How to Hold a Broken Heart (So You Can Get Through It)

ā€œSometimes this broken heart gives birth to anxiety andĀ panic, sometimes to anger, resentment, and blame. ButĀ under the hardness of that armor there is the tendernessĀ of genuine sadness ā€¦This continual ache of the heartĀ is a blessing that when accepted fully can be shared withĀ all.ā€ ~Pema Chodron I remember a few years ago when I was going through a bad break-up. It wasnā€™t the longest relationship of my life or even the deepest. But it had so much potential and it ended in the most cursory of ways. Already a few drinks deep, I FaceTimed a friend who lives in D.C. and … Continue reading How to Hold a Broken Heart (So You Can Get Through It)