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I love this line of reasoning, and appreciate the Shakespeare perspective on how to dance through life. In regards to no-self, there is a perspective that may settle confusion. Its not that there is no true sense of self inside us, rather there are many selves. We cultivate the sense of selves that lead to liberation, and drop those which lead toward delusion.
One teacher of mine described it in a story. Imagine we are standing outside our home and see a bunch of bullies picking on our sister. It is a sense of self that motivates us toward helping our sister (family identity)… she is a part of a ‘we’ or ‘us’ that arises in the mind. Then we come inside and she grabs the toy that we wanted to play with and a different sense of self arises (personal happiness) and we become frustrated with our sister (now ‘other’) because she has our toy.
The goal then becomes discerning which sense of selves lead us toward liberation… ie the motivation for the 8fp. Its like holding on to the door of a cage because we know it is a door. When it opens, the sense of self dissolves and we are free to fly. If we attempt to deny self, it is like pretending we’re not in a cage, and we suppress the aspects of self and painful emotions which would otherwise bring us information about the door.
With warmth,
I can hear the concern that if we do not “digest” the synchronized moment, we are somehow disregarding the information the universe is offering us… which might lead us down the wrong path. I respect the question, and can understand why it would be confusing!
Imagine for a moment that our life is much like a pinball loose on a pinball table. Moments of synchronicity are like seeing the bumpers, where the momentum (openness) of our being connects with the table. The connection is inherently shifting our direction as it is moving us into the next arc of development.
If we try to cling to the bumper as a “sign” we are meant to go “that” direction, we slow the momentum. It isn’t that we ignore the signs, its just that as we move along the table and open more and more, reality becomes explicitly synchronistic and full of “umm, here you are, wake up” guidance. It isn’t a material destination or some type of divination, rather the facilitation of our awakening as a community of divine beings.
For instance, if we think about NYC all the time, and remain open, we will experience NYC synchronicity. This doesn’t mean that NYC is our destiny, rather there is something to learn about our relationship to NYC. As we learn and settle the attachment keeping NYC on the mind all the time, we move on. Said differently, spinning thoughts about NYC or not NYC prevent us from seeing the guidance all around us… because instead of seeing, we’re busy thinking. When we let go (trust) and let the ball and the table do their job and let our job remain staying/becoming more open, we become more joyous. Then NYC or not NYC becomes immaterial, because where ever you go, there you are. And with you, the openness that allows joy and wisdom to flow through. Then, if you want NYC you will be open enough to see the shiny path that leads you there.
With warmth,
I’m very happy that you have found an unconditioned state of bliss! The specifics would not be appropriate to discuss for many reasons, but perhaps what you are experiencing is the first jhana.
Buddha said that aspects of the supramundane are not appropriate to perform in public, and is known to admonish his students for performing miracles. He specifically said that he was ashamed of all powers except one, the power to teach. The others increase suffering, as those who witness siddhis are pushed into a deeper dualism of fascination. Said differently, when you use your empathy to prove its accuracy, your mind is pushed into a “look what I can do” and their’s “look what he can do” which are both distractions from the path.
Consider looking into a local sangha for a teacher, who may help you figure out what to do next.
With warmth,
One of the greatest things my teacher offered me was that synchronicity was “auspicious coincidence” where the internal and external are in harmony. To seek synchronicity as a means of guidance is like wishing to be present. The mind is positioned to look in the future, so the wishing inhibits the fulfillment. Said differently, when we are seeking guidance from outside, we are stepping away from our inner guidance… which is where all the magic comes from.
I can understand and relate to the odd and inspiring moments where things align just so… and we taste in a presence that is greater than we previously believed possible. It can help us remember our divine nature, but can also generate spiritual materialism, where we adopt a new identity of a “spiritual person in-tune with spirit” instead of dropping the aspects of self that generate confusion, lamentation and greed.
Instead, what we can do is allow the vibrancy of the world to flow through and around us. When we see signs, we breathe and let go. When we do not see signs, we breathe and let go. If we do not assign meaning to the synch, we retain the vibrancy and become more clear and resonant in our bodies. Or, if the synch pulls us in, we are able to reflect on what aspect of ego clung to the moment and move our mind back to the breath. Said differently, grace is something we experience when we are open enough to receive it.
Otherwise we slide back and forth between open and shut. We meditate and pray and then open, get a synch, cling to it as proof of something, and close. This makes it very confusing indeed, as well as draining as we attempt to open over and over. In my humble opinion, they are like fruit in the garden, where we can eat them, thank the universe for the energy, and keep walking. Nourishing but empty of persistent meaning.
With warmth,
Some things which are true are not helpful in the moment. For instance, perhaps with your friend it is unhelpful to say “you’re fat and this is a wake up to care for yourself”. Rather, as loving friends who can see into the situation more discerningly, we can help them uncover the steps of the path and the motivation to walk it.
With warmth,
I can understand how disorienting it must be to have all of those signs around you, like why would your teacher call you lazy, why would your friend remove you from facebook? I’m sure there are many more that you’ve not mentioned. Have hope, there is always a path to joy. A few things came to heart as I read and reflected on your words.
It seems like a fertile time to confront your fear and develop courage. For instance, your teacher calls you lazy, and you become afraid of what that means. Your fear turns the words inwards and makes it about you. “Am I lazy? Is she right in calling me that? Do I deserve that? Why does she look at me so much?”
Consider that all of us feel fear, and it is absolutely necessary for us to develop courage. Courage is not being able to do scary things fearlessly, but the energy inside us that acknowledges the fear, and does the action anyway. Perhaps you could walk up to the teacher and courageously confront her on the name calling. “Why do you call me lazy, I do well and pay attention. When you call me lazy, I don’t like it and my feelings are hurt. Please stop.” Or the urdu equivalent. 🙂
The same is true of the other relationships. If you ask out the girl and she says no, you have the information it takes to move on. Women are often particular in their taste, and just because one likes you as a friend and not romatically does not mean you are unattractive to all girls. That is just the fear. Consider asking out another, and seeing where it goes. Remember courage is the energy that let’s us try and fail, try and fail until we try and succeed.
It sounds like when you feel fear of the unknown, your mind runs and runs. Its very creative! Perhaps some meditation would help with that. YouTube has some great videos on that, my favorite is a series be Ajahn Jayasaro. The fifth video in the series is a counting breath meditation that is simple and effective.
With warmth,
In addition to Tera’s thoughtful and pertinent words of wisdom, a few things came to heart as I read your words. I’m sorry that you feel damaged and isolated, I know how painful that can feel.
Sometimes when we create a veil or mask that we put on (“having it all together”) it drains our energy to maintain it. There are so many layers and conversions we have to do that the longer we stay engaged the more tired we feel. We are afraid that we are unlovable as we are, and so we try to create a version of our self that is lovable. This is flawed, because those of us who love others (I daresay most) find it far easier to love the crazy, chaotic, mess of a person than a veil. Said differently, we’re all messed up in one way or another, and our hearts (and yours of course) accept that as part of the learning process.
The truth is we are all born ignorant, and we all trip and fumble down the path as we attempt to find our tune. When you have the courage to own that, going deep with a person will no longer be as scary. Remember that they are the same as you, an imperfect, loving, hero or heroine with baggage and innovations.
One thing you may wish to consider is that sometimes we are self-critical. Our mind turns on us and begins to pick apart each little faux pas and misstep, and uses them like a whip on our tender skin. It becomes painful to endure, and we would rather be alone than be flogged by the critic inside when we try to connect. I’d like to speak to the critic for a moment, if you don’t mind.
Thank you for trying to care for Leslie, protecting her from the pain of the cold and unfeeling world around her long ago. You have been brave and strong to work so tirelessly to help her see what has been happening, and your service is appreciated by me and all who love like me. Its ok, safe and normal for you to let go, so Leslie can connect to more of the joy that is around her. While you protected her from the pain of shame and embarrassment, you’ve also been cutting off her happiness. If you let up a little, you’ll see just how beautiful Leslie is, and why its time for you to grow up into loving discernment. You are still important to her, and will always have a place inside, and now is a good time to relax and trust her. She’s ready and listening, you don’t need to be harsh to be heard. Thank you for listening, and I hope this finds you well.
With warmth,
What a wonderful observation! Sometimes we get so focused in our mind that we lose some of the energy of creativity that fuels us. It reminds me of a garden hose, where we put our thumb on the end to make it squirt farther, but if we put too much thumb into it, it stops the flow of water or explodes all over us.
In terms of mindful practices, it is often described as holding a bird in our hand. We want to hold it tight enough that it doesn’t fly away, but not so tight that we crush it. Said differently, your dream is the fuel of the vision, and your actions, focus and dedication are what realize that dream.
One thing we can do is take a few moments and brainstorm our priorities. Then take a look at them, do they still resonate with the dream? If they have become material, or relate too closely to project deadlines and don’t sparkle with the energy of the dream, you have perhaps crushed the bird and need some time to self-nurture. If they still sparkle with your inner desires, then you’re doing fine and simply haven’t been opening to the joy of the steps of the dream.
Remember that the sun on the horizon is only a carrot to lead us down the path. The joy, realization and contentment are available at every step. Said differently, the path is the destination, and when we forget that we cut ourselves off from the energy of reality. This is the beauty and tragedy of being a combination of heavenly and earthly beings… it becomes a balance between joy, mindfulness, creativity and bills, deadlines, and obligations. With each one, we can breathe mindfully.
Its like accepting the rules of a game that we play with our friends and children. There are rules, and we follow them, but it is in the playing that the fun happens, not in the winning or losing.
With warmth,
Well, perhaps instead of sticking your hand in the fire you could roast some marshmallows. They’re pretty yummy.
I’ve noticed when I’m in a pattern of suppressing my emotions, it becomes a “nothing or blert” kind of situation. Either I clamp down and nothing comes out, or I open up and pour and pour. After I release the pent up emotions, I can just play with them, flirt with them… like tossing a little nugget of love on the end of a stick and putting out there in the fire. If it browns and gets gooey, hurray! If it gets black and charred, its not a big deal because its only one failure, one overcooked marshmallow. 🙂
With warmth,
In addition to John’s words, perhaps you would benefit from reading about co-dependence. Some of us in relationships look to our partner for our self-esteem, which becomes unstable over time. It can push us to become controlling or clingy, which is not ideal for long term commitments. Pia Mellody has a great book “Facing Codependence” that is very practical, and I can attest to its ability to explain and provide relief and guidance.
With warmth,
Isn’t it amazing how love can be so fulfilling and so confusing at the same time? On one hand, our heart shines powerfully but on the other we have no idea what to do with it! I’m sympathetic to your troubles, and a few things arose in my heart while I read your words.
Intimacy is a matter of trust, and yours was hurt in two ways. First, when he left for Thailand, he was deceptive about his expectations and told you to be free when he really wanted your devotion. Then, because of that misrepresentation, you acted in a way that hurt the intimacy by sleeping with another. If both of you feel the potency of the intimacy is stronger than the disruption, it is workable. If either one of you does not, then the intimacy will fade.
It would not be helpful or appropriate to point you in a specific direction, that is between you and your heart. However, I do know that hurt feelings are more likely to be mollified when we address them directly rather than getting swept into the actions that inspired them. For instance “I’m sorry I slept with him.” is perhaps not as direct as “I’m so sorry you feel hurt.” Or “As I look at what we’ve become, if you had done the same in Thailand I would feel the same.”
From my view, you did nothing dishonorable. He gave you the wrong information, and so you acted from a place of false understanding. It seems to me that a solution to the dissonance in the intimacy could be addressed as:
“You were scared of telling me where you really were before going to Thailand, and I was scared that we weren’t as close as I thought. We both erred, but I believe in us. As we get closer and closer, and know each other more deeply, we have better information to work with, and can express our love in more appropriate ways. I will never cheat on you, and my heart breaks to see you in so much pain. We can’t go back and change either your words or my actions, but we can overcome this, I love you far too much to give up from this. Do you see me? Are you here with me? Can you feel my love and dedication to you? You have it. I don’t always have the words, but I do have the love.” This is just a for instance, where you accept the truth of where you’ve been together, and your side of where you are now. Invite him to join you in openness and honesty, and he may or may not have the courage or warmth to jump. That’s between him and his heart.With warmth,
I’m sorry that the flood is producing a feeling of drowning, it can be disorienting to say the least! Pema Chodron has a great book called “When Things Fall Apart: Heart advice for difficult times” which is great at answering some of those questions. It is very practical as well as helpful, and she writes in a way that is very accessible.
Sometimes when we are overwhelmed it isn’t enough to mouth the words “I love you sapna” over and over. We have to look inward at how beautiful we are and begin to appreciate ourselves. When we are in pain this can be difficult, so our friends and spiritual family help us to remember and see. We have the courage to open up and ask for help, and do our best to remain open to the love that is sent to us through our family. What a blessing the sangha becomes!
This sounds like a very fertile time, and it is important to be patient with yourself! The long term goal is to move all of that love and devotion you gave to him inward, so you become your own greatest love and advocate. From that place, we are fountains of loving bounty… but it takes time to get there. Buddha said that it was much like the unfolding of petals of a blooming flower.
To provide the conditions for that flower to bloom, we need patience. We can provide light to the flower by seeing truth, by being aware of who we are and what we do. We can provide water to the flower by self-nurturing, or doing loving things to our body. Then it is a matter of consistency, where each day or each moment we walk through the garden of our body and spread love and light.
You know what it was like to love him, and the actions you did to show him that you love him. So, perhaps you can do that for yourself! Don’t just mouth “I love you”, but follow up the words by acting loving toward sapna. She deserves and needs that from you!
With warmth,
I agree that you acted like a fool, but perhaps not in the way you meant it. In tarot, the cultivation of wisdom is described by the journey of the fool in the major arcana. The fool is willing to follow their heart right off the side of a cliff. There is a loving innocence about them, and they see a possibility and jump. So congratulations, you acted on your feelings and are learning some lessons! I’m sorry it was painful, but sometimes we are stubborn and try the same patterns over and over until we learn.
It sounds to me pretty much what happened, but this time you kept your eyes open while you jumped, which is a great thing. Osho said that a breakdown plus awareness produces a breakthrough. Do you see how you lost control, gave in to craving him, and felt a tremendous pain from the actions that resulted? Its enough just to see it, there is no need for regret!
Consider that when we are craving, the inner “slobbering dog” comes out of us, and we sniff and lick all around trying to find some satisfaction from the world around us. When we are rejected, we feel almost like we were struck in the nose! The resulting feeling of icky isolation, if conditions are just so, can help us see that we are the light in this world. He can’t and won’t fix that for you, its something your heart has to embrace.
Perhaps next time when you are feeling “oh I miss him so much, and feel the need to satisfy my heart with trying to connect to him” you will see that you are already the peace and divinity, the love and warmth… and you can turn inward instead of to him. Said differently, what we are really seeking in those moments is peace and love, which is actually our nature and birthright.
I am really impressed by how potent your emotions are… its a very great thing! I know it seems more like a curse right now, but as you grow your wisdom you’ll see what I mean. Those emotions teach and guide us, make our dumb decisions painful, and our wise decisions sparkly. Consider that they are like a divine radio, where our body tells us of the harmonies and disharmonies that surround our decisions. Said differently, please don’t give up and try to harden your heart, it is full of wisdom.
With warmth,
You ask some great questions! I’m very impressed with the amount of self awareness you have, as you’ve noticed how you’re bouncing between different experiences (such as giving up and why and the feelings). I know it seems overwhelming and depressing in this moment, but there is always a path to joy.
It seems like your main error is you are only getting nourished by success. This might be a very old pattern, or a parent who only expressed love when you did well. I’ve seen others in the same boat (I struggled with it as well) and have some words about what to do.
The first thing is to accept that failure is inevitable. Edison, for example, had far more failures than successes. Failure is ripe with information, ways to do things differently, and the chance to improve our skills. Even Buddha tried for years to find the cause of suffering from many, many teachers… and its said that it was only after he failed and gave up that he attained enlightenment. Failure is not bad, it is part of learning.
So, if we are destined to fail time and again, how to we maintain esteem? My teacher told me that confidence rooted in approval was doomed to erode, because we aren’t perfect. However, we can begin to generate authentic confidence that is unshakable. This confidence is rooted in our intention.
If we intend to improve our life, our skills, our minds (which you’re already doing) then we do naturally get better. We jump in, and as we succeed and fail, we realize that we’ve been pouring our heart into each moment. We struggle, feel icky, feel great, fall down… over and over, but that heart has been beating, moving us onward with each moment… always growing and learning. Once we respect that, the confidence quickly grows because you know.
For instance, if you attempt the “act as if” principle and notice the difference, you won’t need to succeed in anyone’s eyes. You won’t need testimony. You’ll know. You’re already aware of your emotions and actions, so as you watch them improve, you’ll know you’re doing the do… growing and changing.
In my opinion, counting breath meditation is very helpful with anxiety. Consider youtubing “jayasaro counting breaths” for a simple technique.
With warmth,
My goodness. I admit I needed to rest with your story for awhile to overcome an anger that arose for the man who did such things. That type of deception is such a terrible thing to have to go through, and I’m sorry on behalf of good men everywhere. A few things came to heart as I read your words.
First and foremost, this seems like a time to grieve, rather than “figuring it all out”. Your body has a lot to process, maybe you could spend some time being hugged by close friends? Soft music, warm water, or maybe somewhere in nature that you enjoy?
It will heal in time, and your body reacting in the way it is sounds to me like it is shucking the garbage. You may be able to help it with a zen trick. Consider screaming and cursing, flailing around on your bed, or going to a gym and punching a bag. It could really help your body vent it out.
I hope you find peace in the upcoming weeks, and you’ll be in my prayers.
With warmth,
Matt -