
Posts by Linzi Clark

Linzi Clark is an office worker and part-time blogger who is passionate about work/life balance.  Through her blog posts at Office Breaks, she provides tips and advice to help people become happier and more productive at work.  You can also catch up with her on Twitter and Facebook.

Linzi Clark's Website

How to Survive Hard Times: 5 Lessons from Volunteering in a Hospital

“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.” ~Albert Einstein

Why do you want to do it? It was a question I was asked repeatedly by friends before I started my volunteering placement in a spinal injuries unit, the uncertainty in their eyes reflecting back their own fears around life-altering disability.

It was difficult to put into words what drew me to becoming a patient support volunteer. I was content in my job, had an active social life, hiked and swam every weekend, but still there was something missing. My own life felt sheltered, and I wanted to feel …