
Should I move on?

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    I will try to make this short: my ex-fiance said he fell out of love, my heart is broken.

    2.5 years ago I met my ex-fiance while I was studying abroad in Australia. We dated there for 6 months and when it was time for me to come home we decided to try a long distance relationship even though I was really scared to do so, because I knew how insecure I could get. While on long distance, for 2 years, we saw each other every3-4 months, texted everyday and tried to FaceTime when possible.
    The first year was good, we learned how to make long distance work and the relationship was strong. I then applied for my visa.
    When the second year started I became really insecure and controlling. I went to see a therapist and then found out I was OCD due to my obsession with the idea that he was cheating and my compulsion to control his moves on social medias and whatsapp (at that time he didn’t know about this part). We faced hard times, almost broke up because he felt suffocated by my constant accusations that he was cheating. So last June I traveled to meet him and sorted everything out. He said he was even more in love with me because I made the effort to travel so far to fix things, showing my commitment to us. I came back home sure that the visa would be granted soon and we’d be together for good.
    July-september were good months. Our relationship was strong and my insecurities were very well controlled. But October was a vey bad month. We became distant, I became insecure again and also angry and him due to residual fights (you never makeup 100% after a fight in long distance) and he resented me as well. Also the waiting became too long and I felt like quitting.
    *** I must add that he was always very loving and dedicated. During those 2,5 years I was always afraid I couldn’t live my whole life (specially family) to change countries for good. I had crises and he was always the strong one, saying we were good together, we should be strong and wait til the visa grant. Specially on those bad october days he told me how much he loved me, that if we broke up there would be no more long term relationships for him because I was the love of his life and he could never find a greater love***
    The visa was granted by the end of October. I was super excited! I was happier than ever, but I didn’t see the same excitement on his side. I confronted him about it but he said he was slowly allowing him to be happy because the months before he always tried to avoid anxiety towards the visa.
    Then November came, we had a fight regarding some small lie + whatsapp (when he saw my controlling behaviour on), made up he said he loved me and days later he stopped talking to me. That silence lasted 3 weeks. I gave him space, tried not to call or bother him. But after 21 days I sent him a message to which he replied saying to me he had fell out of love, that he wasn’t happy with us, because my controlling behaviour and accusations made him feel suffocated, because he realized I would never change, even if we were not long distance, also that he was worried if I quit my job and then the relationship didn’t work in Australia. he said I killed the relationship and that he loved me as a person but wasn’t in love with me. I asked him to tell me clearly that it was over, he said: I THINK it’s over for me.
    And now I hate the verb THINK because it makes me wonder if that means he’s unsure.
    I asked him if there was anything we could do and he said: The only thing it space and to be friends now.

    I still can’t believe how he could change his mind so fast! 3 weeks before he told me he loved me, he made that declaration and then he decides he fell out of love?
    We waited so long. The visa was granted, we were 30 days away from meeting again. He would come spend the holidays with us, we’d have an engagement dinner and then we’d fly together to Australia. All tickets and arrangements were bought.

    After the break up we didn’t talk again. I didn’t text, message or call him. Not even for xmas, new year’s or his bday. I thought the no contact would be good to clear our minds. So yesterday, 40 days after, I sent him a picture of fireworks I took during new year’s saying he would have enjoyed it. But he didin’t reply.

    I want to stop my hopeful heart from thinking he could change his mind. Because he could be scared to commit again after his previous divorce, that caused him so much pain. Because he got scared when all thos plans suddenly became real. Because the responsability for making me move was too much for him. Because not seeing each other during the past 5 months made his feelings blurry. Because some of his friends give him a hard time saying our relationship would be a mistake like the one bfore (his ex-wife left him to go back to her country).

    And now I think I lost the love of my life, but I can’t quite accept it and I want to to know what to do. How do I move on? How do I lose hope??

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Susannah.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Susannah.

    Help anyone?


    Dear Susan:

    You already thought of all the possibilities for his withdrawal, one of which I was thinking, that it became very real, once the visa was granted and all was in motion to be happening very soon.

    My thoughts: there is your controlling behaviors, your suspicions etc. which would be a problem in any relationship and then there are his problems, of which I know less. Because, for one, he did not post here.

    Let me see if I am understanding this: he was consistent the whole 2.5 years with his assertions that he loves you and once marriage/ life together was brought up, he was consistent about it until last November? He did not express doubts or misgivings before November 2015? Was Nov the first time?

    I will wait for your answer on this one because it is too important for my understanding before I can think further.



    Anita, thank you very much for replying. As you can see it’s been hard times for me and I was desperate to hear someone’s opinion.

    You are correct. He was always consistent. We got engaged last January. Ever since we met he mentioned how much he wanted a family. We always talked about our future life together, having kids, where to live, dogs, etc.
    He was so consistent that it took me by surprise when during one of my scared moments last October he said to me that after his divorce he had made a promise to himself that he would never get married again, but after he met me he couldn’t walk away and those feelings changed because he really wanted a life together with me.

    After the visa, plane ticket and engagement dinner preparation he became distant and decided he fell out of love.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Susannah.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Susannah.

    Dear Susan:

    He was consistent in assuring you he loved you but there were times of almost break ups, where he did tell you that he was feeling suffocated by your ongoing accusations. And at times he was distant. Yet the relationship survived and he repeatedly told you he loved you. He helped you, with his assertions of love, to reach the finish line, the one right before entering marriage, his hand reached out to you as you arrived, and then he took his hand away and walked away. Right there at the finish line.

    I am trying to guess as to possible whys, an intellectual exercise on my part. Was he motivated to fix you and then tired and came to his senses, figuring he failed and you will continue to be suspicious of him… not paying attention until the two of you reached the finish line? Or is he invested in the role, first of the Good Son, to his parents when he was a child, maybe still, always reaching out to them and continued that role with you…?

    I can only guess. Is there a use in doing that? Are you still trying to understand? You have more information, pieces of a puzzle. There might be some use in it and we can examine possibilities further if you’d like, so take it from here.

    Should you move on? Or hold on to hope with him?

    Question: the money it cost to arrive at the finish line, the money it cost to prepare for a wedding, who paid that? Are there financial business yet to be resolved? There might be a clue there. Waiting for your reply.



    Hi Anita,

    I guess I’m still trying to understand because the way he broke up with me(he messaged me btw) saying he doesn’t love me anymore 3 weeks after saying the opposite and acting like he did (my bday was in early November. He sent me flowers, chocolates, a card and a balloon) makes it hard to believe his words. Also it is weird to me that he would disappear like this. I sent him a message today and he saw but didn’t reply.
    I can’t understand what happened and I guess that if I did it would be easier to believe this is over and move on.
    I try to convince myself that I should let go but something inside me keeps me from doing so.
    I wonder if somethings else is going on in his life and all this make me wonder if after the storm is gone he’ll realize he actually loves me.
    He paid for his ticket, I paid for mine and the hotel reservations plus engagement dinner (for 80 people)!!!

    I don’t want the money back. What I need is an honest conversation face to face but he denies me that.

    Also he never apologized for breaking my heart. He only said he didn’t want me to hate him.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Susannah.

    Dear Susan:

    Your motivation in figuring this out makes sense to me. There is the pain of his sudden reversal on his past consistent assertions- this must be a strong blow to you.

    If you ask him by email so that he can answer you when he is calm, take his time so he is not pressured, this is fair for you to ask why. And you deserve an answer. You definitely, no doubt, deserve an answer.

    You spent money, but as you stated, more importantly, you invested your emotions and time and you do deserve an answer.

    If you carefully word your request (send it here if you want my input as to the fairness of it, it being none accusatory) AND he does not answer you, that means he is … not the man you thought he was. It also would mean that your suspicions of him were not unfounded. Not necessarily that he cheated on you, but that he is … not the decent man you thought he was.

    If he does answer you, this is a different story. Then you have something to examine, to evaluate. Then there is information to study, to figure out its honesty.

    Regardless of your imperfections in this relationship, you deserve an answer. You can’t legally make him answer (maybe you can, actually, there is a possible legal suit for breaking a financial agreement as the two of you have made)- but no doubt you have the moral, ethical RIGHT for an answer.

    Somehow ask for what you deserve, the answer. Express to him, in a kind and gentle way, that you do have the right to know and tell him why you need to know and why you deserve it (your investments)- and send it to him.

    Then wait for an answer.

    If you would like, you can post here the email you intend to send him. Being emotional, you being so close to your case, you may benefit from an objective opinion and suggestions as to the email. And if you would like, post any time while you wait for the reply so to get my support here, maybe others’ support as well. And when you get a reply, if you do, you can send any part of it here so to get my input, again, as an objective party.

    As strange as it may sound, here, on this thread, you don’t have to be alone with this.

    What do you think?




    Hi anita,

    it’s been a while since my last message. Thank you again for having the time to reply so kindly.

    I am still torn between letting go or having hope.
    Actually, I have tried moving on many times, reading his breakup words, reading the message saying he wasn’t in love with me anymore. But it seems impossible. My head and heart won’t believe this is over so I find myself wondering if this could be some sort of insight or inner voice telling me this isn’t over.

    Anyway, after our message I spoke to his sister and one of his best friends and found out none of them knew about the breakup. 2 months later and no one knows. She even told me she tried talking to him during xmas because he was acting weird, but he shut her off.

    Also, I messaged him asking about my things, if he had sent them to my address. But he only answered me with a YES after I sent him another message “Is it so hard to say yes or no?”.

    Knowing now that he hasn’t told people about the break-up makes me so much more confused. Does it mean he’s unsure? Or simply avoiding comments from people? Because he cannot hide this fact forever.

    In my desperate attempt to find some peace, I’ve been much more devoted to the spiritual part of my life. In this process I went to the church, to a a famous gypsy, to a spiritualist center, to a tarot reader… If someone told me they were good, I would give it a try. And to my surprise they all said the same thing: the two of you will be together,

    At first I was so relieved! So many people were telling exactly the same thing plus what I wanted to hear and whenever I prayed for God asking for a sign I would get one. But after a while all these future readings became a burden. They make me more confused. Is it possible for someone to see the future? Is it possible for God to actually give me those signs? Am I going crazy?

    My heart still hurts and I made no progress in moving on…


    Good Morning Susan,

    I wanted to start by saying this: you’re not crazy. Your feelings are warranted and very real to you. These are not feelings of a crazy person! These are feelings of someone who is hurt and wants answers.

    I read the whole chain, the comments between you and Anita, and I also found myself wondering if there must be something else going on his life. Some other type of crisis he needs to figure out on his own. It doesnt sound like he has only shut down from you, but has also shut down from family and friends. Clearly the breakup is painful for him, but I think there is something else there. Something else he is trying to understand about himself. I would bet anything that he is not entirely sure why he broke up either. He fought for a long time, and I think something must have made him crash. Something in his own life back home. Something you had control over.

    I know this next piece of advice is significantly easier said than done, but here are my two cents. I think you need to decide for yourself that this is over. Stop holding out hope that it may work out because he’s not communicating and you will simply be left miserable with a mind swimming of unanswered questions. It may be easier to move forward in life if you make the choice for yourself. It’s possible he will come back later in life with answers, as so many in difficult situations do, but the only way that can happen is with a complete break. In my experience, the tighter you try to hold on to someone who is suffering, the more they push away. I want to give you an example of my own life.

    I once dated someone who I was madly in love with. We were so compatible and everything seemed wonderful, but all of a sudden one day he changed. He became distant and accusatory. I had no idea what had changed in his life, and he was too proud to admit it to me. All I knew is that he was treating me differently, out of the blue, for reasons I could not understand. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, he accused me of cheating on him, and shortly after broke up with me. He then told me he was too depressed about circumstances in his own life to bring pleasure to another person. I was heart-broken, upset, and could not understand why he wouldnt let me work through this with him. So, I left him alone. After some time he came back and asked for a second chance.

    My point here is not that he came back, but that the break happened over something that was not in my control. The point is, sometimes you just have to let people figure it out. Yes, he told you a piece of it was your controlling nature, but this had been happening since the beginning, and he decided it bothered him at a very strange time: right as things were about to finally move forward. My hypothesis is that there is some kind of commitment issue there. Some fear of the relationship becoming a huge scary reality.

    I hope this helps. I know how hard these things can be and I’m rooting for you 🙂


    I meant to say “something you had no control over” in that first paragraph. for whatever reason i am unable to edit! just wanted to clarify 🙂


    Dear Susan:

    I do not believe anyone can tell the future. Problem is the reason you are looking for someone to tell you what will be, what could be and what is going on, looking for signs is that he will not talk. He does not want to talk to you or, from what you wrote, to other people in his life about the breakup.

    What you need is information but the one holding the information is him. You can look for that information in your own head, in others’ (in)ability to tell you what is and what will be, but you will not find the information you need anywhere else but where it is, in his mind.

    Where to go from here? Go- move on, I suppose. I mean, where else do you go? More psychics, future tellers, more guessing on your part?

    I don’t know what is on his mind. If he ever talks, please let me know what he said. I am curious too! But he owns his mouth and he chooses to keep it closed. You have no power over that choice of his.

    Post again…



    Thank you Dina and Anita for your words! It’s amazing to me how someone from the outside can have so many insights. All the two of you said makes complete sense to me. I really appreciate your messages.
    I haven’t heard from him ever since. Lately he even turned off the ‘last seen on’ feature of whatsapp so it really feels like he’s gone. He’s not a fb or instagram user, so I have absolutely no news/signs that he’s even alive if you know what I mean.

    Anyway, now it’s finally time to move on. It hurts again but what other choice do I have, right?

    If I ever have any updates I’ll share them here.



    Dear Susan:

    You are welcome. Thank you for this update and please do update us again. Like you wrote, moving on is your best choice!



    Susannah sorry your going thru this please Watch utube Teal Swan How to survive a breakup
    Amazing spiritual teacher amazing insight to our emotions

    Peace blessings


    Also google Buddah teachings on Un-Attachment will help heal emotional pain & bring happiness again

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