
Lesbian and married to a man

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    I had to find somewhere to share what is on my heart. My last marriage ended because my husband cheated because there was something off about our sex life, I knew what to,  I’m gay.  Some how, I met a man afterward and felt safe and loved. I thought I was wrong and just hadn’t been with someone who was right for me.  2 years later and I know I was wrong. I’m gay. Not bisexual,  not confused. I’m gay and I do not know what to do.


    Have you talked to your current husband about this?


    Dear Anastasia:

    You wrote: “I met a man …2 years later and I know I was wrong. I’m gay. Not bisexual,  not confused. I’m gay”-

    Are you in a relationship with this man you met after your divorce? If so, the relationship needs to be adjusted to your current belief that you are gay.



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