
Extreme morning anxiety?

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    So sometimes every morning, but not always, I will wake up with some sort of crushing anxiety that doesn’t seem to be relevant to much, other than some sense of impending doom. I would really love it if I didn’t have to wake up this way so often. Do any of you have any suggestions, meditations, or otherwise advice? I really wish I had a better way to start my day, it really makes life harder. :/


    Dear Melanie:

    Create a morning ROUTINE, arranged the night before, making coffee or breakfast the same way every morning so when you wake up in the morning, you know exactly what you are going to do, how you will do it.



    Hi Melanie,
    I had felt this way for years… 15 years to be exact – every Sunday night. I dreaded Monday mornings, even when there was seemingly nothing to dread! Nothing helped until I realized it was because I felt trapped by a job that I didn’t love. In reality, no one trapped me but myself, and my beliefs that I couldn’t let go of a well-paying job. I decided that I didn’t want to wake up that way and so took I my time figuring out how I wanted to wake up each morning, what I’d have to do to change my life around to wake up every morning with hope, and slowly transitioned my life over to the way I wanted to live, and finally did it one day – I quit my job! And it’s the best feeling ever not to have those Sunday night jitters ever again! I don’t set my alarm clock ever… and I love waking up to the sunrise, remembering my dreams, and literally with a smile on my face. Sorry if it sounds a little obnoxious, but it’s true 🙂

    So maybe think about what’s causing your anxiety? this sense of impending doom? That maybe where you want to start. Otherwise, any meditations or medications are bandaids on a bullet hole (without removing the bullet first)!

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