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  • in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #136565

    Thank you for the kind words.

    I had a good session with my therapist yesterday afternoon. Surprisingly on my way there my guy I guess I will call him Brickman messaged me and started telling me about how the weekend with the kids went and that they had a serious discussion regarding their mother on Sunday night.

    He also told me that he is working with his therapist about his anger and frustration issues he has had since his ex wife left him and the kids. So all the stings he said made for interesting conversation with my therapist.

    He also mentioned a few times about doing things together soon.

    My therapist suggested that I reply to him when he contacts me but not to initiate anything at this point which I agreed. She also encouraged that I have my weekend planned out by Thursday so I don’t wake up and wonder what I am going to do. I will have a list of things; chores, hiking, photography, lunch or dinner, etc to do each weekend. I will see her again next week. And I will post again soon.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #136147

    I don’t know.

    I am hanging on to hope. I am trying my best to have patience, it’s been one week. I don’t call him, nag him, I message him maybe once a day, letting him be the one to contact me. I’m giving him time and space to work on his stuff. He met with his therapist on Friday and I don’t know how that went, I hope he has another appointment soon.

    This weekend went. Saturday I went hiking by myself, he took his kids canoeing. Sunday I went to lunch and a movie my myself and later went for a walk on the beach. He sent me photos off and on over the weekend of what all they did which was nice of him to do. I miss all of them so much. I keep hoping that the kids and going to say, “wheres bricklady?! Why didn’t we go here with her to … or … this weekend like we talked about? Why isn’t she coming over?” So we can spend some time together.

    I am trying so hard to have faith in that what we are doing isn’t the stupidest thing in the world. I don’t know if I need to work on having no expectations when it comes to him. Something to ask my therapist when I see her today I suppose.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #132635

    He is 10 years older than me which has never been a problem for us. We have so many similar interests and things in common.

    My therapist did encourage to continue contact with our mutual friends, I am cautious with what I share with them. I like how they are open with me about what they witness and talk about with him, but are incredibly respectful about not sharing private personal things as well.

    Waiting period it certainly is. Wait and have patience. You are super helpful and I will continue to pop in with new updates as to what’s going on. We are in contact with the exception of yesterday and talk about a wide variety of things as we always do. It is really nice to see him motivated to get back to his favorite hobby and he is sharing a lot with me about it and we have tentative plans to take a class together.


    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #132605

    I was dating myself for a few years. I had been married from 2002-2005, had one long term relationship from June 2006 until November 2009. I took for me them I dated someone from April 2012 to March 2015. Then I was tired of dating others I took myself to dinner, movies, concerts, hiking, etc. I had never dated anyone with young children. I was working and doing stuff I liked to fill the time I guess. I missed being in a relationship but I never met anyone in that I connected with until I met my guy.

    The marriage didn’t work out because we were so young (I was 22 when we got married) but primarily he he was emotionally and financially abusive and no amount of counseling worked to save it. He got numerous loans in my name and ran us into major debt.

    The first long term relationship didn’t last because he was just out of college and he travelled a lot for work. He was almost never in town and the relationship faltered and ended.

    The Second long term relationship ended because he didn’t want to have a family of any sort. His only child was an adult and that was enough for him. He wasn’t even interested in having a dog.

    I am closer to the younger kids than the older daughter. It’s not that we disagreed but more that we never sat down and had an adult conversation about how he & the kids make me happy and I make them happy.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #132591

    We are still getting used to this transition time for us. I think(hope) as we work through this we will learn how to communicate so that we can talk about conflict/distressing issues without causing one of us to take a few steps back or have him regress to how he is now.

    I just want him to get to where he feels better about himself, I can’t imagine what it must feel like to not only be left by a spouse but also have the parent of your children abandon them and dealing with the aftermath. I know he needs time to work through it all and I want to be with him on this journey. I don’t know how much space/time he needs, how often should I talk to him, that is something we’ll figure out as we go through this. I just keep praying that he works through this and finds his way back to us. Selfish, but I love him and the family and am still so scared of losing them.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #132581

    I like that! It’s actually because I really like Lego. But Lego also need reinforcements to withstand pressure, so it applies.

    I didn’t have any contact with him yesterday and he messaged me first thing this morning to ask how I am doing and if everything was okay. He said he “is getting a handle on what’s going on. Or trying to at least.” But he didn’t go into detail and I didn’t ask. We have messaged a good bit this morning about a variety of things.

    I did speak with our mutual friend and told him my thoughts on how the oldest daughter is trying to be head of the house. He said that he is starting to notice that as well and does not believe it is good. He doesn’t know how to address it (neither do I.)

    So today, is way better than yesterday. I see my therapist on Monday afternoon and I am sticking with what she told me Tuesday. “Don’t ask when can you see the kids or him. He knows you want to. Let him be the one to contact you.” So I am taking deep breaths and planning my weekend for me.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #131897

    I pray everyday that I will have nights where I am with them and look back at what we are going through and think about how far we have come.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #131829

    Hi, I’m okay this evening, how are you?. I exercised and am settling in with a book.

    He has a legal aged daughter and two minors. It is more complicated than I thought as well. I guess I could had sat down with her initially and had a chat about me not trying to replace their mom, wanting to be friends, and how can we work together, etc but we never did that.

    It’s a pickle.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by bricklady.
    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #131747

    His daughter is 23. She moved back home when the mother moved about & away, to help get the kids to & from school and maintain a “normalcy in the house” Which is code for she bosses her siblings around to do chores and does none herself.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #131727

    Thank you! It definitely helps me to process whats going on and even if it get me through the anxiety of that one moment of the day It helps.

    He and I have been in contact, I am giving him his time and space that he requested and I know he sees that I am respecting him.

    I spoke to my therapist today about his older daughter, how she speaks to him, treats him which is horrible and demeaning. She suggested that I mention to our mutual friends about how his older daughter speaks and treats him. But it goes back to how he needs to work on dealing with conflict, which he does not do well with. It makes me wonder if his ex wife spoke to him the way his oldest daughter does, if they ganged up on him together. I know he sees that how his daughter treats him, but he fears conflict so he buries his head and hides from it. If I said anything I don’t think he would process what I say, but coming from his best friends he might process it. His oldest daughter has a large influence on him, positive once in a while, but more on the negative side in my opinion. She is living at home until December 2018. This is something I think we will be dealing with for a while.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #131697


    I had a session with my therapist today, telling her how the weekend went and the discussion my fellow and I had. She had some insightful things to share.

    Meanwhile, I have some friends who in my opinion are not supportive of how my guy and I are transitioning. While I want them to say “You are making what you believe is the right choice and I support you” They are instead saying the opposite. One lit into me so bad last night I had an anxiety attack at dinner and walked out of the restaurant. If I feel like I need to share with my friends she suggested that I preface my sharing with, “I need to talk/vent without needing a response back” If my friends are capable of listening, great; if not, great and I then I can not share with them.

    I am struggling with my anxiety so we are going to work on that next week. And she liked my idea of a routine, to keep my life going and not staring at the clock watching the minutes tick by.

    So that’s where I am today, breathing and keeping calm.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #130645

    Yesterday was hard. He sent photos throughout the day of what he and the kids were doing which did help and we texted a little last night. I think I will have to get some sort of routine going to help me fill my time and get stronger.

    Mondays, movie or walking.
    Tuesdays & Weds work late go home and crash
    Thursdays dinner with friends.
    Friday, walking
    Saturday and sunday will be the worst. Lunch with friends, clean the house, movies, play pinball, hiking, anything to fill the time.

    Change has always been hard for me and this is throwing me for a loop.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #129493

    The reality that my stuff being gone from his place is hard. Occasionally the thought of it being a seperation move as well Pops in my head. And we even talked of that yesterday. I want to have hope and believe him when he says it’s only for while he’s working on himself.

    We have tentative plans to have time together in the next few weeks. We’ve talked and agreed on taking a class together on a hobby he does. He’s in communication more since we’ve talked.

    The time apart is going to suck. If we continue to be more open with each other I pray that in the end it will bring us closer together. I know he loves me as he knows I love him.

    Something he is going to work on his how to prioritize and get a handle on how he worries about things. Its a large cause of his anxiety and I think when he works on that a lot of other stuff will fall into place.

    I see my therapist on Tuesday morning. I really liked her. I felt like she listened a lot and had questions and insights that made sense.

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #129479

    Hello again!

    I met with a new therapist for me Friday morning what a world of difference! I felt stronger and had questions for when I met my guy yesterday.

    He and I talked for several hours yesterday about where he is in his head. He’s lost. He is finally processing that his exwife selfishly abandoned him and his kids. He’s upping his own therapist appintments. He is not cutting me out of his life. We are remaining friends, best friends first and foremost. And we are also slowing things way down. I’m not going to go out there as often nor will stay as long.

    We talked about what he can say to his kids, “daddy is taking some time right now to think about everything that has happened this past year. I am still friends with bricklady, as you are. You can call, email, text her at anytime. And we will see her soon”

    It was super freaking hard unpacking all my stuff last night. He gave it all back to me and said probably 20+ times that it was so I could have my things while he takes this time to work on himself. That he wants/hopes it will be all back over at his house.

    So I have a lot more hope than I did earlier this week. It’s going to be hard changing the routine of not being with that family for a while. I need to work on ways to be supportive and not smothering. He was so surprised that I was like, “you need time, no problem. Take it. I support this 1000%. I want you to work through this and be happier. There is no time table on how long this will take.”

    in reply to: He's overthinking and retreating #129119

    I am trying really hard to be strong. I miss them and this is so damn hard.

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