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  • in reply to: Feel therapy has made me too negative to be loved #273133

    Hi Anita,

    I forgot to mention that my therapist did email me back to address my concerns and told me we will be discussing it when I see her next. She thankfully has the ethics to not acknowledge my concerns. When I say I don’t feel much connection with her I think I mean emotionally

    in reply to: Feel therapy has made me too negative to be loved #273099

    Hi Anita,

    Good to hear from you again.

    I can see how me constantly spilling out my thoughts, feelings and rumination can be overwhelming for someone else. Heck they’re overwhelming for me. I used to be conscious of this before my breakdown/ therapy sessions and maybe over conscious of this, negating my thoughts/ feelings etc as part of my codependent nature.

    I guess since I’ve been taught by my therapist ‘to tap into’ my emotions and what I want to do, I’ve overdone it perhaps and it’s more of a rumination loop that I can’t get out of and impacts my relationships. Oddly since therapy I am more distrustful of people than ever before.

    So I will try to take it on board that I need to be conscious of other people and their right to their mental space. Only my therapist is my therapist. I guess I want someone I love to do what my therapist does. Perhaps maybe because I don’t feel as connected with my therapist as I would like.

    Regarding my therapy sessions- you have hit the nail on the head regarding that they can be overwhelming. I am actually reconsidering whether I would like to continue my sessions with my therapist, especially as my emotions have been overwhelming for a year now and have been impacting my work/ relationships. I have been given no skills to cope. My therapy consists of my therapist pointing things out  and making connections, it all seems very metaphysical and non tangible. I guess it’s a psychodynamic approach she takes.

    Last week after daily breakdowns I emailed my therapist to say I am unhappy about progress as I’m feeling overwhelmed and like I’ve been given no coping mechanisms. Rather I feel I am just a gaping wound and that’s not how I want to feel all the time. I also expressed my dissapointment in our rapport and that she has not given me any real practical suggestions. I am seeing her tomorrow but I get the feeling her approach may not be what I need or want anymore. Or maybe I am expecting too much.


    You see see as I feel all this anxiety and depresssion I also have started thinking about developing good habits and it’s taking a quicker amount of time for me to be able to motivate myself again to take practical steps to feeling better. That’s progress for me I think. But the lows and the anxiety is now always with me and I am getting closer and closers to thoughts of wanting to die/ suicide which was never really there before. And the lows are hitting me very hard. So I’m not sure… I can recover quicker afterwards I have grieved for hours. Maybe this is just who I am for now and a while. I don’t know. But the intensity scares me. ANd the distrust for people as well is getting worse not better.

    Thanks for your insight, I see you reply to a lot of people on these forums and am always intrigued by what you write. It also helps to feel heard, even if it is over the internet.


    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #271523

    Dear GL

    You’re correct in wondering whether my childhood ties into why I find unavailable men attractive. My father  left the family when I was 12 years old. This ties into my trust issues with men. The reason that I mention JJ is because I realised that I only could acknowledge feelings that were already existent for him once he became unavailable. We were friends for three years before I acknowledged my feelings, and looking back there had been signs all along. He is also the first man that I have been the most emotionally vulnerable with and that was a powerful experience for me.

    I started dating after the JJ incident because I could see that I needed to get to know new men and try to experience love and sex in a way that wasn’t going to be hurtful for me and that dating would help me explore myself more in a way.  But it seems to me that I just end up self sabotaging all these dates anyway … this is why I also am questioning my sexuality. Because surely if I am excited by the men I date/ attracted why do I do this? And why does my excitement feel  nuanced, uncertain  and more mild? I was used to feeling intoxicating attraction with different men earlier on when I wasn’t dating. Why when men are further away can I feel the full extent to my attraction. Anxiety likely doesn’t help the process, but my anxiety makes me wander if there is more to the issue than trust issues and actually a larger question of my sexuality.

    Regarding JJ and flirting behaviour- you are probably right, he might just be a person who flirts for fun. Actually he had a previous female friend of ours fall for him and they no longer speak so maybe he might learn from both experiences that flirting with your friends isn’t such a good idea.? I also should have learnt from that past experience, having seen another woman go through the same thing. At the time with our mutual friend however, he definitely knew she had feelings and attempted to thwart her efforts at establishing dates etc, so I really do not buy that he had no idea of my feelings. He is cleverer than that. Or maybe I am really good at concealing my feelings, who knows. I just am still a little bitter clearly and feel misled, rightly or wrongly.

    I actually do think I’m on the field of demisexuality, looking back attraction to me has always come after some interaction and established bond. I think the reason why my anxiety has attached to the issue of sexuality is because of how fluid sexuality can be. There is no certainty. And the more I date the more I realise this fact which in a way freaks me out. The sexual shame is something Im working on with my counsellor, I am very aware of where it comes from and  working on challenging it.

    I will check the book out that you suggested, thank you for the recommendation.

    As well, thanks for the encouraging words, I think I have only started the journey of trying to find myself, maybe that’s why the anxiety is so strong. I was extremely co-dependent until very recently and struggle with  a sense of self due to my abusive/neglectful childhood. But you’re right I do have hope and I hope that it takes me to new levels of discovery, joy and challenges.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #271509


    Dear Anita,

    Thanks for the response, I will take on board that these things take time. I hope to update soon. For now I will keep working on myself.






    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by afeels.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by afeels.
    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #271171

    Hi Anita,

    I’ve been trying to think of it and I do not know of any other fairness requirement other than the STD thing, which luckily for me is not an issue.

    To clarify I have ‘hooked up’ with someone I met at a bar once and it was such an uncomfortable, and hollow experience for me that I stopped mid way. The other men I have engaged with I have met on 1-3 dates, but looking back that is way too fast to me and feels similar to ‘hook up’ aka no real trust/ emotional intimacy established.

    I am interested in dating men again, but I realise that I have in the past failed to establish my needs- that is emotional intimacy/ trust before sex. It is all so new to me that I guess I have rushed the process looking back and also somewhat feared rejection. As well I find it hard to be vulnerable enough to admit that I am a person who needs time and is uncertain of how long that time will take for fear that there is something wrong with me/ that opening up in this way will make the man reject me. But I have realised if they run away then it is better I know sooner rather than later. I think it is the vulnerability that scares me. To show myself completely, and to let someone near enough terrifies me and this ties so much into the issue of sex as well.

    You have given me a lot to think about, and hopefully I can report back to you further about this.

    Kind regards.

    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #271065

    Hi Anita

    Apologies if I am bombarding you with too much, but upon refection I wonder if a relationship with a man would be unfair to the man if I am unclear about my own sexual orientation?

    What do you think? I feel bad when interacting with men as my trust issues tend to ensure that I treat men a lot more harshly than I treat other women, and I dislike hurting men and would want to prevent future patterns of doing so.


    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #270985

    Dear Anita,

    ‘Healing  is about gently and gradually becoming aware and being  able to endure the excitation without shutting down soon after every excitation’

    Wow this has given me a lot to think about, thank you kindly

    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #270983

    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for your reply.

    The funniest thing is I don’t think I am able to achieve a relationship with a man that is good, caring and committed without sex! I just don’t see it happening in my age group or where I live (Huge cosmopolitan city) where every young person naturally wants to move to sex very quickly. I have experienced men rushing me and it just heightens my anxiety.

    I have had experiences of being with a man and sensually touching him and feeling a lot of desire. The next day I felt so much guilt for doing so, even though the guy enjoyed it as much as I did.

    Ive also had experiences whereby I flirt with men that I don’t realise I’m attracted to until I start flirting and then looking back I realise perhaps I felt desire for these men but had no knowledge of doing so?

    Im unsure, like you say it will probably take a lot of time to untangle.

    *sigh* I just hate that I’m very confused

    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #270977

    As well, I forgot to mention; if I am disassociated why do I feel all these negative emotions (anxiety, crying) everyday?


    Many thanks for for your insight and taking time to respond to me

    in reply to: Anxiety, confusion, sexuality #270973

    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for your reply. I see that this could be disassociation and I had a very rough childhood I’ll admit, which meant as a kid I didn’t explore much or play. Actually it wasn’t until my teens where I remained in school for the whole duration (I moved around a lot from my years 0-12) that I actively started ‘playing’. The thing is sexuality wasn’t part of that exploration and I can remember at 17 feeling sexual attraction excitement but also deep dread. I guess this dread was a fear of feeling things? I’m unsure…

    everytime i explore now now I feel a lot of guilt and shame. What do you recommend for me to work through my disassociation? Do I give up on dating for a while or …?

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