
no luck in job search

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    hi, just joined the tinybuddha forum today.
    I have been searching hard for jobs for past 6 months but still no luck. Some interviews were great but again, I didnt get any offer. It is depressing especially people around me have obtained a new job.
    I tried hard to bite on but there are times I just felt like giving up.

    Ashley Arcel

    Dear Funsized,

    My mother is going through the same thing. 6 months ago she was laid off from her job of ten years and since then she’s sent out hundreds of resumes, attended dozens of interviews, gone to job fairs, learned new computer skills, etc, etc. and still no luck. I know it can be difficult to be in that situation but the best you can do is keep your head up and keep plugging. Use the newfound free time to do something you enjoy and take on side gigs for money, if needed. Something will turn up sooner or later.




    hello there! 🙂

    i feel for you, my friend! the job world is not too kind. i don’t know if you’re perhaps looking for some different things you could do to land a job but i’ll offer my advice. this is what i learned when i’ve been without work (and trust me, there’s been lots of those times).

    i’ve definitely been where you are, and i think at some point, everyone has. don’t give up! you WILL find a job, i promise you this. i’ve had long spells where i applied to everywhere i could think of, and NOTHING. not even an interview. eventually, i started thinking that i had to do something different and put new energy out there.

    i began taking the job search more seriously. obviously, something wasn’t working. so i completely re-did my resume and cover letter template (yes, i use a template for cover letters. DON’T TELL!), found new references, and so on. i looked into different sites and posts on what potential employers are looking for in applicants. i actually sat down and wrote out answers to each typical interview question (such as, your strengths/weaknesses). i feel like a lot of people don’t know what they should say and end up saying the normal things that everyone in the universe has said. employers are looking for something different and unique. use this time to find out what you can bring to the table. for example, i always used to say the typical “i’m hard-working, i’m reliable, a team player, blah blah blah.” but now that i truly believe in what i’m saying, it comes across more genuine and people respect that.

    unfortunately, all you can really do is stick with the search. seriously, even though it seems like nothing is on the horizon, something is BOUND to come your way. interviews are rough. i hate them. however, i try to see them as learning experiences. one thing i’ve learned is to ask them if there’s anything on my resume or about me that they have doubts about. it’s a really good way to find out what, if anything, is stopping you from getting the job. it’s a great way to show that you’re confident, can handle some criticism, and plus, you’re getting tips how to make your resume even better and prepare you for your next job interview! it’s scary to do the first time, but it’s a big help in the long run.

    if you’re really desperate for money, i’d suggest getting a paper route or something. where i live, at least, it pays fairly decently, and it can get you out and connect with some people. you may strike up a conversation, and you never know! it could lead to something down the road. i don’t know if you’re looking on craigslist or not, but i go on there sometimes to look for odd jobs. sometimes there are old folks need help mowing their lawn or something and it’s a quick way to make some money. there are also some websites online where you can do polls and get enough points to redeem them for cash. harrispolls (or something along those lines) is one i personally go too.

    well i hope maybe some of that will help you out. stay with it, and i promise you. something is going to come your way! :))))


    Thank you ashley and mmk21 🙂
    It is very encouraging to read your comments.

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