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  • in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #327701

    On my anger:

    I was prone to anger since I can remember. I so always thought of it as my defining trait. Others point out how sharp and brutally honest I can be, how argumentative I can be, its more easy for me to hate than love. I would not shy away from physical fight if it’d present itself and it happened sometimes.

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #327697

    I don’t think you’re born with mental disorders, but you can develop them in your lifetime based on environment and predisposition to certain moods or thinking pattern. Said so, your opinion doesn’t really contradict mine.. in the sense that something like unresolved or repressed anger can manifest unhealthy in the mind or affect your thinking/attitude in toxic ways and to me that’s mental disorder. To be honest, I don’t believe mental disorders are chronic defined boxes so I’m not exactly putting a defined or specific label on myself neither but the way my mind can get detached or the way I can be very strayed from reality or the way I spend so much isolated time only thinking about my extreme moods or pacing around.. well definitely that isn’t very sane

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #327565

    Makes sense. Definitely what I’m doing lately. Exposing myself to more and more interpersonal settings but slowly.
    I’m also considering I might have some mental illness since the way my mind can gets very dark and nasty (as well as my moods) disturbs me. When I get angry I get very verbally aggressive and vicious in my mind even when it’s totally uncalled for, I may also forgive someone pretty quickly or want peace but then randomly I will entertain mental scenarios of me attacking or fighting someone I dislike and it gets very vicious and I just am perplexed with myself


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Gaia.
    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #327497

    Thanks! My attachment pattern is definitely fearful avoidant. I’m both anxious at being accepted by others but at the same time I’d rather avoid them. I found attachment theory to be really interesting and insightful

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #327443

    The compliments you made about my thinking were very much appreciated. I guess no one else ever called me “logical”my life lol. By the way, one method I’m implementing in my social interactions is paying more attention to what is being said also to understand when exactly telling a personal input and so not to talk over others. I also try to feel more connected to others by matching their voice tones, but I guess body posture is worth considering. I feel so incredibly stupid in social settings sometimes, if someone says something I have to ask them to repeat more than once.

    Also during this time I’ve also accomplished another insight. I guess I’m unable to form real relationships because both my parents were somewhat distant in my early life. My mother used to work most of the time and my father is a withdrawn type. I was very talkative as a child so I used to bond with him more but it got lost with years. My mother was also present and physically affectionate when home but I was a detaching child, preferring to be on my own and daydreaming most of the time instead to be bothered with practical things others talked about.

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #327307

    Hi Anita, I’m back as I promised. A few months has passed and as I said, I’ve very slowly started trying to focus on healing my life and my mindset. As you suggested, I’m trying to be more social and spend less time alone. It’s not always easy and it’s very frustrating sometimes but I don’t want to give up on myself no more. Last month my grandma has passed away out of the blue, we weren’t very close but it has been a very sad and disheartening moment to me. Sometimes I have nostalgia of her but like for every other feeling, I try to sit with it instead of repressing it more than necessary or put on my daydreaming coping mechanisms. I’m also trying not to stalk this guy who doesn’t reciprocate me on social networks and try not to check obsessively if he sees my stories and posts. It’s hard to be vulnerable or honest with my peers. I feel so young next to them. I never have a lot to say about my life and I feel like I’m nothing next to them. I’m giving a chance to some dudes but sometimes it’s like a duty. Even if I don’t immediately feel a strong attraction I still try to give it a go and know people better but I’m a difficult person to understand and feel too behind on lot of things, I don’t want to be shamed or ridiculized.

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315579

    Dear Anita,

    I may not be active on this thread for a while because things are changing a bit around me and the routine I had til these days is changing too and I’m trying to adjust to all of this. I’m trying to befriend myself better and listen to my own guidance in everyday life. But I’m going to repost sooner or later and I’ll share my ideas on your post after thinking it through fully and I’ll share perspective on my new challenges

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315199

    I must admit reading “development arrested- cognitive and social” about myself make feel like shit. Or better, I am thankful for you and how you’re helping me seeing the truth about myself but those words hit me at the core so much. How can I unblock this development? How can my brain stop being this way?

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315133

    Yes you can reply anytime you want

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315117

    today is my first day in my new rent. I’m trying to be optimistic but I’m a bit anxious. Living around my peers was always triggering to me, I’ll write about my new life

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315043

    1. I’ll start with more light things, things easier to admit: to this very day, I always had devastating exagerated heartbreaks over crushes that I didn’t even really know. Generally steming from some of my friends (when they still knew who I liked) trying to convince me that the infatuation was mutual and then, feeling it was not the case. The rare times I totally got obsessed with someone, they were already with someone else and god it made high school and this very summer devastingly painful. I could never admit such a thing to my friends unless I’d want to be seen as a nutcase. Also I felt multiple times humiliation in public, once they had to repeat instructions over something to me so many times that at the end, they yelled. I often do words salad in public or impulsively say things that don’t really make sense, or make very dumb mistakes out of impulsivity or absent mindness. More than once I had some serious panic attacks in front of people that were already annoyed with me to start with, my nasty habit to twist and observe my hair could neither stop in public and people picked it up a loot of time, people asking me why I never seem to be dating anyone and stuff, and I have to admit that I never had sex with anyone. And when I’m alone by myself, it gets even more cringier. Almost morbid. Please don’t ask me to continue

    2. It’s not 1 conversation in particular we had but I can tell you what stuff had the most impact on me: the same cringy feeling I have in admitting to other people about my love life I have with her, and she once said I should hurry up cause time go fast and I’ll miss out on life, gosh it gave so much anxiety. Whenever me or my sibling (who always was a big asshole to me by the way) had issues or negativity she only make it worse by starting to crying or getting anxious instead of being soothing or more objective. It just gets exhausting after a while. It’s not something in particular, it just she vibes she gives, too sentimental and dramatic. I may sound mean phrasing it like this, but I can’t help it. However I have to admit that she generally also tries her best in trying to be supporting or positive, only sometimes she’s successful

    3. When me and my sibling were kids she often lamented that she wished we were closer instead of fighting all the times, cause she always wanted a sister and she couldn’t have it. She often made other comparisons that we didnt like at all

    However, I don’t know if she doesn’t like me. When I was kid and in my teen years she was really affectionate and we were very close. She always explictly cared about my wellbeing and admit my positive sides or good traits. So yeah I think she loves me but what she doesn’t understand is that her personality can repel people and not bring them close as she wished and that she should be a lot more self aware in her life



    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315023

    About your questions:

    1. I don’t really feel comfortable going into depth about most of my weird habits, it seriously make me cringe so much sorry.

    2. Well, she’s very emotional and simply too much at times, even on trivial stuff so simple small talks aren’t enough for her. She wants to talk about feelings and deep stuff that itself is not a bad thing but done by her can make you roll your eyes because she can’t simply chill and exagerate stuff in my opinion. I remember as a child she at times did melodramatic gestures or acting out and I don’t know, I can’t exactly explaining it.. maybe it’s simply that I don’t feel opening up to her cause I link in a period in which we were very close cause I expressed about my ocd and so, to a period that was very dark for me and that I wish to move past from.

    3. She often laments that she had no sisters growing up so that’s why she wanted daughters and I guess in her mind her daughters aren’t exactly how she dreamed them to be.

    let me know if you want more details


    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #315003

    So what you suggest is living far from my family and getting therapy. both things that I can’t afford now, I guess I’m fucked up for other years to come

    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #314941

    I’m going to reply to your questions as soon as I’m on the PC but now I genuinely feel like sharing some thoughts I’m having since yesterday.

    As you know I daydream and live inside my head a lot, to the point that I don’t find much fun or enjoyment in real life situations. Real life situations always gave me bad experiences or feelings, increased my self hate, comparison with others, shame and social anxiety. Living in real life always made me feel that I’m dull, my life is dull and others are better than me. Well, maybe it’s after spending a life more focused on fantasising than acting, but I genuinely feel put out of place in real life. Like it takes my brain some seconds to recognize something happening around and how to interact with it. Sometimes my posture is weird or I feel dizzy, like I just entered another dimension that don’t belong to me, like I don’t know what to do with my hands and with my eyes, how to interact with all the things happening around. Last night I was off with some friends and at one point, we filmed each other for fun, and my insight on myself increased, because looking at me I genuinely look off or subtly uncoordinated, like I just entered a situation I can’t comprehend and I’m forced to act. I looked at my eyes and I recognized that I was sunny and friendly but distant, somewhere else with the soul. That’s why I always felt dumb, my mind just can’t comprehend what happens around, it takes slightly more than others that instead seem to interact with the environment so effortlessly, they don’t feel the need to zone out every 5 minutes.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Gaia.
    in reply to: My extreme feelings kill me #314813

    Some of them even as adults seem a lot more carefree about the idea of being criticized than others

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