
What to do with my life

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    Hi there,
    I am a 46 year old, with a son of 10. I feel like I am at a crossroads in my life. I walked out of my job in October last year, due to my boss bullying me, and to be honest it felt great, but since then I have been having difficulty finding new employment. Also around this time my partner asked me to move out, so my son and myself now live in a flat, away from his friends and no real place for him to go out and play, anyway things were a bit bad for a while, but I am happy and content with our life, but generally feel lost as to what to do, I don’t really want to do office work, I am a creative person, I make silver jewellery and have designed my own website in the past, and want to do this again, but I need income to get this up and running – catch 22 🙂 I just feel age seems to be a restriction, a I too old to retrain I don’t think so! I guess I feel frustrated as I am used to paying my own way in life and hate the thought of being on benefits and I feel like I have no real experience in anything, I have had a few jobs that have no relation to each other, I feel like I have messed my life up a bit and have no idea where to go with it. If someone asked me what my dream would be, I have no idea!!
    Thank you for reading 🙂





    If you are interested in getting to know yourself better (to possibly figure out what kind of job/environment would suit you) copy and paste some of those websites up there. They offer various skill and value assessments, as well as a personality type assessment. These helped me figure out what i value in a workplace as well as what I would enjoy doing and what I’m good at. It’s never too late for a fresh start so don’t let your age stop you! Some of the most successful, happy and inspiring people I know started their careers later in life…and they had a ton of life experience behind them that helped them make up for what they lacked in their professional experience. Good luck and I hope this helps!


    Hi Pepperdawn84,

    Thank you so much for those, i have just done the 2 tests, and they opened my eyes to my personality, I can see more research being done tonight!
    The skills assessment was particularly enlightening. Yes I agree with life experience, there’s not much that can beat that 🙂

    once again, many thanks

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