Hi friend,
Well, these sure are scary, uncertain times we're in. The coronavirus is spreading around the globe, and many of us feel scared, panicked, and overwhelmed.
Maybe you know someone who's sick or immunocompromised, or you, yourself, are either or both. Or perhaps you're out of work, struggling to pay your bills, and confused about what to believe and what to do.
I've always hoped that Tiny Buddha would be a sanctuary from the chaos of the world—and now is no exception. I've listed a few resources below to help us all cope with the current state of affairs. I've also included a few links to Tiny Buddha posts pertaining to the epidemic. I have many more scheduled over the upcoming weeks, and will add them to this page as I publish them.
Resources for Work, Mental Health, and General Info
For the most reliable information on the virus and its spread, visit the World Health Organization here.
If you're out of work or your business has been affected, you can find a list of helpful resources from the U.S. Department of Labor here. This page covers:
- Workplace safety
- Wages, hours, and leave
- Unemployment insurance flexibilities
- Support for dislocated workers and states
- Job corp students
- Injured federal workers
- Foreign labor certification
- Supporting workforce needs in the agricultural sector
If you're struggling mentally or emotionally, feeling anxious or isolated in quarantine, and/or need phone or online support, visit the National Alliance of Mental Illness for a full list of resources. This page addresses the following questions and concerns:
- I’m having a lot of anxiety because of the coronavirus. Please help.
- I’m quarantined or working from home—lonely and isolated even further—what can I do?
- I don’t have health insurance or a regular doctor—how can I get care?
- What if I’m quarantined and can’t get my medication? Will there be a shortage?
- My business is suffering as a result of the Coronavirus. What assistance programs are available to help?
- Are people who have a mental illness at a greater risk of contracting COVID-19?
- Is there a vaccine or cure for COVID-19?
- I lost a loved one to Coronavirus. Where can I find support?
- I’m a smoker. Am I more likely to catch COVID-19? What should I do?
- How does homelessness increase risk of contracting COVID-19?
- My loved one is incarcerated, are they at increased risk for exposure to COVID-19?
- I’m the aging parent of an adult child living with a serious mental illness. I want to be sure they are taken care of.
If you're over 65, visit this page at the Center for Disease Control. (You can find the full list of CDC resources here.) This page covers:
- How to protect yourself
- If you think you are sick/how to care for someone who's sick
- Resources for the community (home, schools, retirement communities, homeless shelters)
- Resources healthcare professionals
- Travel-related information
- A list of FAQs
Where to Donate
If you have the financial means to support coronavirus relief efforts, consider donating to the Global Giving Coronavirus Relief Fund or supporting one of these causes (taken from a recent article on Forbes.com).
- American Red Cross. To make a financial donation, visit their website or call 1.800.RED CROSS.
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America is helping feed kids participating in its clubs and is providing virtual academic support. You can donate here.
- The CDC Foundation supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can donate here.
- In the US, Direct Relief is delivering protective masks – along with exam gloves and isolation gowns – to health care organizations in areas with confirmed COVID-19 cases. You can donate here.
- Donors Choose. With schools closed across the country, teachers need supplies for students at home to keep them learning. Here's how you can help.
- Feeding America supports hunger relief efforts through food banks and food pantries. To make a donation, visit their website.
- First Book is working on getting 7 million books to kids in need, who don't have home libraries or Internet access for home learning. You can help here: firstbook.org/cv
- Give Directly is delivering cash to families impacted by COVID-19 in the US. You can donate through their website.
- International Medical Corps is scaling up as this outbreak continues to grow with equipment, training, disease surveillance operations and more. You can donate through their website.
- Meals On Wheels deliver meals to keep seniors safe amid COVID-19. You can donate through their website.
- Oxfam is currently working with ministries of health in 65 countries to increase the delivery of soap, clean water, and sanitation services, including building and upgrading hand-washing facilities with a special focus on people in higher-risk areas and at health facilities. You can find out more on their website.
- Salvation Army. To donate, visit www.helpsalvationarmy.org.
- Save the Children has a response to schools shutting down due to the coronavirus pandemic. To help fill minds and bellies, visit their website.
- United Way has established a COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund. To give, visit their website.
Recent Tiny Buddha Posts Pertaining to Coronavirus
- 3 Approaches to Coronavirus (and Which is Smartest)
- How to Take Good Care of Yourself During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- How to Stay Mindful Amid the Coronavirus Outbreak
- Stressed and Anxious? Here's How to Stay Emotionally Healthy
- 14-Day Meditation Challenge: Put Down Your Phone and Be
- Maybe This Forced Pause Is Actually Good for the Planet
- How I'm Finding Hope in the Pandemic
- Autoimmune & Coronavirus: How I'm Beating the Panic & Fear in All of Us
- Beating the Coronavirus: It's All About Endurance
- How to Tame a Worrying Mind During Difficult Times
- Disconnected and Strong in the Face of COVID-19
- 5 Positive Lessons from the Coronavirus Crisis
- We're All in This Together, and That's a Beautiful Thing
- Surviving as an Empath During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- How to Appreciate Life (Even During a Global Pandemic)
- Why Journaling Is the Best Thing to Do During a Crisis
- 5 Affirmations for Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty
- Lost Your Job? Here are 4 Things That Might Help
- The Challenge of Doing Less When You're Used to Doing More
- The Most Important Lessons We Can Take from This Pandemic
- How to Appreciate Your Body (During COVID-19 and Always)
- How to Successfully Cope with a Crisis Using Surrender
- How to Recreate Meaning Now That the Pandemic Has Upended Life
- A Buddhist Chaplain Shares How to Cope with the Pandemic
I will update this page as I publish new relevant articles!
Stay in, stay safe,