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  • in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341622

    Another thing I’d like to add is that the dry, “restrained”, irregular or even apathetic responding you get from me here is in general my way of interacting with others. It’s like I’m too lethargic or listless to even say coherent sentences when I talk

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341618

    I guess you’re more accurate in saying there are “possible new events and people” than in straightly saying that there are “new events and people”. So even if a chance to make more meaningful friendships and lifestyles could be around the corner, there’s some level of exhaustion/emotional mental burning in me to catch them. You know, I stumbled across the term “soul loss” in psycho-spirituality many and many times and I resonate with it. I’ve lost myself a long time ago and now it’s kinda dead (myself)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Gaia.
    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341572

    I guess it has some truth in it that I play a part in “not taking newness” in. I have difficulty in establishing relationships, or sometimes even be interested in going out. The stagnation is definitely internal too, and I do relate to the “too tired and bitter” (basically, internally exhausted) to make new things happen

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341424

    I don’t know if there really is newness in my life. Definitely some things have changed since high school, I don’t want to imply that it all is the same as ever but still it’s not enough.

    Let’s take my crushes as example, if you consistently think about them for years without nothing happens isn’t that already a sign that nothing else stimulating enough is happening? As you once said “have empathy for yourself that you feel so lonely that you need to stalk your crush”

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341386

    Dear Anita

    You got it right so far.

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341344

    Basically your suggestion is about honesty and straightforwardness, I like it!

    Back to the ivy analogy, I think that you turn into a certain way because life shapes you in a certain direction, with certain people and events, + inner traits. Sometimes I feel like life has forgotten that I exist and that I need happiness, challenges and newness to keep growing. Instead I feel stuck in a limbo of stagnation and negativity since forever. I feel like I have clothes that don’t fit me in and I need life to give me a valid excuse to throw them away but it doesn’t.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Gaia.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Gaia.
    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341160

    Dear Anita

    I know it may sound like I just ignore where you point to but something I truly care about is to feel free to express how I think/feel about my life events and personal feelings about people and situations because I know them better than anyone else and wish that me expressing it or the nature of what may sadden me wouldn’t be taken by you as me being blind about “the true things that matter” .

    I mean, I do like you to point where I may be blind or not objective enough, yeah, but I also wish that I could say my own about my parents and other events without just passing like I’m defending them cause I’m blind or delusional

    I’m not 100% sure about the loyalty thing because at the end of the day, my mother tries to reach out many times for me to express myself and stuff, it’s me who reject it strongly. So I can’t just say she 100% neglects me because based on the daily straightforward experience from which I write what I write here, she doesn’tt. You know my life based on what I say, so I wish you could also trust me to say things as they are as much as you wish I could trust you in giving trustworthy advices.

    how can we find a balancing point for both of our perspectives?

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Gaia.
    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341146

    Dear Anita

    I’m still I’m the process to make sense out of my story and myself, the self who never had a change to be, because that’s how I feel sometimes, nothing at all. And I always consider your words and experiences so learning how to know things on a emotional level is very important to me.

    By the way with the ivy analogy, the tangible thing to lean on isn’t necessarily only emotional support but again “what makes you you”. I’m sorry if I sound too abstract and existential sometimes, I guess many of my turmoils wouldn’t exist if I wasn’t so abstract and existential in my thinking patterns but it’s just how I am.

    How I feel basically is that I had a change to become a person and didn’t happen.

    I decided to go and type soon journal entries that I had already since a long time, especially in the time when my thinking pattern was at its most incomprehensive, to make myself better known to you.

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341070

    And btw I can safely say that speaking with you has been one of the few internet activities actually helpful or useful so I would never say that it has left “holes”

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #341066

    Oops error in typing

    I meant “hours and days”, not “yours and days”

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Gaia.
    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #340982

    To use another analogy, I’m still like a newborn baby approaching life and the environment for the first time. My skin is very delicate, and so my eyes, my movements suck and my brain can’t process in depth or smoothly what happens around. Except that I’m not a toddler but a 21 years old

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #340980

    Dear Anita

    What my ivy needs is something happening, experiences. People. Jobs. Skills. Break ups. Travels. Deaths. Accomplishments. Friends. Enemies. Lovers. Fights. Passions. Departures. Responsabilities. Whatever makes you you. My younger self tried to make up for the lack of these things by settling rules and identities, anything that could turn me into something but now I know it’s not enough. I believe I could do all the most excellent psychotherapy on the world if I had to be blessed to find it, but psychotherapy will never fulfill the holes that yours and days of surfing on the internet have left in me. Not only, at least

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #340956

    Dear Anita

    Soon I’ll type here some unfiltered vents I’m writing on a personal journal

    In the meantime I’ve found an interesting analogy to describe how I feel about myself, my life story and personal development: a plant, more specifically a climbing plant that keep going up and growing “randomly”, without stable supports or surfaces to lean on it naturally needs. Think of a climbing ivy, it needs to lean, twist and wind around something else, a stake, a gate, gratings, to keep growing and live. Well, I am that climbing ivy who gets bigger and longer but around my ground there’s nothing to lean on, I just keep growing “randomly”

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #340662

    Dear Anita

    The reason I seem contained is because this is a public thread and reveal very personal stuff that everyone can read and make their own opinion about, is uncomfortable to me. That’s why I try to stay more “vague” possible. By the way, I’m definitely going to do the exercise you suggested

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #340630

    Lately I’m not really hiding in fantasy, actually. I know one of my biggest issues is the fact that I zone out, I numb out and live in my little mind, I’ve tried to be more present and be aware of when I slip into numbing habits. I’ve noticed when difficult feelings arise and I’ve let them be, I’ve let boredom, anger, frustration express themselves without trying to distract myself. What I’ve gathered is that an entire life (and childhood especially) spent on electronic devices or neglected at doing my own thing without be helped aquiring usefully skills and social skills/experiences has left my brain really disorientated and confused, it has left me without a formed identity and sense of self.

    My parents were both distant somehow and this left me neglected, or too self sufficient, I guess I experienced them both abandoning and intrusive (my mom in this case, as we’ve explained plenty)

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