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ParticipantSoooo… Update:
After mine and his 1 year, he broke up with me. The thing is, he didn’t tell me he wanted to break up. He instead blocked me on everything and left it as that for me to figure out that it was over. I’m still hurt over it but I’m starting to get better and not care at all.
Fast forward to now, I have a new best friend who is really sweet and funny. I really enjoy his company and he’s my favorite person. Why am I bringing this up? I kind of like him, but, everytime I think about the fact that I like him, the doubts come back, those being the same doubts I had with my now-ex. I want to tell him I like him but those doubts scare me because I don’t want to mislead him(especially since he already admitted that he likes me). Obviously I wouldn’t look for a relationship right now, he knows that as well, but, I do want to let him know. When I think I like him, I:
•Monitor my feelings to see if my heart races or drops
•Start thinking, “Do you really like him?”, “You don’t actually like him, you’re just thinking you do”, “What if you don’t like him?”, “What if you stop liking him?”, “You just miss having affection”, ” What about the other guy that likes you”, etc.
I’m starting to feel really stressed by this. Again, I don’t like him a lot but I do a little bit and I’m not looking for a relationship for a bit but I would want to let him know sometime soon. How could I block these thoughts out or tell him in a good way?
ParticipantYeah, true. They all spread stuff faster than the virus. They don’t even know about my boyfriend right now because otherwise they’ll start telling everyone, start mocking me(in a joking way but it isn’t very funny), ask millions of questions, etc. They’re also really over protective so would probably get a bit mad and my had having way too high expectations as well. Yeah, I’m good.
Anyways, that’s besides the point. This may be good bye. All I’ve needed help with is the bad thoughts but I probably won’t get them away for a long time due to the pandemic and my lack of courage to go talk about it because I feel as though I will have to get my parents involved(which I really don’t want) and I just feel like all they’ll say is, “you’re too young to understand”.
I’ll just have to hope that it really is just bad thoughts (I’m completely positive that they are.. That is, until they start flooding my mind again) and they’ll go away at some point rather naturally or with treatment. If I do get treatment sometime soon or when I do I remember this website, I’ll keep you updated. Thank you for trying to help me, it did help, and I’m sorry if I were stubborn about things. I did think about the things you’ve told me, I just had trouble due to the thoughts and the comparing physically and mentally breaking me apart.
If you do have any advice on how to push these thoughts out at least temporarily, please do let me know. Earlier I was talking to a friend and she was really upset until her boyfriend texted her and then she started freaking out and was really happy just because he texted her and I started comparing again, so, now my mind is flooding, but, hopefully they’ll go away soon.
ParticipantI started distancing myself from my parents when I was about 10. My mom has always been the one to tell me things and tell me not to tell people but she’s also been the type of person to tell others the stuff I tell her or things that happen. My parents have always seemed like they’re the type of people to react badly towards things and are strict and over-protective. I feel like I am the odd one out of my family at times and if I were to be honest, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t tell my parents what’s wrong or what’s going on anymore and if anything is wrong, I go to my boyfriend or one of my good friends. I don’t feel too comfortable around my parents anymore and don’t really like talking to them either. I care for them, but I’m not close with them. We have good moments, we’ll laugh and watch movies, but, I can’t say I trust them.
ParticipantI haven’t been on this forum due to being busy with things but something did just come to mind.
When I started thinking of whether I love him or not, it started last year when we were a month into our relationship. I was just thinking of stuff because I wasn’t doing anything in class and it started tying itself to how I never felt any heart-racing or butterflies. Another thing is that I didn’t know my mom had kidney failure until she went to the doctor 2 months later.
I never feel stressed about my family problems, only when I have these thoughts about my boyfriend. I don’t know if that’s because I tend to exclude myself from my family because I’ve never felt a close connection with them or the stress is just blurry to my mind because of this one thought overtaking my mind. I never felt any sort of strong stress until the “What if I don’t love him” Started to come to mind.
It honestly scares me to the point where I’ll end up crying in my bed for awhile. I don’t want to ever leave him. I want to spend my life with this guy, I really do. And to think that it could be a flag my mind is trying to tell me to let go of him kills me inside. We’re about to hit a year now and I’ve been fighting this thought the entire time. I do want to get help but I feel like they’ll say I’m “too young to understand” And leave it as that. I also can’t due to the pandemic.
ParticipantWell, my only question is (which you do not have to answer) do you think that all of this may just be intrusive thoughts?
ParticipantWell I lived in NC for basically my whole life. That’s where a lot of my family lives (which made my mom happy) and that’s where I met all my friends. I knew everybody at my school and everybody knew me. I was very outgoing and could talk to anyone there. I never felt weird or uncomfortable or anything like that.
Just two years ago we ended up moving to SC because my dad had found a job that would help us out(we are a poor family and lived in my grandma’s home). The job didn’t go well and he left it and so they both had jobs that just got us through the weeks with a little bit of extra money.
Fast forward to a year and a half in, my mom lost her vision and has kidney failure. She woke up with blurry vision one day and went to the hospital(which also dragged us down with bills) and has something wrong with her eyes and kidney failure. She can’t get a transplant due to Medicare declining her as well as disability. So now my mom isn’t working and only my dad is, we’re still struggling with money, and forgot to mention the fact that I have no friends around where I live and I feel really uncomfortable at my school.
Before my boyfriend and I started talking again(before we got together he had broke his phone and wasn’t able to get a new one therefore not able to talk. We had also drifted off around this time for a few months) I would cry every morning and every afternoon and involved myself in self-harm for about a year. I barely ate and once yelled at my mom saying how I wanted to kill myself because of school.
Last year, when my boyfriend and I got together, I never cried over school. I was always coming home talking about stuff that happened that I found funny or annoying and always had a smile. I stopped harming myself and ate more since my boyfriend helped me get into better habits. I haven’t gone back since.
ParticipantMy life would change with or without him though. He keeps me happy and stable as for where I live is somewhere I’m very upset with. I also deal with a lot of my friend’s problems too which puts stuff on me as well. If I were to ever lose him, I would probably stop eating almost completely, I’d cry non-stop, etc. I probably would stop talking to people as well. He impacts me a lot even if it’s only virtually.
Also, no, I have not been diagnosed with OCD, I don’t go to a therapist or doctor. I don’t really tell my family anything. My current boyfriend has been the one that’s always there for me because I feel as though I can trust him the most.
ParticipantI really hope all of these are just bad thoughts… I’m thinking of it now and I couldn’t bare to see him with someone else. I want this guy forever and just the thought of him with someone else kills me inside. I’m scared for my life that it isn’t just bad thoughts and that I really just don’t love him.. I don’t want to lose him in any way. I’m honestly about to cry right now.. I hope we can get these thoughts away.. If they are just thoughts.. Because I just want to be happy with this guy and have full love towards him.. He’s my every 11:11 wish, my every thought, etc. I see my entire future with him clearly and no one else.
ParticipantYes, we did. Alina. I forgot the password and it was on a scrapped gmail. I started to think of a lot of the things you said but also forgot a lot.
ParticipantFor your question about my ex; No, we did not meet in person either. It was also all online. Though we got together after maybe 3 weeks of meeting so that was probably a huge factor (big mistake, but glad we’re no longer together).
For your question about my current boyfriend; We haven’t exactly made plans yet but we do want to try to see each other sometime within the next three years. Whenever we see a chance of doing so, we’ll definitely start planning a day. Once we’re older too, we do want to move in together someday when we’re both ready.
ParticipantHi! I had left this awhile ago because I started to feel better and have felt better.. Until now.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months now, going onto 11 soon. These obsessive thoughts don’t really ever go away completely, but they do numb down and I forget about them, but as of right now, they are not. I almost broke down crying last night due to this.
I’ve had these ongoing thoughts since the first month of us being together. He never did anything wrong, no turn offs or anything. We are in an online relationship so therefore never actually seen each other in person(but we have video-called and such). When these thoughts started, it was when I was in class and my mind was just wondering around and latched onto that thought. I use to surf the internet trying to find reassurance and later found out that it’ll just make it worse, so I avoided it.
I’m not really the type of person to show or feel much emotion. When I’m upset, I tend to not feel much and sometimes won’t cry or feel upset(will come up later). Same with being excited and other feelings.
With an ex of mine, every time we’d talk, my heart would race and I’d get butterflies. I was always happy to talk to him and always had these strong infatuation feelings towards him. With my current boyfriend, though, I haven’t felt these feelings basically at all. I felt a spark and a liking to him, and as said, I was always craving him and being obsessed with him, but never the heart racing or butterflies. Because I never felt those, they connected to the question in my mind, “Do you really love him?”, “What if you don’t love him?”
Another thing that I tied onto was comparing how I feel to how he does. When I cry, he said he gets a stomach ache and wants to cry too bc, but doesn’t with others. As for me, when he cries, I get worried and concerned and I go into a calm state, but I never physically feel anything like a stomach ache, my heart may feel like it’s racing sometimes when it’s not but that’s about it.
I do think that maybe it’s because we had just came down to my Dad’s friend’s house to stay for a few days before we go camping for a week and so I’ve been upset because I can’t actually talk to my boyfriend, who we’ll call Arch(it’s a nickname I have for him because it’s in his gamer tag on xbox) for two weeks, and this Thursday to next Thursday I won’t be able to text him or anything either. When I’m at home though I do still have these thoughts, just not as strongly.
I’m really sorry if this is all jumbled and hard to understand, I’m not good with sequencing or grammar. These thoughts cause me a lot of stress and they really scare me. I want to spend my life with this guy and only this guy. Not only is he my boyfriend, but my best friend. In the past two years of us knowing each other, we have gone through a lot and have so many memories and things I don’t want to go to waste. And just in general, this guy is amazing to me. He has his flaws, but I love them. There’s nothing I see wrong about him, he’s great. I don’t ever want to give him up, but these thoughts scare me a lot. I’ve never had them before, and it worries me that I don’t love him, when I know I want to and believe that I do, regardless of the thoughts.