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  • in reply to: Letting go of anger and remaining calm #80268

    Hello Anita,

    I stopped trying to make them love me or make them happy because it won’t ever be enough. My mother always tells everyone else how good and smart I am, but when it comes to me I can never have the perfect grades or hair, or looks, or anything. Most recently my choice of career was disrespected and was excused as if I wasn’t able to pursue it even if I wanted.

    You are right, my attachment is strong, but it was really painful. I am open to new relationships, just don’t think it’s okay to stay in between the relationships I’ve left since they are one-sided. I didn’t detach with my ex until I realized that he was not respecting me and was half heartedly responding to my texts messages. Is it not true that when someone loves us and wants to be with us then they also make an effort?

    I think we didn’t respect (my friend) each other’s boundaries. We didn’t have any boundaries and a lot of the times that led to me being very upset. I would like to have healthier relationships. With my ex and toxic “best friend” out of the picture, I’m left with casual friends. I think those friends are good for me though, they don’t cling (which will left me create healthy space in relationships) and they aren’t reckless. I’m thinking of writing down the type of friendships/relationships i’d like.

    in reply to: Living with toxic family #80266

    Hello Anita,

    I’ve thought about leaving a lot of times. I don’t have any money or really any friends who I can stay with. I’m also afraid to leave because I’ll be all alone and unsafe. Where will I go? Isn’t it better to stay and figure out something?

    They have done so much for me. I wouldn’t be able to go to have a place to live or any of the nice things I have.

    Being here has destroyed me. After I came back home and left my friends and lost my relationship, I realized that I was really the only person that I had to process emotions. I always wanted to find comfort from my mother, but she was abused as a child too. She doesn’t show any affection, for her affection is feeding and clothing me. Nobody in my house is allowed to cry or talk about anything emotion related. When someone cries there is lots of belittlement and we’re told that we’re ungrateful. You are right, I am attached. My parents were always so intrusive, making every decision for me and controlling my life that I’ve reached a point where I don’t think I can be completely independent.

    in reply to: Need help remembering who I am. #80216

    Hello Wow90,

    At first I was worried that we may not be able to relate because of age differences and experiences, however, I am around the same age as you. First, I just want to say that what you are feeling is normal. As we get older and experience new things, we learn more about ourselves and our needs. Are you a spiritual or religious person?

    After being burned out you became depressed. However, the events that led to the depression may not have been processed?? Is that possible. I would recommend meditation to really get in touch with your inner feelings. It’s okay to not have something to work on right now because you are still young and figuring out who you are. Once you begin to spend some time feeling and letting your thoughts be processed, you will have more clarity and may be able to find a new direction. This may just be a crossroad for you, but you need to look within to see which direction to go in. I hope this helps.

    in reply to: Letting go of anger and remaining calm #80212

    Hello Anita,

    Yes, you understood what I wrote correctly. I see what you are saying in healing. I’m not sure if he related with me though – at least not yet. He doesn’t see things as I do, or he just won’t speak about it. I’ve met his mother and she is extremely unstable. She snapped at me, while I was in conversation with someone else. It was completely uncalled for. His father seems to have developed alcohol dependence, wouldn’t be surprised if it was because of his marriage. He said his parents weren’t happy with each other. He is attached to his mother completely and doesn’t see anything wrong with it, at least not yet. He is still trying to win her approval or make her love him. I don’t think it will ever happen, people like that can never have enough. At her age, after having a number of children she would have learned by now to be gentle and loving. I can’t fix him.

    Do you have any suggestions for me? You are so wise. I have currently detached from another co-dependent relationship with a toxic friend. In the detachment phase, she made me feel ashamed as if I wouldn’t be able to be on my own and figure out who I am and that I would be weak and suicidal. Fortunately, that is not true as I am choosing solidarity for myself and will be making new friendships with boundaries and respect. I learned that she was a toxic person, I told her very personal and hurtful experiences which she then shared with other people. I let it go, but now I see how untrustworthy she is. There is lots of drama and negativity surrounding her that I don’t want. I don’t want to speak to my other friends about it, because then it will seem as if i’m bad mouthing her and it will be out of context. I thought that it was good for me to have a friend who had shared experiences, but i’ve moved on from that. I don’t want to live in the past and want to be confident and happy in the future. I’m not sure how to meet new people? I’m in college and very friendly, but i’ve become more anxious lately. It’s difficult for me to know what appropriate boundaries are. It seems as if most of my friendships lack boundaries and I want that to change.

    in reply to: Letting go of anger and remaining calm #80209

    Hello again Anita,

    I believe that’s a good idea. Since I don’t have much real relationship experience anyways, I could use this wisely and learn. From my childhood, I’ve developed a defense mechanism in which I forget the details of a traumatic incident. It has helped me survive this long, but now I can only vaguely remember the relationship.

    I’m not sure he is comfortable speaking about it or maybe that is just my thought projected onto him. I think the best thing for me is to let go and live and if HE comes back to communicate see how I am feeling and respond accordingly. I’m afraid trying to “learn” or “understand” might make it seem like I don’t want to let go of the relationship. What do you think?

    in reply to: Letting go of anger and remaining calm #80157

    Hello livelovelifeeleni,

    I agree that relationships teach us a lot about ourselves and help us understand future relationships. I’m just left with feelings that I can’t put words on.

    Inky, I really love what you’ve said here that I should be polite and friendly, but don’t try to be his friend. I believe that’s exactly what he does to me. I’m not sure I could ever get through the pain that have intentionally/ unintentionally enough to want to re-kindle the relationship.

    Anita, I believe you are correct and have definitely considered these things myself. There was definitely encouragement in the “fix me” department. That was the premise of our entire relationship. I realize now that he could never have saved me. I have to save myself. I don’t think I was conscious enough to where he would feel accepted. I was concerned of my own interests at the time. Ah, the part about reminding him of his mother is very interesting. That may very well be the case. I’ve played the initial meeting over and over again as we’ve lost contact for about two weeks now. I think he will definitely come and say hello and I will be kind and polite. I’m afraid all of my feelings for him will resurface, but he won’t feel the same. I want to say that I want the relationship, but there is no relationship anymore. At the same time I don’t want the relationship because the “romantic” aspect of it is gone. I’m not quite sure what to do.


    Hello Gracie,

    What i’ve noticed is that a person who has no idea of self and low self-esteem will feel secure and safe until the other partner begins to pull away especially since you mentioned you are willing to give anything to make the other person happy. It’s important to mention here that a physical relationship does not mean intimacy or compatibility or security. Just because you are physically doing well, doesn’t mean it’s a “secure” relationship. Eventually that will fade and one person will say enough. It’s okay to let your mind wander. I think it’s okay to be in a relationship if that’s what you want and enjoy, but it can’t be the center of your world and where your sense of safety and security comes from. What will happen if the relationship ends? Being single and working on yourself (goals, dreams, physical and mental/emotional growth) will help to become more strong, independent, and confident on your own. I hope what I said does not offend you, but these are all things i’ve learned from my experience.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Annie.
    in reply to: When you did little mistakes lost the one you loved #80111

    Hello thefallenone,

    I’m sorry this happened to you. It must be very difficult to go through this all by yourself. There are no perfect relationships, but long distance relationships are even tougher. I think it’s disrespectful that he cursed at you regardless of the situation. You did not have any physical relationship with these people on social network, so you are nowhere near being a prostitute. Besides, you haven’t even been physical with any men. I don’t think it’s kind to you to label yourself as a prostitute. I am wondering if you got closer to these men on social media because there was something lacking in your relationship? Is there something they gave you that was missing in your relationship? For example compliments, acknowledgement,time, communication, validation or even understanding? Sometimes when we are upset with ourselves we can project this onto others to hide our shame/guilt. It may be that he was already involved with this other girl and wanted out of the relationship so he made you feel badly about yourself.

    It seems as if you haven’t had much relationship experience, so i’m going to tell you that this is how we learn. We make mistakes that we know not to make the next time around. When we get to the person who is deserving of us, we will be ready for an honest and mature relationship. We all make mistakes. We learn about health, science, and English in school, but nobody tells us about communication and understanding and the ingredients for a good relationship. I promise things will get better with time, just allow yourself to grieve the relationship. Be kind to yourself as these feelings subside.

    in reply to: Need help! Which path I should choose? #80018

    Hello Karlo,

    It seems as if you are very passionate about art and character illustration. To pursue what you love will make life meaningful and fuel you. You just graduated high school (it hasn’t even been a couple of months), so you have some time before you can begin worrying about working and helping your family. Why not find a job and pursue your dream at the same time? That way you will have a goal (move to Canada and study illustration) and you will have some money to do it on your own. Find a job that you are happy doing and help your family. Meanwhile, create a bank account and save some money for your dream. Most jobs are around 8 hours a day which leaves the rest of the day to practice drawing. I think it may be easier than when you were at school as well since you won’t have “homework.” Besides, since you enjoy drawing it may help you relax in your free time outside work. Don’t give up on your dreams, anything is possible.


    Hello patientobserver,

    It seems as if you have done a great deal of self-reflection. It’s great that you’ve found something you are passionate about (i.e. helping others). If you WANT to be single then that’s okay. There is something special about everyone, including you! I’m not convincing you to be in a relationship, just letting you know my perspective if you’re open to listening. What i’ve found is that physical appearences are completely subjective. While some consider one type of person attractive, another does not. Some people prefer brunettes over blondes, while others prefer red heads over brunettes. Of course, this is just an example, but i’m sure you are beautiful in your own way. Besides, once the attraction phase is over, what’s left is who the people are and what they have to offer other than looks. If you say you don’t find yourself attractive, then how will someone else? It’s difficult, but I think when we learn to love ourselves, then we learn to accept love from others as well rather than just giving. To need connection is part of being human, so it’s okay to get emotionally attached, but maybe try to keep some emotional boundaries and slow yourself down? I totally get confusing sexual attraction in place of intimacy. I don’t think I completely understand intimacy myself and I too thought I was being intimate when all I had was a physical relationship. Some degree of attraction is needed for any relationship, but maybe we should hold off on the physical until we can really get to know the person emotionally and see whether they are right for us?

    I have had 3 disastrous relationships myself and have a dysfunctional family. However, i’ve learned that we don’t have to be whatever happened to us. We can learn to process those feelings and move on from them. The best way to understand and move on is to let yourself feel those emotions and then slowly let go of them. Seeking male validation and affection makes sense at least to me because we never got that from our loved ones, so we continuously try to find it even though it will never make up for what we never got in the first place. I’m 21, so I’m around the same age as you. After losing so many relationships and feeling so much heartache, I learned to slowly let go of things and love myself so that I can be happy. I hope what I said does not come off wrong in any way. I am just sharing some of my feelings on the pieces of writing that resonated with me. You’re still young and very smart and driven it seems, so don’t give up hope and just accept everything as it happens in the present. The 20s are for being single and finding yourself. 🙂

    in reply to: Lost a friend because his new partner is jealous of me #79985


    It seems as if your friend was trying to protect his relationship by cutting communication with you. Your past experience (i.e. hookup) and re-connection might have sparked insecurity/distrust in your friend’s partner. Of course, it’s rude to send unnecessary messages to you or any other person as this should have remained between the two of them. You say you feel “rejected, betrayed, and angry,” but nobody is making you feel this way. Look deep into yourself and ask why you are really feeling that way. Nobody can make you feel anything you don’t want to. Friends re-connect and disconnect all the time, so maybe you guys can connect at some point in the future. I would say process your feelings on your own and try to respect your friend’s decision.

    in reply to: Bad accident at work, what to do? #79984

    Hello Red Car,

    If you are really unhappy and have considered quitting, then maybe you should look into what your other options are. For now, I would work on decreasing the feeling of panic by meditating or whatever else works for you. There are some great meditation techniques on google. Being in an unhealthy/stressful environment can increase our anxiety and decrease our confidence. Do not be afraid of the future because it’s uncertain, be excited for the possibilities. What if your new job is the best job you will ever have?


    Hello Jen,

    I agree with everything Anita has said. Is this close to what you think? Do you think you can change him? If you love him enough, then he will change? Go no contact with him and don’t look at his social media or have any sort of communication with him. Grieve if you need to. Once you can get far from the situation, you can analyze it and have a more clear perspective on the relationship. Understand that he is not capable of or does not want to give you what you need (Affection and/or validation). You should focus on yourself and figure out what you need and who you are for now.

    in reply to: Bad accident at work, what to do? #79785


    I understand that it must be hard for you to worry about the future of your work as it is important to you. Because we can only change ourselves, we should work on that. People make mistakes like that all the time. It’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling. However, if you let the anxiety take over, then you will continue to be afraid of making a mistake and that may lead to another mistake. Just accept what happened and be confident in your work, that may make things better. Good luck!



    How exciting that you’ve come this far. It is my dream to go to medical school. I’m in the final year of college, but had a really rough year in terms of grades due to depression, personal illness, and a toxic relationship. It will be difficult to move on from here, but I am taking small steps to get back on track. I am determined. I got myself through high school and college as the first person to go to college in my family. It will be a long road, maybe need to get a masters degree or do a post-bac program to increase my chances of getting into medical school. I was lost for a long time, but keeping the end result in my mind has been helpful in maintaining momentum. Appreciating and celebrating how far i’ve come (no matter how small) keeps me motivated. Good luck to you in your journey!

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