
responding instead of reacting

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Bob.
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    i find it hard to respond to a difficult situation instead of reacting. what are your coping skills for this?


    Each difficult situation may require a different skill set or approach. Admit to yourself that there is a problem and do not ignore it. 1) Step back for a moment and analyze the problem. Consider if this is a problem I can solve on my own or will I need additional help or tools and what amount or size of time frame will it require. Usually your assumption for time is not always accurate which is okay. 2) What impact does this problem have on others including myself. Make everyone aware that you are confronting the problem and if the injury people offer their assistance accept it. 3) Choose a long-term solution to the problem. Making a quick ‘band-aid’ fix may not be the best choice. Settling for the ‘band-aid’ fix may come back to haunt you and create even more problems. 4) Take the actions required and do it most immediately if at all possible. 5) Once the problem has reached a level of resolution and satisfaction has been reached feel good about yourself. Remember how you solved the problem. 6) Failure to solve the difficult situation may require another plan of action. 7) This can be most difficult; some problems do not have a solution and you will need to accept it and go forward anyway. In all problems big or small there is a lesson to be learned so look for that.

    I openly admit that I am not a professional in this area and I could be totally wrong so I will always leave a window or door open so I welcome in a better point of view or solution. —- Bob

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