
Posts by Jimmy Tong

Jimmy is a veteran teacher, speaker, coach and education officer in Singapore. He writes extensively about personal development at Life Architects. His coaching is anchored by his Ace Your PERSONAL Goals framework which sets the foundation for effective and easy to implement personal development skills.

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4 Treasures to Leave Behind

“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.” ~Buddha

As children, we were all fascinated by our own treasure hunts. We sought the gold at the end of the rainbow. We dreamed of sailing the seas looking for Treasure Island. We pretended to navigate ancient lands looking for the spot marked “X”.

Growing up in my family, my treasures were little feel-good events that …