Forum Replies Created
May 31, 2018 at 10:24 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #210217
ParticipantHi Anita,
I feel that is why I ran away as a child & felt alone and like I wasn’t good enough for my parents approval. I am sure there was a lot more than I can remember at the moment as I am beginning to feel lost thinking about these things. I don’t like thinking about my childhood memories as there were not many blissfully happy ones. My father meant a lot to me & I always tried my best to make him happy & what I remember most id disappointing him. He always preached to us to do well in school. If I made a’s & b’s, that wasn’t good enough, try harder he would say. Thinking about things now, most things in my parents eye were if you try hard enough you can do it. Which was not the case for me. I never could accomplish enough to make him happy. But, like you I cherished every moment I had my fathers attention. I found an old 8mm film I had made to dvd & my father is filming me as I walk towards him in the camera & I cry terribly when I see it because I would love 1 hr. of his attention now. He passed away when I was 27 & has been dead for 30 yrs. I miss him all the time.
May 31, 2018 at 6:53 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #210191Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thinking about what my happiest times I can remember was with my family & feeling they cared about us. I remember going to the zoo one time when I was about 10 & so happy with my Father. He wasn’t very interactive with us as he was a Drill instructor in the Military and very strict. 3 girls…My Mother was a stay at home mom because we moved so much. My mother was over-protective as she never would let us do a lot of activities as she was afraid we might get hurt. My parents were never much on verbally saying “We Love You”…I do remember I wanted that so bad. I didn’t get along well with my older sister & we have not spoken since my mothers passing. My older sister was very hateful & was always arguing with my parents, even when my mother was sick she was hateful to her, to the point my mother asked her to stop being so mean.
When I was 13 I ran away from home not feeling I was Loved & it seems since then I have been mostly unhappy. Happiness is what my Mother told me before she passed is all she ever wanted for me. I would often tell her how unhappy I was & she would tell me I was the only one that would be able to accomplish that. She was a Preaches daughter & very quiet. She would always tell me to pray about it. I am not religious like she was, but am very spiritual. As I try to remember details of my life, it is very uncomfortable, as I don’t have a lot of good memories…
May 29, 2018 at 11:55 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209959Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
My disability is syncopy. I am alone a lot because it prevents me from driving and unable to feel comfortable when out not knowing if I will have an episode. I wish I could express myself better with details about my life because there are many & I understand you are only able to go by my posts, which are not in as detail as I would like to have written.
I will own my faults, but I feel I was always good to him and just don’t understand how I went & did so many things wrong. I am feeling very bad.
May 29, 2018 at 10:15 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209929Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
Still trying to digest all that you have said. I know I didn’t ask him to do too much & he always expressed how he felt usually in the same way. He would get it out, and move on. I let him be himself. I have thought about this a lot in the last week & I feel more confused now then before. How can I stop my mind from going over this in my head because it really makes no difference as to whose fault it was, or who was more at blame. I just want the hurt to stop and begin to heal. Every time I feel I am starting to feel just a little better, all of these questions come flowing back in my mind & I get sick on my stomach and fall back into a bad state.
May 29, 2018 at 6:24 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209893Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
To help me in a new relationship down the road, please explain to how my actions were so wrong in my past relationship we have been discussing. I really don’t see other than not letting him talk down to me. I understand in your last post you only brought up my fault because I was the one reading them, but I really don’t understand what I did so wrong.
May 29, 2018 at 6:12 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209885Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
If he is relieved by me not texting him, why not just let it go instead of telling me? I really would like to talk, but I know it is not a good option for me. I don’t like games and would rather be left alone if he is not concerned about my feelings. Because he knows I still care. I feel at this point I need to focus on me getting over this.
May 28, 2018 at 3:07 pm in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209799Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
I would like to share something with you and get your opinion…I have not been contacting him & this afternoon he sent a text which said, “I am very proud of you for not bothering me over the weekend”~ I feel he is now trying to play games & did not respond.
May 27, 2018 at 6:41 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209613Bella
ParticipantHi Airene,
I do understand he probably detached himself from the relationship a long time before he told me he was actually leaving, so it is easier for him to move on. It is still very raw with me and still hurts terribly. I want to move on, but am still able to just take baby steps. I keep to myself because I don’t care to discuss this with anybody because it accomplishes nothing. At my age people seem to have more to worry about than other peoples problems. When I was with my ex, I cut myself off from the outside world and did not work due to a disability. I feel very alone and at a stand still because I thought he was my best friend and now I don’t even recognize the person he has become. My life feels so empty, and I feel scared not knowing what my future holds.
May 27, 2018 at 6:32 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209609Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
I have over $15K in CC debt from him in the last 2 yrs. of helping him pay for things and he said he would be responsible for and he says he has no means to follow through, but yet he goes out of town and goes out with women and friends. No lack of spending on his part. I trusted him in good faith because he never seemed like the type person who would not keep his word. I always trusted him.
May 27, 2018 at 5:14 am in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209603Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
I have trust issues…Yes,
After my ex & I spoke the other day he said he was going to be open & nice when we spoke. I found a few things of his he had been looking for and let him know they were found & he could pick them up. When he called I could hear in his voice the anger and talking to me like I was beneath him. I told him he could come by anytime & he said he would call this morning before he came, I feel he is just saying whatever to make things easy on him to get the rest of his things and it is very hurtful. I had already told him he could have whatever he wanted, just to ask.
I am trying to be positive , move on and want desperately to be happy & his demeanor and the way he continues to treat me drives out of my mind. The trust issue is he knew the bind he was putting me in & still continues to be cruel every time he comes by or we speak…I can deal with knowing it is over, but what is the point in tormenting me. He did say he loved me and always would, but I know that not to be true as to how could he be so mean if he did. It hurts to know he would lie just to make things easier for him. It is like he is no longer the person I use to know~
ParticipantHi L,
I do the same & read other forums & Anita is really great.
Every day is stressful & some times are better than others. I have really rough moments and sometimes my mind will rest a bit. Not enough to feel panic free. I do not like this feeling, but have come to the conclusion to respect his decision of no contact and move on to work on myself. When we spoke last after I thought about it I wish I had just left things alone. As we often do with rejection. The reason it is so difficult for me is even if I end a relationship with someone i have always been explanatory and nice. And those were short relationships. This one was his decision & an 8 yr relationship. I don’t completely understand, but I know I will need to just take baby steps and do the best I can.
May 26, 2018 at 12:50 pm in reply to: How to get your priorities in order while everything is falling apart~ #209561Bella
ParticipantHi Anita,
Can you recommend a book to help with my venture? I am mostly alone & don’t speak to many people. I feel I will be better off to work on myself alone. I am a bit withdrawn and am having big trust issues with people.
ParticipantHi L,
Things are the same, no contact…I feel he is acting like a child. I have read so many do’s & don’ts to the point I want to pull my hair out. When we spoke a few days ago I felt o.k with no contact and had decided I didn’t need the drama even though our relationship was 8 yrs. I am beginning to feel I should just walk away from relationships for a while, which I absolutely have NO interest in at the moment anyway. It takes so long to open your heart to someone these days, especially, when most men have motives & can’t be trusted. I don’t know if I want to put the effort in trying to start anything new with another man. For now, the answer is walk away…
How are you?
ParticipantHi L,
I am getting to the point it is draining the life out of me & I am sick and tired of trying to figure will he call or text back?? Was it something I said or did & didn’t realize the impact it may have had on the relationship? Who was more at fault? Is he good for me? What issues could have prompted this so sudden? Did I not see it coming? Questions~Questions??? It’s so exhausting!!
I am beginning to think regardless of the answers, it is too exhausting to think about it anymore. Maybe you are not at that point, but I will say this. Whenever I have these type of questions I put myself in their shoes, and what would I do?
Would I be able to just close the door and have no contact after being in a Loving relations? No text~No messages & no contact if I really have feelings for the other person & the answer is clearly NO!! Look what he is doing, you thought everything was good & he basically vanishes~Could you do that to him with the Love you still have for him? So, what does it mean since he just walked away with no contact~
ParticipantHi L
I spoke with my ex yesterday & it was ok, but not what I expected. After he left I have had so many mixed feeling & emotions. I am starting to feel he is just not the one for me & maybe that is best so I can move on. I totally understand the text & phone call game. Will they answer, will they text back, constantly checking your phone. Should I call, will it go to VM, or will they answer, what message do I leave and if I do, will he call back. It is debilitating & keeps you in a terrible state for most of the day because we are so consumed with looking at our phones.
I have made the decision, not to text, or call and I have turned sound off, so I don’t hear anything. It will be my choice to pick up the phone when I need to make a call. It is almost a relief to put the waiting behind me, at least for now.
I wish you the best & I hope you make the right decision for you. This is just what is working for me at the moment~