
A Friendship I Want To Let Go of

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    I have been searching for some advice on a friendship I have been with someone for 10 years. It’s started in high school and has surpassed through college as well. This person has always been a little annoying but everyone just chalks it up to his personality and that’s just the way he is. He has always been particularly annoying to me, pulling pranks, constantly buggering me and non stop texting me. In our junior year of college we spent a large amount of time together due to our space between classes lining up and it drove me insane. After spending all day talking he’d call me as I was driving home to keep talking to him, I eventually told him to stop as I wanted my own time alone. By the time senior year came he was always around me and because he was a part of my very close friend group I couldn’t really get away from him. Eventually this led to him confessing his feelings for me and I told him I just wanted to be friends. Then things started to get weirder, he would get into moods when I didn’t want to do things with him and just ghost everyone when they tried to reach out to him, making me feel it was my fault. I started trying to avoid him and then he just stopped talking to everyone. After back and forth talks he eventually told me he was gonna leave our friend group because of me which I thought was insane as I don’t control who he has to be friends with. I would try to avoid hanging out with him and texting him just due to the large uncomfortable feeling it would give me, I would even get bad anxiety when I had to talk to him. On my 24th birthday party he told me he still had feelings for me and broke down crying saying how he was unhappy I was on dating apps and seeing other guys. I was speechless and told him he had no right on what I do with my time. Since then I stopped talking to him and I don’t want to continue our friendship. He recently sent me a very long multiple paragraph text about how we owe it to each other to reconcile since we’ve been friends for so long. I don’t know what to do and it’s already caused to much drama in my friend group that I don’t want to talk to other about it. How do I tell him I don’t want to be friends with him?


    Dear JollyJoe:

    I would send him a message (keeping a copy of it for your record) telling him that you are very sorry that he is hurt and has been so hurt because you did not and will not have a romantic relationship with him. Tell him you don’t believe a friendship is possible between two people when one of them is very interested in the other as a romantic partner. Tell him that you are regretfully choosing a no-contact policy with him, that you will not contact him no matter what, and that you are demanding that he will not contact you, no matter what.

    I think that a no-contact is required here because he’s been focused on you for so  long, that he needs to give up on any and all possibility of a relationship with you. He needs a no-contact with you, so to give himself the opportunity to move on. Because he wasn’t able or willing to initiate a no-contact with you, better you initiate it yourself.



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