
In need of a Life Overhaul… but where on earth do I start?

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    Hello all,

    I hope this is the right place to post this… This past week I’ve been feeling completely stuck and incredibly unhappy with the way I’m living. I do not have a bad life – I have my health, employment, family and friends, a loving (and very patient) boyfriend, a place on a PhD programme and a roof over my head. But I’m just not celebrating that life, or making the most of it. It’s made me feel like a failure, one big disappointment.

    In a recent counselling session I found out that I display a lot of avoidance behaviours, especially if I’m stressed or depressed. I miss work, I avoid my academic study, I avoid my housemates. Sometimes I can’t even bear leaving my room. I put off those essential things like exercise and doing things that I know are good for me, like creating a financial budget or booking doctors’ appointments.

    I will be the first to put my hands up and say that I am not proud of this. I am ashamed of behaving this way and wasting so much of my life feeling sorry for myself, worrying or moping about feeling worthless. Yesterday I sat down and made a whole list of what I am currently unhappy about, so I could perhaps work on changing it. I have:

    – body image, especially my weight
    – feeling tired and listless
    – my sense of “self” – knowing who I am and accepting that, knowing my strengths, values and passions
    – living in clutter
    – my avoidance behaviours

    The thing is… where on earth do I start? I have the feeling that by working on one thing might permeate into everything else and make living positively a smoother process.

    I’m sorry if this has been a big ramble, or if I have not expressed myself in the right way. If anyone has advice or thoughts, or has felt this way themselves sometimes, I’d be really grateful to hear from you.

    Many thanks, best wishes x


    Hey Hannah

    Thanks for your post and wanting to create a positive change in your life. This is the first step for success so congratulations.

    It is great that you have made a list of areas, which need improvement. Now you would like help to figure out where to begin this journey, yeah ? I will share my perspective here in the hope that it will inspire you to commence on your forward journey.

    1. You need to see your local GP to see if there is any medical cause for your tiredness or listlessness. When we don’t have the energy to do our daily tasks, it is difficult to cultivate positive habits like exercising or putting good food into the body. Your body is drawn to lower energy things to keep the balance going.

    2. You can trial chinese acupuncture if no medical reason is found for your tiredness. Find a good practitioner in your locality. Chinese acupuncture has many benefits and one of the side effects of this therapy is that it corrects all the hormonal balances (which blood tests cant pick up) in the body leading to improved flow of energy.

    3. You need to have a chat to yourself. You need to decide who is in control – YOU or YOUR MIND. If you are in control then you will give orders to your mind and it will carry out the tasks as given. If your mind is in control then you will run away from your goals. This is one of the main reasons for avoidance behaviours.

    Do you know why you avoid things ? Do you have some form of fear of failure or feeling rejected etc ? Check your childhood or teenhood and I think you should find the reason for this trait. Then consciously work on changing it by becoming in-charge of your mind. I can suggest more strategies if you wish later on.

    4. Get into the habit of sleeping on time each night regardless of what happens. Once you get adequate sleep each night and your subconscious brain is recharged overnight, you will feel much better the next day.

    Once you have sorted the above steps out, you can work on other areas in a few weeks.

    Best wishes,




    Hey Hannah,

    I am so glad you posted this and you are not rambling. I could understand everything you typed. So lets talk.You feel stuck and annoyed and tired.I know the feeling

    Lets make this simple: I would like you try one thing. Now remember, with this idea if you really focus you can find negatives and if you focus you will find positives.If you feel in any way that this idea may help you, then you should try and I did say the word try so keep trying because it will prosper, it has been proven to prosper by Napoleon Hill, Bob proctor and many others.

    Idea: You think of what you really want in life. Ofcourse, you may have many things but just one item that you believe you can’t do about. One thing that you will feel you will do anything to achieve it. When you have it, write it on a notecard, have a date you wish to accomplish it, write what price are you willing to pay and write your visualization what happens when you achieve it.

    This is your goal.BE SPECIFIC ABOUT YOUR GOAL. Read the notecard every day numerous times and visualize what happens when you will achieve your goal.

    One thing by the time you will reach your goal, because you will, you will fail at the goal several times. But you still must try and keep trying.



    Its a great and fertile place you’ve arrived at, congratulations! Consider how all this chaos is carried around like a weight. Surrounded by clutter, fat tissue, deeds left undone, there you sit looking around at a mess. Yeesh, no wonder you’re tired! A few things came to heart as I read your words.

    When it gets too heavy, we are able to choose to set it down. Consider: you have been doing zillions of things, have a lot on your plate, and the resulting stress is showing up in different ways.

    Think for a moment of your journey like a big house. In some of those rooms, such as boyfriend, having shelter, friends, family, they’re nice and neat, sparkling. Maybe not fully enjoyed, but no big messy spills, clutter, or weight.

    In some of the others, though, the stress is more apparent. Putting on some weight, clutter, mental chatter, etc. It becomes a knit together picture “I’m a cluttered person, sigh, damnit!”. Then, the clutter is so much heavier, to start something is to confront the whole of your self. No need, much simpler than that. Just look around for a need, and try to fill that need. For instance with cleaning clutter: find one space that is small, simple to clear, and clear it. Make it sparkle. A little gift to yourself,despite your history, despite what you think you are. Just to have the shine in one spot. Then look, just look. Does it feel better? Do you like that more?

    If you do, then just spread that shine outward. Little bits, as you wish them, as you see something that could be done to make your world shine a little brighter, do it. That’s where the feeling of freedom comes from, appreciative joy for being who you are, where you are. Said differently, nurturing ourselves, such as being generous to yourself, giving to yourself, being generous to others, giving to others, brings a much needed breath of fresh air, blue sky.

    Don’t worry about the weight, don’t worry about the mess. Instead, just tend the choices you’re making. Eating light, fresh foods feels shinier, so we do that. Throwing away the garbage, putting away the hair ties, clothes, feels better not only to do, but to experience afterward. Then, rest is authentic, not hiding, just breathing from a do well done.

    Finally, consider starting a metta meditation practice. When our inner light burns dim, and the world appears shadowy, shaming, we can nip that in the bud by cultivating some positive mental habits. Similar to Jasmine’s kind advice of “steering the mind”, my teacher noted how the mind gets agitated when compressed, like a horse, kicking in a barn. We’re told to control our mind, tame the horse, but that never seems to work, or closes off our empathy. Instead, we remove the walls of the barn, and the horse settles on her own. Maybe smells some flowers, chews some grass. Metta helps open that space, so that as we explore our environment, clutter and shine, our mind isn’t so jumpy, likely to run off, or kick at us. Just, “Oh, garbage? In the pail. Dinner? What feels shiny?” Not that it isn’t hard work, it is, but you’re doing it already. The uncomfortable feelings are just the desires for the shiny space being halted by fear. As we bolster our inner light… fear? Ha! Consider “Sharon Salzburg guided metta meditation” on YouTube, if interested.

    Namaste, sister, may your eyes open to the trail of love behind you, around you.

    With warmth,

    Caring Guy

    I feel your pain

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