really gonna start the rest of our lives together. In my mind. This is when I was going to ask her to marry me.
So I guess this date in time really hit me hard these last couple days. I tried to think of other things. I even went riding with my friend and his wife which was nice. I haven’t done that in a while. However it brought back memories of the first time I went riding with my ex. We met the same friend and wife their and we had an amazing day. I feel like such a fool. I don’t know how to have these memories and not have them hurt. I wish I could just remeber and be happy for the time I had.
I really am trying to focus my energy on different things If it still feels like there is always something there that reminds me of her. Just like that song by the naked eyes
I cried again today. Two different times. I’m so tired of feeling like this. I really do try to take steps to not, it it just feels like it’s getting worse.
I wonder if it’s because this is the longest I’ve gone without contact with her. It’s been 5 months now. Maybe I’m really finally grieving? I don’t know. I do know it still hurts like it was yesterday.
Thanks again for listening.