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ParticipantHi E and Matt
i made the same mistake with stepping away from tiny buddha and my self care. I have to try to do the same as u E. Back on the cushion Matt- so true.
I am litterally in inertia about letting go of my relationship, and i feel deeply ashamed that i cant just “do what i have to do” but sometimes i just procrastinate because i love him and i am avoiding having to grieve. As much as i love him – we are not meeting eachothers needs and we want to change eachother. It is hard to let go. And the guilt i feel for wasting my time is so strong. I know im going against myself, but my love and attatchment to him keeps me here on this merrygoround.I have missed Tiny Buddha, and want to wish you a happy new year. I hope it will be a good year.
Lots of warm wishes 🙂 and i hope you are well.
ParticipantYou sound like a very kind and caring person Simon, and you will deffinitely meet another person again soon when you are ready. It sounds like you have learned a lot from this relationship about boundaries and about what your wants and needs are. Lessons i struggle with too ( i am currently in a relationship in which i struggle with our differing values etc and it is very challenging ) So i guess you will deffinitely bring these lessons with you now. It will be hard as you had lots of feelings for this girl, but as cliched as it is – time is a healer, and getting involved in your interests will really help too. Maybe there are things you can do in your area , even if its small etc. Personally sometimes i get stuck in a rut and isolate myself, but this isnt good for us. You will see a brighter outlook soon 🙂 it just takes a bit of time and then suddenly u will find you arent thinking and obsessing and you will feel lighter, it will just be easier suddenly. I remember that feeling when i split up with my ex a few years ago – you suddenly realise the pain is less and less, and then u will feel yourself again. You do deserve happiness and you had such a hard time in school etc that you deserve to be proud of yourself for getting through all that. Sending good wishes, and hoping you will feel lots better soon. Metta meditation is great, and be kind to yourself 🙂
ParticipantDear Jane 16,
Everything that has been said i can only echo – you will make it, and you deserve the best, as an honest and decent woman. I know the pain of betrayal. Its awful, horrible, like a pain both physical and emotionally tearing us apart. But that what seems to overpower us will not. You ar strong and you will push on thru as you said. U will emerge as you again, and you will see that you will be happy.We are all rooting for u and wihing u a happy new year – which you will have, despite all of this.
Follow your path.
Blessings and warm wishes sister. Xx
barbara, dublin, ireland !Barbara
ParticipantHi Sonja,
Im so sorry, for the very very late reply – I have not been on the site for a long while, as I have just been crazy busy in my job this past month.
I will email you tomorrow on the email above, as I really look forward to hearing how you are doing. Im really hoping you are doing well, and staying strong.
Chat soon,
Namaste,Barbs xx
ParticipantHi Sonja
Im really sorry to hear the latest update. I am dissapointed for you.
What I think is, that he has not learned to live life in a destructive manner – for whatever reason, but I think its best for you not to dwell on the why’s.
What has come to light is that he is not in a position to offer you the stability, love, trust, peaceful relationship that you as a person needs. I dont think his current situatuon would sit well with any women. The main thing is to take the focus off him – and onto you – what do you want ? What do you need ?What can you put up with ? Are you willing to wait to see when he wakes up to himself ? because we dont know when that time will be – and judging by his current behavior, and his unhelpful ways of behaving ( for whatever reason – stress / escapism / immaturity / avpoiding reality / childhood issues ) you could be waiting a long time. He seems in denial and unaware of himslef and the concequences of his actions.
Tomorrow I go and see my councellor / therapist – and I will be saying the above to her also – I will be asking her how can I come to a really firm decision, to either stand by a man who cannot fully be a grown up, or let him go. Im my case he does not have other women (or so I hope) but his issues are , as I said – smoking weed at night and being glassy eyed / drinking / not coming home at a decent time, occasionally till early hours etc. I have to ask – although he is kind, caring, etc, hard working, loving, affectionate, and we do enjoy time together – how can I possibly see a future when he is carrying on such unhelpful, habituall behaviours, and making the realtionship like a bloody endurance test. Im tired, and im not peaceful within this…….he would have to change so radically, that he would have to almost become someone else !!! Or really consciously decide to change these behaviors. And lets be honest……….. Im dreading telling him ”ok we have to split you can take your things as soon as you can etc ” Im afraid Im letting a good thing go – but how can it be that good when it hurts like this. He said the other day ”believe in me ” – but im tired of asking for changes in behavior, tired of being annoyed, stressed, and meditating to get away from the pain ! (although thank god for meditation)
Oh Sonja, – you have no choice – how could you do anything else other than let him go. In your heart wish him well and let him go on the journey – as he best get started, as he has a long and winding road ahead. Maybe we need to do Metta meditaion – and wish them peace, love, and harmony, wish that they find fulfillment not just in pleasure and escapism, but real life, real people with real needs, and let them be happy. Even if they do it in their unskillful way – they have to find their own way to happiness. Im sure if you look you can see that neither of these men are settled, at peace, or calm. My partner is always jumpy, cant relax, has to be doing something. There is no real sense of peace there (unless he is having a splif !! ) Which is sad to me. They deserve to give themselves better, but we cant do it for them. We cant make them see. They deserve inner peace, not to run away from the now – but we cannot change them.
Keep going on your path Sonja – and im truly sorry for you pain. But this is really so much about him, not you at all. He is not able to give you what you , or what a realtionship needs, so we have to say Namaste ”do no harm” and just try as hard as it is to detatch (even though my partner still lives with me I have been nurturing independence and detatchment, through meditation, yoga, walks, cooking, nice candles. ) We have to look after ourselves. And we have to be proud of ourselves for loving, and for trying.
Many hugs and love Sonja
xxxx Take care.October 25, 2013 at 2:38 pm in reply to: Busy Single Who Wants to Be Ok with Being an Aging Single Gal #44361Barbara
ParticipantOh my goodness babylaughter !!
You are 30, you are not ”ageing” at all – you are soooo young. When I saw the title, I expected to see the age 50 or 60 , which in my eyes is also still young .
Oh, you have so much life ahead, I am 36 and I am too getting a bit scared about doing things I would like to do, but you have so much time to do and experience life and all the great things in it, so stop thinking of time as much.
Your friends are doing their thing, but that does not mean all is rosy in their garden either ! We all have our own problems, and just because we are sold the idea of what we ”should have” does not mean it is a law. It is seen as the ideal, and you start to feel as if you should be going at their pace. Stop ! You are doing the things that you enjoy – and you know our own mind. If you like you could join some societies / groups that are also into those things – for example, meditation groups, cookery classes, or group fitness – what ever you like, and you could meet new friends when you feel ready. It sounds like you are satisfied in yourself, but like me, you are comparing yourself to others – which i was once told is the ”quickest path to misery ”
I have come to the conclusion that there is no ”right” way to do things – only your own path.
I sometimes get side lined by my married friends too – they don’t invite me to kids parties / couples dinners, / coffee with any kids etc, because they think i would be bored or miffed – which is not true ! I just got a txt message from my friend tonight saying ”im having a get together tomorrow, a kids tea party, but if it is too much like work, its ok no pressure ” ( i teach infants, and I love my job ) I felt like saying : ”I love my job, and just because my journey has not been the same of yours, and I have not had kids yet, does not mean I dont want to be part of your life., or be around kids !! ” But I sent a friendly message back, because its not worth it. To me that is their issue – they dont seem to get that not everybody does the same thing at the same time, and I am thinking if it comes up in conversation, I might address it at some point. I would like kids but I haven’t been in a position to do so. Maybe I will be one day, but maybe I won’t – and I’m making sure I’m happy inside no matter what, as I want to feel happy in myself.
I meditate, and am self aware enough to realise that I am not here solely to marry and procreate, as much as I would like that to be part of my plan. Sometimes we have to let go and let it be. We are here to be happy, to love others, to be fulfilled, and to connect with others in our own way in our own time.
All will be well for you, and please be good to yourself, and continue to do the things that you love! As we say in Ireland – you are only a ”spring chicken” !!
Barbs xx.
Participantyes Sonja, I’d like that. How can i send u my email in private though ? Im just a bit wary of posting my email online.
Yes I agree – change is necessary in a big way. But im not sure my partner wants to – in fact he tells me he is not ready to change , which leads me to think of saying ”get lost, I dont need this crap ! ”, but I have not said that yet , at least not seriously, and actually followed through. I have 10 days holidays from work now, in which time I intend to really think, and really say to myself that I have to decide. I think deep down I know I cant accept him, his looser friends, his drugs, his habits, his lies, and his nonsense, but it is love that keeps me here, compassion, in spite of all the anger I feel. Every time I nearly say goodbye, I buckle.
I really have not got time on my side though, so I better hurry up !
I also intend to go out with good friends, and keep my strength up – I know I am stronger from my meditation, and my mindfulness, and from my job that I love. These things all keep me sane ! I know I can do it without him, he is not my life, and I would probably be happier in time, without him. I know I would probably travel more, spend less time worrying, be generally less anxious.
Yep, we have got to stay strong Sonja. Think of how we can get in touch, if u have any good ideas let me know, and Id love to get in touch (am I being paranoid as regards the email thing ?)
xx 🙂October 24, 2013 at 1:55 pm in reply to: Feeling like I have lost the love of my life and I know it is my fault. #44308Barbara
ParticipantHi Candy
Thats really hard going. It must be so difficult, after all those years together. My longest relationship has been 5 years, but 35 years – is an absolutely amazing and wonderful amount of time to spend with another person. It also sounds like you built a lovely life together, and it is very sad that things happen as they did. Very heart wrenching. My heart goes out to you, as you seemed to have had a great relationship, and she did a serious u – turn. This is confusing, hurtful, bewildering, and no doubt caused you much devastation when it happened, after all you had shared.
It seems that really and truly you have no part to play in her side of the equation, her decision to make these choices were clearly from whatever she had going on – and I guess that is her side of it all – nothing to do with you, in a way. To wonder why she did what she did is hurtful, and maybe she herself dosent know why she did it. Maybe she feels she is coming to an age where she missed something, and in this fear, ran to the arms of another, but I really cant say. It seems like a sudden and rash decision, and yet she has done it now, so here you are trying to heal.
I guess the main thing is that you are looking after you now, being respectful to your needs at this time – and that is so commendable, as you have to do that to be healthy and well, and ok in yourself. You are right that you will still think of her for as long as it takes, and you may always think of her, which is natural. That is really inevitable after all the years together. The only thing to say is that yes, it’s ok to still love her, it’s ok to still think of her, and its ok to miss her forever, if thats what happens, but it will ease in time, and become more part of the universal feeling of loss and cycles, and you will see that things will work out for you in a way maybe that you never imagined. Im guessing the missing feeling will fade away, like the loss of every relationship, and it will be much easier in time (cliche but true )
I hope, and I get the feeling that you have, good family, friends, cats (cats are great in a crisis – their zen mode can soothe and guide us to be more like them, I heard a wise person once say !! ), and are doing all the things you like, to nourish yourself.
The relationship can never be replaced, and no relationship for either of you will ever be the same again – all that you went through was your story, your book of love.
I love that movie ‘Eat Love Pray’ and it always makes me cry when the wise person says ” then miss him” when the julia roberts character is heartbroken – meaning if you have to let go , then let go, and just sit with the missing feeling, and with the loving feeling, even from a distance. For now, to detatch and let go, and letting things flow sounds right.Many blessings, and Namaste,
Keep well,
ParticipantDear Courageous,
I love Matt’s comment, that the person you can nourish and love now is you. You have probably forgot how deserving you are of your own love. You will be happy again.
The pain is horrible, but at least you know you are loving yourself in letting him go, and doing what you have to do – the only possible thing to do.
Many blessings,
ParticipantOh and I forgot to say – your message above is spot on.
My partner is exactly the same as yours in background – quite amazing !
He was adopted, into a family in a bad area (It hurts me to know this, as if he was born somewhere else maybe he wouldnt have these types of friends, the drugs etc – and as he is mixed race I often wonder , if they were’nt as strict on where they placed him, which is appaling )
His new adopted family fell apart by the time he was 5 – his father beat his mother, and behaved like a pig, and she divorced him – leaving her to rear 3 children on her own , in a bad area, with no help. She worked hard to put food on the table – and in the meantime they had too much freedom, time at home, out and about, to do what they liked. He had time to roam, and to discover the bad habits, going into teenage years. She was as strict as she could, but not at all enough for a willfull teenager, with no Dad to tell him his boundaries. He left school at 16 – became a chef – making big money, and spending on what he liked.
I often wish to go back and change it – what would he be like now if they put him somewhere else ? Sometimes I cry and get so sad at the thought of a little boy, going from one poor woman, who wanted to keep him but couldnt – into a situation just as bad if not worse. It makes me quite sick that the authorities let it happen. As if they had any sense they would not have placed a child into this area anyway. It angers me at what he might have been – college, more choices of career, proper schooling.
But some may call me arrogant – how dare I argue with destiny ? Oh. I don’t know !
What I do know is he now has these habits that I struggle with – and no I don’t do drugs (did experiment in early 20’s but found they werent the way I wanted to go) Lots of people do, but lots dont. His argument is -” I dont have kids, Im just having fun, I like it, Im not hurting anyone” – and to each one I have a counter argument – the obvious ones.
Like you – decisions ! Im going back to my therapist who I see once in a while (after the trust issues form last relationships, and my family issues etc ) And I really want to be able to come to a conclusion. I phoned her and she said it is best to make these decisions when we are calm, never angry. I want to get to the point where I say either ”ok im willing to take the risk, or no, the risk is too high – I have to go ” – but I want to be firmly taking a stance one way or the other.
Hopefully we will get there soon as we are meant to 🙂
Sending blessings Sonja, to you, and Namaste xx
ParticipantHi Sonja
Hey Sonja,
Wow, sounds like he has had an awakening, and maybe he realizes what he could loose now – you !
It’s confusing and hard, but I guess you will see with time – give it time, and don’t feel like you have to rush a big decision, talk to him, communicate and listen to each other, but in the mean time, while you are soul searching and deciding what to do – try to look after and nourish yourself, so that no matter what – you will keep that strength up, and you will be in a good position yourself, whatever happens.
Maybe he sees your strength in your pulling away and detaching from the chaos, and that you are able to do things by yourself. This may make him see that he could be left without you. Perhaps he took for granted that you would stick around, and he might see that you stood up for yourself.
Stay strong, and like Jaishree said, – you have lots of strength indeed, and you are right – love can conquer a lot, and maybe love can find a way here !
Good luck, and keep us posted 🙂
Barbs xx.Barbara
ParticipantThat is a lovely story about a puppy Jaishree. Of course, a dog it is a beautiful creature, even if it has been damaged. Animals are innocent and it is our job to take care of them, as they cannot do that for themselves. We always want to help a person, or any living thing in need.
In relationships though, sometimes, when you have given a person the benefit of the doubt, many times, and they still persist in using unskillful and hurtful forms of behavior – you have to eventually, regrettably, detatch and let go. If you have tried to work things through, and it is just a bad fit, and you are not aligned, then sometimes you have to walk away, as sad as it may be. It is definitely good to try, but also to know when to walk away.
Clearly this poor man has issues, and hopefully he will get help, but sometimes in a relationship we can bring the horse to the water, but we cannot force it to drink ! We cannot force another human being to see what we might see. We cannot bring a grown man to a psychiatrist on a leash ! He may refuse, or say he needs no help. In such cases, a struggle of wills, and endurance test of sorts, may just be too much to bear for the other person, and perhaps then we must wish them well, in the kindest manner, and let them go on their own journey of self – discovery. We cannot do that journey for them.
Whatever decision you make Sonja, you will know the right path, and we all wish you well in your journey
Best Wishes,
Barbs. xxBarbara
ParticipantHi Again Sonja,
No , you are not a crazy nut – see it more that you are a kind and loving person, and you are dissapointed that he cannot see what damage he has done – made it impossible for you to go back, in effect. You are sad that it is his loss – that he will not wake up to himself – and I am in exactly the same boat.
Currently, in an irony of all ironies – my partner who came in at 8 am this morning, after a drunken staff night out last night – is in the spare room, I could not have him in the bed near me after his behavior . I will also have to do what you are doing Sonja. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt – but the ‘off’ button does not exist for him. He didnt answer my calls last night and I got about 2 hours sleep from worry and stress, and being upset. He was barely coherent when he came in, and was barely making sense. I trusted, or wanted to believe, that he would come home at a decent hour, or at least wanted to – no, wrong again. I shouted and roared at him, a I was so angry 🙁
He smokes weed every night after work in the garden, does coke about 4 times a year (that I know of ) and generally this causes me pain, discomfort, lack of harmony. It upsets my inner peace, although I try not to let it as much as it used to. He also works 14 hour days. I meditate, look after myself and try to cope – but like you – imagine if we had kids ??? Thank God for that, that we dont, or it would be a whole other world of pain. So what does that tell us – that if we brought kids into this mess, it would not be right, it would not be good for them, or for anybody. So what is there to do only let go ? Let them have the freedom of a single life – as they are clearly not ready for a nice calm one !
Im terified to do it, to tell him to go, and get out of my life – I have been putting it off for so long, as I know I will miss his hugs, him just being there (when he is there ) Im afraid I will regret it (see my thread ‘Decisions’ and ‘decisions again’ – Matt gave me great advice on self care, which has been invalubale in helping me stay sane) and I am afraid I’m too late now at 36 to meet someone – but I HAVE to do it soon – because how long can I carry on with this.
Well done brave sister, say a prayer for me that I can be strong enough to do the right thing also, like you.
Oh I will cry – I will cry, and wail, because I do love him, and I try to make him see sense, but ultimately – he is not capable, currently, and possibly never – of committing and settling in his own skin. That is a pity – as it is a waste. And yet, he said this morning ”I have done nothing wrong”.
We will get there, and well done to you for taking the steps you have – to a happier path that you deserve.
ParticipantHi there
i think you have answered many of your own questions – honesty, fidelity, and respect are things you hold dear – and that is great. You have given him those, and he was careless, and selfish – to the point that he was still in contact with women / a woman when you were clearly suffering, This is not the actions of a man that is able to commit to a marriage – and yet he cries !!! Like a child who hits a child in the school yard and then cries when he is corrected / caught !
Oh dear – I know it is not easy – the pain, the missing, the questions, the sorrow – but it gets better, and you are a good woman – thank God you have no children to complicate matters even more – this is a blessing. If you wish to cut ties, you can do so……and it seems you have begun that.
Again, love and hugs – I think you have really and truly followed your beliefs, and your heart in seperating – he left you with very little choice !!
Feel reassured that this is happenign for a reason – imagine the rest of your life with a man who has no self control button – Oh it would be a serious pain forever ! You are, in my opinion, operating now with a bit of wise self – preservation. Im afraid Im in total disagreement with the people telling you to forgive, to love to try – no ! If he was remorseful, and saw the error of his ways – but he does not – he ”wants to feel like a man” – he needs a kick up the backside (excuse my language – Im Irish !! Ha ! ) He really does not deserve to be in a relationship.
Let him off – to be who he wants – and you stay true to you 🙂 keep going !
barbs xxxx.
ParticipantWow, I had to respond to this one !
I am so sorry for your pain, and I went through feelings of the same nature in a previous relationship , due to the persons inability to think with his brain instead of his nether regions. It is painful, and causes feelings of anger, jealousy, feeling not good enough etc, but it will get better.
The problem here is that, the person is being very self – centered, focusing on their own selfish wish for gratification and pleasure. They are not thinking of you, and how it feels for you, and even if he does – his mind sees his desires as more important. Once trust has been broken to this level – it is very very hard to get it back, and to even trust yourself again (which you will eventually) It gives us that icky feeling of not knowing what is true and what is not – its a truly horrible feeling, but you will find peace again. (try to meditate, bathe, use nice relaxing music,) Remind yourself that this is his issue – not yours. His side, his mess – and it has nothing to do with you. He made those choices (and the feeling unloved excuse is a low effort at trying to deflect from his own disgraceful behavior)
I agree with love can conquer all, and that unconditional love is the ideal way to be, but in that context, the person has to really truly want to change, and to work with you . And on your side, you would have to forgive, and trust – which would be very hard in reality. For me I dont think I would be able to, even if I wanted to. I know I would never rest easy, or feel peaceful, as my human nature / logical side would say that if he has these tendencies, he may do it again.
He went a few steps too far here, in my book. Secret credit cards, singles holidays, hook ups, and affairs with an ex ? He seems to have a boundary problem here – that is completely unacceptable in a monogamous relationship !! (what you thought was a monogamous one) You were doing your part – studying, working – and he seems to have been leading a double life !
Im really sorry if I sound hard hearted – but Im just really finding it hard to imagine trusting this person again.
As for black magic – that is not true ! The only black magic here, was his own dark need to do just what he wanted in those moments of greed, and do as he pleased – without thinking of your pain, or of any concequences.
You sound like a lovely person – and only you can decide, but whatever you decide – this is not about you. It wasnt just a mistake, it was behavior over time, repeated, for as long as he could get away with. Whatever stress / issues he had , does not excuse this behavior. He could have spoken to you if there were issues to discuss, instead of doing this.
Please take care of yourself – be around good people, friends, family, maybe look up a councellor in your area for yourself. (he certainly needs to see someone too ) And please put the idea of black magic out of your mind – these were choices, by a grown adult.
I am really sending you a hug – be good to yourself, and do what makes you happy in your heart. We all deserve peace and happiness.
Barbs -