Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Anita
I’ll try to be as specific as possible
Once in our high school class chatgroup I asked something about our final exam that was already perhaps asked multiple times and she sent an audio where she basically screamed the answer I needed, and everyone laughted, but honestly she only comes across as trying way too hard. She was annoying af
Also specific to me is whenever she behaves extra lovely or friendly to everyone else and I can basically notice the contrast with me, as I already pointed out to you. It’s not even something specific she does but this.
Once she even tried to behave as she didn’t notice me across the street but she clearly did. (It doesn’t happen all the time, but it happened at least two times)
And not to say that she’s like this constantly but oftentimes she is, or at least, that’s how I see it
ParticipantDear Anita
It’s strange to me to picture you cursing others or being spiteful, you always come across very peaceful and balanced and mature
By the way yes, I definitely agree that my anger needs to be vented, I can’t stand to hold it in my body every day every year, it’s a torture.
By the way, one person I’m particularly obsessed with is a former classmate that was and still is member of that team I talked you about. Shes particularly friendly and beloved by everyone she definitely goes out of her way to try to befriend others but she always was particularly passive aggressive towards me or at least that’s how I always perceived her. I can accept sarcasm or loose way of approaching if someone is close to me enough to go past that detached politeness first stage, but if you never seemed to care enough to be friendly to me in the first place you should stay in your lane in any other interactions you have with me. She used to make my blood boil for this and I always resent myself for never raise this up. She also used to only greet my very other close friend without greeting me too hello?? She’s like, everywhere I used to want to be, befriending people around me and kinda singling me out? That’s how I see it at least, and she always sees my instagram stories and often I suspect she tries to make subtly fun of me somehow? I don’t know. If I could smash her head against the concrete I’d do it gladly but actually what happen in the end is that I’m always civil and courteous
ParticipantOftentimes I wonder if I ever do you an accurate description of the people in my life, or it’s me who’s tremendously biased. I wonder if its truly others who reject me or it’s me who think so. I often struggle to understand what’s true and whats not, I’m really confused. I know I’m part of the issue but I am not completely sure to what extent others are too, I still don’t know.
Btw sometimes I fear that all this hatred and poison will give me serious health issues finally, like cancer and shit like that.
ParticipantDear Anita
My anger is always this up, since forever actually, it’s only that lately I’m starting to embrace it and i am slowly stopping to feel sorry for my thoughts or hatred, prior I was trying to keep my darkness at hold now if I had the chance to hurt someone either physically, I’d take it gladly. I don’t care.
I’ve beaten myself up for thoughts and impulses beyond my control all my life, I’ve feel guilty, ashamed, inferior, undeserving for them only to ‘protect others’, these thoughts and feelings only hurt me though.
Yes I’m aware that there’s lot of suffering below. Suffering for being treated only decently instead of being loved, for feeling disrespected, for having to cope with my mental health all by myself since almost forever, tired of having to show up for others while others never do the same for me. Tired of having to hold up, of being ignored or dismissed. Tired of myself for never freeing myself. All my life I’ve beaten myself up for being unlovable, stupid, weird, wrong, because others either neglected me or barely accepted me. I’ve questioned it all, I still question it. I ask myself whether this dark feelings are justified at all, someone I know greets me warmly or have me doing small talk, or say they love me and then feel tremendously shitty with myself for thinking so ill of them deep inside. But I can no longer blame myself or asking myself what’s wrong with me, I can no longer take it
ParticipantYes i definitely don’t feel like I have the love I need so much.
I wish I had the chance to beat someone or seriously hurt someone emotionally, at least finally someone else would hurt the same and I shouldn’t be the one carrying all this.
ParticipantDear Anita
I’m hit right now with extra intense feelings of hatred and rage towards people that implode inside of me, it’s crazy how intense it is, it’s almost homicidal. I imagine myself beating them or say them very cruel things I don’t feel like repeating here. And why? Because often I feel I’m implicitly treated like stupid, or with coldness, or made fun of, or treated like a clown. I wish I could be assertive and notice these feelings as they happen in real time interactions so to make myself respected but often I don’t know if it’s like this or I’m the one overthinking?
I can’t stand feeling like this, it’s a poison. Sometimes I pray I had the chance that people truly showed off as they really are towards me so that I can either exit or stay, sometimes I wish I truly had the chance to beat someone ass. I can’t help it, I’m very aggressive and resentful
Many times I’ve considered I may be borderline or have some personality disorder, given how strongly I need certain people love but can be very hateful and spiteful towards them at the same time
(Thanks for your throughout response to my entry btw. Much of what you read is merely a translation of something a lot more twisted and not easily comprehensive that sometimes still happens in my mind.)
Participantthere are looots of entries with reflections like these or similar to these. I apologize if they’re not easily Comprehensive or aren’t logical or make sense at all, I understand this, I couldn’t understand them myself. I couldn’t understand myself, my thoughts or what happened with me at all.
Participant“Upon my multiple senses of selves I also feel like it adds my consciousness who now wants to get better/
I fear I don’t have a soul or a center in me, that I can’t think normal thoughts without imaginating that I’m saying them to someone else and imaginating myself from their point of view/
Memories and images, ‘vibes’, that pop up but I can’t understand if it’s my mind making them up or they come from reality (things I may have seen, dreamt, thought, or a mix of this)/
As I try to fall asleep, it’s like my mind makes up songs, book phrases, places and scary thoughts like: what’s your true face/place, where you are most real (and stuff like this, it’s scary that I can’t find a specific point to this)/
As I fall asleep, my mind can imagine me or a “sense of me” that is physically distant from me/
I definitely feel the detach between my inner self and my interacting/real self, if now I tried to focus on what I say to Others or show to Others I feel the split as it wasn’t the true me and it makes me panic as it makes me think I may Always have showed off a self to my family&friends while my true self is something new and strange to them/
Panic if this state of existential confused fear may repeat in my life causing even more disasters in me, in the way I perceive life with its dreamy memories and vibes, I fear I Always have been in danger in a sick existence/
Feel like what happens to me externally is a mix of my personal inner world. If I see something I fear it may return as an abstract or dreamy memory and so I fear I may no longer set apart reality from this muddle of stuff/
I fear I may not be human and that I don’t have a life like Others/
I feel confined in a state of confused and undefined boundaries/
Panic that I feel there’s something sick and crazy and wrong in my life like it’s non linear (panic increased by existential futuristic movies with time loops, lappings, non linear stuff) it makes me nauseating and so it does that reality is different from everyone point of view, that reality is not just one, I fear I may not exist./
It frustrates me how fragile and weak I am emotionally, like I’m on border of insanity and a life without real pains. What’s wrong with me, why am I like this? I fear there’s no remedy, not even Death, there’s something abnormal about my feelings I can’t trust them…
…especially when it comes to my high school crush. Why did I trust my friend opinion body and soul? My only contact with him was in my fantasies and in what my friend said about him. Did we even see the same reality? I spend a huge part of my life imaginating myself from his eyes (or how I imaginated him seeing me) what I am, beside that? I fear so many abnormal little weird things happened in my life. What I say is nonsensical, my life is nonsensical/
I fear I only ever lived in my mind without contacts with the outside world/
I fear little dumb things I’m used to do: pulling thin hair, moving my finger as I was writing randomly words I’ve been thinking or I dwell on them doing weird gestures and grins fantasizying
I fear how my mind organizes things and reach conclusions before me or Beyond my own understanding,/
I can’t believe to something for real or pray for real. It’s like my life and thoughts are a little show with my own self like I’m hyper aware or my mind is omnipotent
There’s no me Beyond me imaginating myself or myself from Others point of view. When I think ,feel or do things it’s like I Always watch myself do these stuff/
Participantdear Anita
me and the people nearest to me are healthy. My sister recently came back from a highly infected zone but she’s ok, she’s only required to stay home a couple of weeks and so us too.
For a moment as I read your words about me being aggressive against myself I felt the urge to add “well, I’ve not been as aggressive towards myself as I’ve been with Others, especially in my mind” but I no longer want to invalidate, belittle or not acknowledge my own suffering.
I’ve been also thinking about how things are different than before on a positive note, compared to a couple of years before now when I had at least one panic Attacks (or two) everyday and none to entrust, besides strangers on the internet. My dilemmas and anxieties were so complex and abstract that researching on the internet couldn’t provide me with relief, it was literal hell. I’m going to type here what I used to write on my journal to give you an idea
Participantdear Anita
I feel like I’m doing good enough these days. Coronavirus has spread all through Italy and we all should stay home and avoid contact and going out the best we can. It’s a bit sickening to stay so much inside but however I’m working on myself and trying to be positive for myself instead of toxic. I’m trying not to minimize my pain and try to acknowledge it and instead of beating myself endlessly for indulging in old toxic habits, I try to be accepting of them and remind myself that if they exist, it’s justified. it means I was and am in so much pain that they are needed. I’m trying to stop saying that there’s something wrong with me or that I’m something inherently bad or monstrous, I’m just a person who hurts and have been hurt, but I know that can change.
Sometimes it hits me with shame that I have been also lazy all my life and indulgent and despite that “complaining” even while out there people deal with far worse hardships and still are more mature and responsible than me, but I’ve decided that whenever I’m hit with intense shame or self hatred I’m going to write it here instead of letting it sink inside of me.
ParticipantDear Anita
I know that the way you wish I took it “seriously” was by seeking a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, however I’ve already made clear why that isn’t possible and even available on different levels at this time in my life. I don’t even want to cut all contacts with my family, in case that’s what you meant with withdrawing loyalty from them. Whatever it means, it’s not a easy and immediate process, not even in processing it mentally.
This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by
ParticipantI also achieved a new insight: that talking about myself so in depth like I’m doing in this thread just plain terrifies me. I used to think that it would only feel like this in case I would talk with my mom or other certain people but now I realize it’s terrifying in whatever case. That’s another reason I don’t always like to talk with psychotherapists cause opening myself like this is scary and I fear other people responses and opinions, even yours sometimes (not that you scare me, it’s how I feel about everyone in general)
ParticipantI do agree that trauma and response to trauma need to be set apart by the way I listed them all together cause they still felt traumatic on the same level: for example I know that mood swings are a response and not the trauma but whenever I experience them is still a traumatic experience to me, that’s it
About the last thing: I recognize that the things I feel or that trouble me aren’t very easy to explain to others or even to understand them myself so it wouldn’t surprise me if you don’t always get them or if I sound like I just whine without a solid reason
This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by
ParticipantAnother part of my life I’ve still not mentioned to you yet is that since I was 12/13 I’m part of a female “dance” team that is very tight and “family-like”. But even here I never managed to make close bonds/friendships even thought I’m supposedly part of this loving “family”. You could say I should just leave but it’s not easy when you are a senior member since forever, even here I feel like life never gives me a chance to throw away those old clothes that no longer suit me, making me die slowly. I don’t know Anita, I know it’s hard to understand me or what I say sometimes, I can almost feel like you’re perplexed or clueless when you read what I write or how I feel about things
ParticipantDear Anita
Here what I think has been traumatic in my life: feeling burdened at very young age by my mother emotions, a detached father, having often episodes of being outcasted/made fun of/bullied by school and peers since a very young age, frequent episodes of humiliation and shame (due to me feeling lost and disoriented in real life environments and interactions), feeling chronically unaccomplished and “less than”, spending my whole teen years trying to be someone else instead of just enjoying my years, OCD and other very burdening mental and existential issues, self loathing and extreme mood swings, the persistent feeling of life not being bad (“there are people who have it worse”) but neither of it being enjoyable, gratifying and stimulating, feeling like I have to hide or suppress many parts of myself, also suffering about my crushes has been traumatic for me (it’s laughable to consider it traumatic I know but I’ve suffered obsessively really a lot for them)
This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by