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    I have suffered from apathy throughout my life. Yes, I have suffered from acute depression, but this apathy seems the surface level of depression where I seemed to dip in and out of.

    I have tried the “getting out and connecting” with people and most of the time it breaks me out of my funk – distracts me from the loop of inner feelings. But they are still there, so how do you really make the change, or is it just a human trait.

    I have achieved many of my goals and although I challenge myself to achieve them, when I finally get there, the elation is short lived. I wished I could find one passion, and it would last a lifetime. This is the “stuck” a circular of behavior I would like to break.

    I have to end by saying that I “feel” more than the average person. I searched the internet and saw a group calling themselves “empaths” people who are more sensitive, feel vibes and can read body language innately. This is me. Maybe there is a connection here.


    Dear Janeames:

    So which is it, apathy or empathy (as in empaths)? I think the two words are antonyms, opposites, that is, so I don’t understand. Can you explain this to me: in what ways are you apathetic and in what ways are you empathetic?



    Dear Janeames

    I don’t know if I it’s the same thing with you, but since I would also call myself “hyper” sensitive, I can relate to this apathy. For me, it happens when my soul is overpowered with emotions from others and myself, when it needs a break. And since I’ve learned to accept that and give it some space, just realizing it’s there, it has become much better. For a few years, I have suffered from depersonalization – a feeling I hate – because I was overwhelmed and my mind was trying to protect me.

    Make sure you take good care of yourself, take me-time and de-stress enough. And if you’re handling too many emotions of others, talk to someone you trust about it in confidence.

    Hope I could help.


    Anita – I believe I am an empath – that I do feel others emotions, it is almost like I take on their auras, their pain. At the same time I can easily become apathetic in helping myself. Sometimes, I think my purpose in life is to be empathetic with people, sharing and helping other people, and I seem to attract people who need emotional help. This seems to feel the “right” thing to do – but like a battery, at times I feel run down and wish I wasn’t like this. When I say apathetic, I find it takes too much energy to emotionally and physically to help myself.


    The Daydreamer – thanks for your reply. “Depersonalization” not heard that term, but that is exactly how I feel. Can you direct me to somewhere that explains it more, perhaps compartmentalizing how I feel might help. I am not sure that I am taking on emotion of others all the time, if there is no-one around with problems, I seem to keep a revolving tape in my head about issues of the world. I feel stuck with these thoughts, and stuck with not having the physical or emotional energy to do something myself. I know this sounds like depression but it is quite different.


    Daydreamer – just read the Wikipaedia on depersonalization – symptoms can be classified as either depersonalization or derealization. Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected or estranged from one’s body, thoughts, or emotions. Individuals experiencing depersonalization may report feeling as if they are in a dream or are watching themselves in a movie” This is not me, my problem is taking on, feeling, and being mentally pre-occupied with others problems than my own. Thanks for the comment though.


    Dear daneames:

    Humans being empaths is a natural thing, in other animals as well, dogs, others. It really is not anything unusual and definitely not abnormal. It is encoded in our genes as the social animals that we are to be influenced by how others feel. I hope I am not taking away from you feeling… special, taking on the term empaths and saying it is a thing of nature, evolution through millions of years.

    Being apathetic toward yourself while empathetic toward others, I am very familiar with that. Physically we have eyes that see others (unless we are facing a mirror)- so we … see others continuously, not ourselves.

    When I see another’s pain, I really see my own pain projected to the other. Not that the other is not feeling pain- but I am unable to feel anyone’s pain but my own. the best I can put it is when I feel another’s pain, I feel my own pain which I imagine that the other is feeling. Everything I feel is MY feeling.

    It has taken me many years to feel empathy for myself. Decades, really. I felt for others, not for myself. Or so I thought. When you janeames, feel another’s pain, think to yourself, if you will, what is this pain I am feeling? How is the little girl in me relating to this pain I see in the other person? How was she hurt and is reminded/ re-experiencing this pain right now?


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