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Hi Anita
She cooks for the whole family, yes.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
She cooks for me, she seems concerned when I am crying. That is the evidence to me
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
I had another dream and the topic of my sexuality is really confusing me at the moment , its non-stop. Maybe I am not straight, maybe I am bisexual? I know it doesn’t matter what you or anyone says to reassure me. The dream somewhat make me feel ashamed because I was in a position of power and it just felt wrong.
I want to move away from my mum but I feel too much guilt if I stopped contact. I love my mother and family and I know they love me too, despite our dysfunctional nature.
My anxiety is non stop at the moment, I will be going to a dance class later on but I just feel so terrible. Constantly ruminating.
afeelsParticipantLoyalty to my mother, as in making my family and their stability priority otherwise chaos would insume . When I moved away for University I still was fixing things ie; debts or my sister’s issues. I was very much attached to my family role as surrogate mother.
The last line just meant that I need to feel freer in my environments. I need to explore. And both my job and my living conditions don’t offer that opportunity.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
Living with my father is not an option. Although I have fonder memories of him he was still abusive and I haven’t even touched on the issues with him in therapy. I havent spoken to, or seen him since I was 12. I can talk about my mum more than my father but I find it very hard talking about both.
I am thinking of getting a new job but finding a job in this city is tough and my motivation for it is very low. My own fault I know.
I relate a lot to what you said about your experiences with your mother. It’s unfortunate.
Speaking with my therapist she helped me to see that I chose to not explore my sexuality and relationships outside of family when I was 17 because of my loyalty to my mother especially. I now have a lot of regrets but I am still young so there is hope in that.
If only I can change my circumstances to reflect New opportunities for connections.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
Just realised I forgot to say how our relationship now is. It’s ok, but she still is short tempered. I see her now as a woman who never had any help for her trauma.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
My mother was not very engaged growing up. She had mental health issues and the only memories of her that I have when a young child was that she was angry, or blank. I have more fond memories of my father.
And yes a really interesting dream!
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
Thanks for your well wishes.
I had the strangest dream last night; I was kissing my 17 year old crush and it was such a great experience to me. But then I could hear his thoughts, and he was thinking the kiss was just ok, nothing compared to how he kisses ____ (Random girls name). I then unbutton his pants and he tries to unbutton mine, but has he tries to do so I block him. At this point he transforms to a random woman (a lesbian) I met during my University years and she looks visibly angry at me for not wanting to go further.
Such a strange dream. Do you think dreams mean anything? Or is this a sign I’m too in my head. Aha.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita,
You’re right in that I need to go out there and experience life more. Since graduating from University I got a full time job which has slowly made me feel more and more trapped. I don’t meet people anymore my age and there are no opportunities for friendships/ relationships forming really. The work environment is very anti social, nice and corporate but very antisocial.
As well, rent here is expensive so I have forced myself to move back home to my mum’s. And I realise that this is affecting me. My current job does not pay enough for me to move out- despite the good experience. I love my city, but I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this without needing to move.
I see friends maybe once or twice a week, if lucky. Going from an environment whereby I was around my peers constantly to being in full time employment with people older than me, who already seem to have their lives figured out makes me feel lonely.
And you’re right in that I’m obsessing too much about curiosities. I don’t know how to build relationships. This is why I said I need to start working on myself, my hobbies, working out etc so I can gain inner confidence.
So I feel very stuck. And lost. I feel like I am in quicksand. I am 25 and I feel as if I have already lost the ability to play and experience life joyously. And so, my head starts over analysing and more.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
It makes me sad how much my emotional issues with men make me struggle with them. I’ve had male friends in the past but dating men makes it most apparent.
I wonder if my curiosity about women is because I feel its just ‘easier’, less emotional baggage. But that makes me sad. I want to be able to fully explore with men but the hurdles are tough.
I don’t have much to say other than that.
Oh and yes, a hookup will not do.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
I know I am stuck overthinking. Constantly. And I hope you don’t find the following as too much overthinking. Let me know if you do. (You most likely will) As well you do not need to respond, because at this point I am aware that I am using this forum as a diary and that can get exhausting.
I think I have somehow imagined that getting with a guy, any guy needs to be fireworks/ crazy/ out of this world even in the beginning with little emotional connection. The reality is that sex and relationships are incredibly vulnerable, scary, fear inducing as well as pleasurable, joyful experiences. But all I see and feel at the moment is fear. I am a very fearful person and my first experience of strong attraction (17) was so powerful it frightened me. I was initially enjoying the moment with the guy, flirting etc. But then came fear and I put a stop to feeling. Instead of exploring further I felt frozen, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to handle these feelings. It led me to push the guy away.
I have had moments of connection with a few guys,which leads me to know that I need to carry on experimenting with men. I didn’t realise it at the time as I have gone so long ignoring my feelings but on reflection I have had experiences whereby I know that attraction/ spark? has been present if somewhat dulled, do you understand what I mean?
In regards to women who are tom-boyish… I just feel like its a bit of a cop-out. I think my mind is attaching to exploring with women because its ‘safe’ I haven’t yet experienced real life attraction to women and so its a distraction from going down the more powerful route of relationships with men which includes being vulnerable. Vulnerability is excruciating for me and something I have fled for a long time but it is something I require in order to delve further into my sexuality. I need a supportive partner who is understanding of my anxiety.
I hope this isn’t triggering for you to read but Ill put in a warning for you- TW: mentions of physical abuse
As a child I was beaten harshly when I was caught kissing two children. I was so young- 5 years old. But I think this is where my freeze and flight response comes from in relation to my sexuality. From then on, I think I internalised guilt and never explored my sexuality as other children/ teens do. I still got crushes and the like, but after each crush, after attempting to act on these crushes, I felt overwhelming shame. As well, being originally from a culture that so heavily shames women for being sexual has not helped at all, and seeing my mother in my teens being shamed for attempting to find another partner, after my father left, doesn’t help at all.
Okay I think I need to do the following;
-Build inner confidence, start exercising more and work on hobbies etc. The more insecure I have felt the less confident in my sexuality and then hopefully it will all fit in place.
I hope I have the strength to accept myself no matter what my orientation. Prior it was my health that I was obsessed with and now orientation. Obsessed with certainty.
afeelsParticipantHi Anita
I think I have a problem with reality which is is why I am at this predicament.
Reality rarely matches up to fantasy which is why I have gone from knowing I am straight (but realising once dating that there s so much baggage and nuance and uncertainty) to questioning.
You say why do I not go out and experiment. I don’t want to. And the thing is whenever I felt Attraction for men in the past I didn’t want to act so much then as well? Does that make sense.
I feel scared and stuck all the time and always have in regards to sex and relationships. So I opted out of them. Once I opted back in all this anxiety and confusion started.
afeelsParticipantDear Anita
Thanks for you response. Yes you did address my post before last.
In regards to me being heterosexual… you’re right in that I have only experienced physical attraction to men in my day to day life.
However I am really starting to doubt my orientation since I have started dating. I think fear and anger are definitely getting in my way of expressing my sexuality however it seems strange to me that when I am with men that I have dated briefly I do not feel overcome with desire. I feel some desire, sure but I also am very anxious. Thinking about whether what I am doing is right, should I lose my virginity to these men, should I tell them to wait etc etc. I have also noticed that my attraction to men is strongest whereby there is some kind of barrier. I guess I do not want them too close. But this leads me to really doubt my orientation. Surely if I were heterosexual I would want to be with a man who I could be close to.
I relate to the jail situation metaphor, as this doubt also coincides with the fact that I do not meet many men in my day to day life as my work environment is predominantly female. I rarely meet interesting men in casual settings also. All my friends are female now that I have left University.
However, I have realised that I am now becoming curious about women, particularly women who are tom-boyish. I was out last night with a friend and noticed a girl who was tom-boyish and noticed that her body language was very similar to mine. Is this attraction? I noticed she was gravitating towards me. Is this attraction? I also noticed a few men but when one got close to me I just didn’t feel any desire or curiosity to do anything about it. I was bored, almost. Its as if I am no longer just interested in a man’s looks, I have to be intrigued in a different way… There has to be barriers for me to feel desire.
With men everything seems so hard. I definitely have my emotional walls built so high that I can barely feel anything unless I am in a completely relaxed state. But it shouldn’t be so hard, should it? It should be natural. And I am realising that I am more comfortable around women then men. And now I am more curious about women (That are tomboyish) than men… Why aren’t I curious about men anymore. My curiosity about women I believe comes from the fact that its more taboo and so more exciting? I hope I don’t offend any members of the LGBTQ community by saying this. But I don’t know, I really don’t know anymore.
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by afeels.
afeelsParticipantTopics not reflected
afeelsParticipantHi Anita,
No need to respond immediately if it’s too heavy a topic right now for you. I appreciate your insight and am able to wait.
And yes you are able to address my sexual orientation. Thanks for asking.