
Posts by Martin

Recovered alcohol and addict, Martin hosts the How To Die Happy podcast, sharing stories and practical utilities for living and dying well. His book of the same name will be published Jan 2023. A mental health advocate and outspoken ambassador for the safe use of plant medicines, Martin's words are from the soul, articulated to inspire and help others along life's rambling journey. Follow him: @martinotoole

Martin's Website

You Have Just Five Minutes Left to Live – What Are Your Deathbed Regrets?

“Yesterday was heavy—put it down.” ~Unknown

Death is still taboo in many parts of the world, yet I must confess that I’ve become fascinated with the art of dying well.

I was thinking about the word “morbid” the other day, as I heard someone use it when berating her friend for his interest in better preparing for death. The word’s definition refers to “an unhealthy fixation on death and dying,” but who gets to define what’s healthy? And why are so many of us keen to avoid discussing the inevitable?

We talk about death from time to time on our …