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July 13, 2013 at 6:51 pm #38549
ParticipantLelah, there are no coincidences. This proves it.
We are both capricorns (18th is mine)
You want to go to NYC, I was just in NYC
We both get the signs often from spirit
We both traveled to different countries to first experience our destiny.
We both are writers. I am well known for my writing abilities.
We both tend to overthink thingsThe movie, in my opinion, was to tell you to let spirit guide you along your path and remind you to have faith. All this questioning is not faith. I have to see something at least 5 x’s to know it is a message from spirit.
For example, I am a jew by choice and spirit wants my twin flame to convert. To pound this message home, I saw none less than 15 different jewish people within 2 hours when the upper self was with me. I have never seen anything like this before. Spirit will make the messages very clear to you.
What are you doing to address the financial since you have to get an apartment? I bet this song makes total sense to you.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
July 12, 2013 at 2:58 pm #38513JAC
ParticipantI apologize I was not clear about the limited free will and blinded by eyes. Please allow me to clarify.
We all have life lessons, life paths and a destiny. Think about this for a second. If we did what we wanted to do each life time, how do we go down the path? learn life lessons? or go towards our destiny? True free will can not co-exist with the aforementioned.
When I was in NYC last week, I stopped at a restaurant. A homeless man asked for a little food that the rabbi promised to him. The owner commanded the man stand outside in 103 degree weather, threw rice in a bag and told him to go. The man looked in this bag and asked for a fork. When the owner refused to give him one, the guy took off. I took one from my tray, ran after the guy and gave it to him. He was seen as a nuinance because he was homeless and hungry and not given the human dignity of a simple plastic fork. It turns out the guy was homeless due to medical bills from cancer. Had I used my eyes like the owner, I would have only seen a homeless person. I looked beyond my eyes to see a person who had a hard life, deserving dignity and respect. This is how we blind ourselves with our eyes. What we see is usually not the truth.July 12, 2013 at 12:55 pm #38505JAC
I pointed out by observation how her perspective limits her scope of fully understanding the lessons of her situation for an example to the op. It is not my place to discuss her life lessons with her.
July 12, 2013 at 12:34 pm #38503JAC
ParticipantI was editing my post you referenced when you replied. I added:
“Lelah, I am finding these events happening to you ( wrote that you left if up to the spirit world to make things happen like money then you ended stating you need to find income for an apartment for example) as a push towards what you need to do. The one thing I’ve learned is we have limited free will as we have life paths to go down and a destiny to fulfill when we are ready in “their” eyes. These last two years have shown me that my eyes blind and limit me.”
July 12, 2013 at 11:41 am #38495JAC
ParticipantMatt, I disagreed with your premise, not you personally. Personal attacks as “Your words scrape across my heart as hubris, certainty, imperiousness, and delusion” are not based from spirituality.
Lelah, I am finding these events happening to you ( wrote that you left if up to the spirit world to make things happen like money then you ended stating you need to find income for an apartment for example) as a push towards what you need to do. The one thing I’ve learned is we have limited free will as we have life paths to go down and a destiny to fulfill when we are ready in “their” eyes. These last two years have shown me that my eyes blinds and limits me.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
July 11, 2013 at 9:03 pm #38469JAC
ParticipantHaving lived with my situation for two years and going through my experiences, Laleh’s situation is much deeper than any “synchonrized” issue. There are times when the spirit world let us know very clearly where we are supposed to move or go based on our life path. I’ve had this happen to me a few times prior to meeting my twin flame. The first was religion. I would sit in a church and feel a strong pull that it was way wrong. It was only when my jewish ex boyfriend took me to temple that everyhing made complete sense to me. The second was the strong pull to move from my hometown to here. There was no way I could meet my twin flame with all the family issues that bombared me on a regular basis in my home town. I have more situations where there was an intentional move by the spirit world, this should suffice.
Laleh, I am starting to see why you are being held back in regards to NYC. You need to start working on the most basic issues. You need to start preparing for this move. This means working on a budget and spending so that you can start to save money. If you have no job, find one locally or attempt to make income legally. You can resell stuff on Ebay, offering services to those who need help (like shopping or cutting grass for an elderly person), offer tutoring in a subject you’ve excelled in. There are many ways to think outside of the box and earn some income. You also need to get your education in order if you feel it is not where it needs to be and start to pare down your personal belongings. You know you are seeing the signs, you know where you belong. Do not doubt this.
I am happy to share any of my experiences or advice to help you.
July 11, 2013 at 10:37 am #38428JAC
ParticipantLaleh- I responded to your other post about NYC. It is great that you see the difference between ego and self.
He was in your life for reason which the spirit world has not shared with you yet. I am highly suspicious this man is a soul mate or twin flame. I say this based on how hard it has been to get over him and the fact that he was tied in so tightly with NYC.
Stop trying to overthink this and work on yourself. If you are meant to be together, you two will come back together. Go with the flow and see what happens.
July 11, 2013 at 9:08 am #38423JAC
ParticipantI will put this in a different context for you. I have a twin flame. I live in the states and he lives in Sweden. We met through a mutual friend on Facebook while I was married (!). We understood each other well but he was not spiritually developed enough mixed with a huge ego. When I met him in person, I knew something was different with him. I knew him from a different time. He was a huge jerk to me. I remember sitting up the whole night crying the night before my return flight home.
I went through a huge change after meeting him. I accepted and made peace with things of my past. I grew out my hair, got rid of my car, became religiously observant, seperated and I lost 90 pounds. I immediately started to master Swedish and visited Sweden 2x’s since I met my twin flame.
I found out through past life “therapy” that I have lived in that same town he lives in for three life times with him! Boom! All of a sudden things started to make sense for me. I never understood why I wanted to live and learn Swedish so badly. I also never understood why my values were so opposite than fellow Americans. It is very difficult for me to live in the states especially knowing I should be elsewhere.
I’ve gone back to that town for the second and third visit. I had not heard from my twin flame but the universe did many things to me during that period. I ran into his company car that second visit. For a year, I saw that same car constantly everywhere. I sometimes saw 4-6 cars in a day. At this point, these cars were not common nor widely available in the states. Spirit froze my phone with his picture or start playing songs related to him on my phone after I came out of showers. Do not get me started on the blonde haired twins that I see constantly when I go out!
I continued to grow spiritually and ascended. One day, my twin flame’s upper self came to give me a visit at my house. The upper is the true self or soul, the lower is more the conscious self (i.e. ego). I could not believe it. I was finally given the opportunity to learn more about my past and work out all this past karma. The upper self visits often and is working with his lower self to bring us together.
I tried to force this situation a few times myself and it did not work. I realize now being a different person how it would not have worked for either of us but I did not see it then. We as humans understand things relative to time and space when it does not exist on the spiritual plane. My twin flame has to be as ascended for us to come together. I can fight it or so but this is my destiny and it won’t happen until he takes the steps to get where I am.
You clearly belong in NYC (past life I bet). That I can confirm from my own experiences. I agree that you forced the situaton when it was not supposed to happen. I also understand that strong desire knowing you belong somewhere else than where you are. Quite the test if you ask me.
I just returned from a trip to NYC. Let me ask you some things if I may. Are you prepared financially now for NYC’s cost of living via living below your means and savings? Is your education and work experience enough to sustain another job loss before you obtain citizenship? Is your health in order for you to move? Not only ask yourself these basic questions but consider what else is holding you back. The more you focus on yourself, the more you will find yourself moving towards NYC because you are learning the lessons or resolving the issues that are holding you back.
I know that I must save money because I see that the universe is slowly forcing the source of his ego to a end. I know there is a strong possibility that he will be jobless when we come together again. Therefore, I am finding clearance or coupons, selling them on Ebay and purchasing Swedish currency on Ebay at 30% under current value. I pay cash only where i can (i.e. I can not pay for a Ebay auction with cash =P) to prevent overspending, build my savings and avoid credit cards. I got rid of my car via donation after spirit broke it down infront of the only three Swedish mailboxes in the town (!!). He most likely will not have a car then either. It is common to bike or walk in this town we spent lifetimes in. Had I not worked on myself, I doubt the upper self would have come forward.
The first lesson we both have learned is patience. The second I must remind you is to keep your eyes open for signals from the spirit world and work on youself. You’ll be in the big apple before you know it =)
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
JAC. Reason: grammar
July 11, 2013 at 7:52 am #38415JAC
ParticipantThese are life lessons or clearing of karma.. Sometimes these situations are subtle, sometimes blunt. However, you are supposed to go through this as part of your life path.
The mind tends to label a situation when there really is no good or bad situations. When we allow the mind to label a situation, we miss the opportunity to learn . A friend I know ripped a tendon in her knee and needs surgery. She sees it at bad. I see this as a wake up call to shake her obese frame and lose weight. To take better care of herself and her knee. She then can avoid future health problems and live a healthier life.
I’ve seen another person go through this vicious cycle of ego and horrible fighting with his ex wife to keep his business. Clearly, the ex wife and the misery is part of the lesson but his perspective enslaves him. If he could see this situation as a learning lesson and move on from the business, there is an abudancy awaiting him on the other side.
We really limit ourselves by our perspective.
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This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by