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  • in reply to: I don’t know what is the goal #390808

    Anita, thanks for the re-write. I hope it makes more sense to you that way. And, I hope it keeps its sense or meaning as well. Tommy.

    in reply to: Did I Make a Philosophy? #390772

    Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world. Or, belief about how one fits into this world. But, the test is to see if this philosophy is the true and applies to your world. Is it real or imagination? To believe there is only one sentient being and all others are just programmed reactions?? Personally, I find it hard to believe given all that I see and learn about this world. And if your idea is true then I would be the only sentient being. Who are you? You could pull out the case of freedom of choice or is everything predestined?? Programmed reactions to your stimulus??

    In some other systems of belief, some believe that thoughts that pass this mind will control the reactions of the person having the thought. In other words, a person is only a composite of their thoughts or what they are focused upon. Having thoughts about jealousy in your lover? Then life is that jealousy. Whether that jealousy is true or not. When one is angry, thought come to the mind to support the anger. Sometimes the thoughts are buried deep like urges. Thoughts controls one’s life. Let go these ideas and thoughts then one can return to one’s nature. A balance of life.

    Some see the world and wonder why there is so much evil or things that are not justified. Much like looking at children who are sick with disease. Why? The thoughts that see this as evil or not right make us see the world that way. When the truth is that there is no evil. Things just happen. Random actions are not evil. Things done with purpose can be good or evil. If a person hurts another then this can be evil. If a person helps another in their time of need then this can be good.

    in reply to: I don’t know what is the goal #390770

    To Anita, thanks for the kind words. I do not know my words would have helped you. But, glad it helped someone. Have a good holiday. Tommy.

    in reply to: Death and dying from buddhistic point of view #390737

    From my personal viewpoint as well as what I have read and understood, a person is an aggregate of things made up to create this personality one perceives as this person. Sight, sound, feel (touch), smell and taste, all feed information to the mind or thinker. The thinker perceives and feeds back to itself. This constant loop of perception and thoughts flow to create a personality. The personality thinks it is a soul or spirit that should survive death. Buddha has never expounded upon the ideas of reincarnation which were popular in his time and culture. Buddha talked more about anything made of aggregates will one day separate and no longer exist. Change. Time scales may differ for different things. So, this person which is created thru this feedback loop of perceptions and thoughts will die. What is true and real will go on. Neither matter, energy is created nor destroyed. Only transformed. So, that which is real and true will return to continue the cycle of life and death.

    The three universal truths of Buddha are Dukkha, Anicca, and Annata. Suffering, Impermanence, and No self. Related to this topic is no self. Look at a car, it is really just a bunch of parts all put together. As it is together, we call it a car. A person is just a bunch of parts all put together to function as a person. The parts create the person. The name of a person is just what we call the owner of the parts. But, the person/owner only exist cause all the parts are functioning together. Once the parts dies, the person/owner no longer exist. So, what is real and true? What continues from this life and goes to the next?

    in reply to: I don’t know what is the goal #390560

    The Buddha never expounded upon reicarnation. Just that any thing made of aggregates will fall apart in time to their basic components. Meaning is a person’s personality is not real and will cease to exist when the body ceases to live. The essence of a person is much like when a child creates a splash of ocean water. Each drop flies in its own trajectory. Some live longer than others. Some join other drops and some pass thru. Eventually, all return to the ocean. Another splash, another lifetime. However love appears, to me, to be a real force with its own set of rules. Creating turbulance and keeping a galaxy of its own. So, what is the goal of these experiences?  For the person to have these experiences, to find the truth about themselves. Not so much as what past lives were about. More about your present situation, you life now. If Buddha points to the moon with his finger then do you look at the finger? Or do you look at the moon?

    in reply to: It’s me again #390502

    Just another opinion, please do not take seriously.

    Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, would always hear people say you have to get your head together. Of course, they would use a more colorful terminology. The point was to know enough about yourself … your needs, your wants, and what your plans are for your future. If the person you are with doesn’t have the same goals then it is time to move on. If that person thinks there is someone better out there for him then he will never be satisfied with you. Time to move on.

    Emotional attachment is like a drug. One feeds upon it at first. And, it feels good. Then, it starts to take its toll on the person’s spirit when that attachment is not met with equal force. Breaking up, Change is not easy. Drug addicts, who are really trying to kick the habit and get better, are told to go to a new place. That is because .. being in the same old environment will only cause one to go back to the same patterns. The same thinking. Bringing back the same old habits. It is time to move forward. Find some like-minded people for support. Move forward.

    My hope, here, is for you to find yourself worthy of all the love you deserve. To shed the past that holds you back. And to grow into the better person you can be. Sorry for my two cents.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Tommy.
    in reply to: Curious on personal practice #390456

    These are my thoughts and opinions. So, take it with a grain (huge grain) of salt as the saying goes. Any practice which one does not have a teacher and sangha is short of the proper guidance needed to reach the lofty goal of spirituality. Not saying there is no merit to having a meditation practice. Personally, I have not had a teacher or sangha for a very long time. So, I have not had the same efforts or time to practice as before.

    How does one eliminate suffering or have spiritual growth? For me, I started with trying to not care about things. Then I would not suffer any feelings if things went badly. But, not caring is not a spiritual release. I think it would be more prudent to say to let go of desires and wants. My mother passed away recently. The desires for her to keep living and stay around are what causes suffering. Caring is what being human is about. Let go of one and experience the other.

    Practice is essential if one want to be mindful.

    in reply to: Not sure #65904

    Love is a sort of madness. It takes away good judgement and replaces it with feelings that sometimes makes no sense.
    You believe you are in a long distance relationship but you don’t want to be in another long distance relationship.
    He complains when you don’t take his advice and yet, you say that he doesn’t tell you what to do.
    You tell him that you don’t like that he is still on the dating website and he gives you excuses to still be there.

    I have found that you can’t expect the person to change (although some, in the future, may change).
    All the complaining and talking won’t do anything but build resentment for making someone do something they aren’t ready for.

    With these things in mind, it may be time to cool things off.
    I don’t mean to break things off. But, to step back and get some perspective on this relationship.
    Feelings can get in the way of good judgement. So, just cool things off a little to see if this is the right fit.

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